Can we give everyone a break?


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Registered Shopper
Jun 24, 2008
Dear All
I'm writing this in response to what seems to be an ever-increasing number of threads complaining about presenters etc. Some of you will think it out of turn. That's okay. Feel free to skip.
Are we really still getting hung up on someone's voice, manner, hair, conversation topics and so on? It's a time of year for forgiveness and celebration. How about we look on the positive side for a bit? Maybe it's time to accept that none of us is going to love every presenter, guest or model (do you love everyone you work with, or live near?) and that we all, no doubt, have lots of 'real' things to worry about. Financial concerns, health worries, family problems, just bad luck. Perhaps we could even cut each other, and the faces we recognise at QVC, a bit of slack?
I like to think I judge people on the checks and balances of their goodness - are they generally a good person? I think that's all that matters really. But that doesn't mean I don't have QVC presenters who are not favourites and who I'd rather not watch, there are certainly people on mainstream tv I feel that way about. But, rather than get wound up and irritated about them and complain and wish that everyone would see the same thing and save me from this person, I'm happy enough to accept that this is down to my tastes and my preferences etc and not the fault of the person concerned (nor anyone that employs them). And to rejoice in two things - my life could be a lot worse than it is and that I have possession of that lovely tv remote control (with a mute button, a record and fast-forward option and an off button). If only we had something like that for things we really should be complaining about!
I see your point Nicky but I think the posts you talk about need to be taken a bit less seriously. It`s a forum, a place for idle chit chat and often it`s just a way of starting threads which usually digress into a totally different subject. I rarely think there is genuine malice meant by what people write and at the end of the day many of the points raised are actually valid but not life threatening so a good old moan on here, usually allows people to get things off their chests.
Just like anything else on the TV, X Factor, Celeb Jungle, Big Brother, QVC and so on, which has various people out there in the public eye etc there will be positive and negative comments, some fair, some unfair, some true, some untrue and that`s how it goes when people stick their faces on the telly, day in and day out. We don`t know any of them for real and they don`t know us but we DO have a right to voice concerns over things we feel very strongly about ( Basso, BCC, animal tested products, p and p rip offs, presenters behaviour etc etc ) and share those concerns with other like minded people or debate those concerns with people who might have a totally opposite view. It`s what makes the World go around.
I`m sure most people on here are selective about which threads they rise to and which they don`t and I`m one of those people. I`m quite happy to wish Basso would fall into one of his own animal traps but don`t give a toss what colour nail varnish AY wears and whether it suits her or not, and someone else will think the opposite and love Basso coats and think it the end of the World if AY`s nail varnish doesn`t match her frock. That`s how it goes and that`s the beauty of being part of a forum which allows us to say so.
I decided a couple of years ago to try to temper my negative comments on here as much as I could, so i never say I hate someone or wish them sacked from their job. I still like to poke fun: Alison's "face area phrases" for example is fair game, as are Mally's shouting, Catherine's gushing, Charlie's strange manner at times, and his slow reveal.

I'd welcome some original thought for the New Year; so less repetition of themes such as Debbie Flint's hard sell or her book, fewer mentions of "more money than sense" whether it's teddy bears or handbags. Come up with something new for 2015 in place of "hating Craig", observations about eyebrow, middle-aged spread, claw-like hands, too fat, too thin.

Your sentiment is lovely Nicki-J but I do love to read something wittily written but a little self-censorship is a good thing. Certain topics that loop endlessly, repeating hackneyed comments do nothing for me.

Peace and goodwill to all x
I agree with Vienna if I'm being honest.

This is after all, a forum to discuss Shopping TV. If I wanted a forum to discuss world events etc, I would look for one.
The reason I pop onto this forum is because it's exactly the opposite of that, it's lighthearted and for the most part, fun.

Yes, I realise that finding out details about next Fridays TSV isn't important in the grand scheme of things, but people find a release in many ways to deal with things and this forum is excellent at cheering yourself up IMO.
This is an open forum, allowing us to air any grievances we may have, with any aspect of shopping tv. Personally, unlike some other posters, I would never call for a presenter to be dismissed, or say anything which could cause this to ensue. Let us be honest, these are not life or death issues. Dawbags is one presenter who really causes me to switch over. This is MY opinion, and is, in the scheme of things, a rather petty moan. I would not want her to lose her job, merely because I don't like her presenting. My opinion of the butcher is an extremely moral one, and I have made my feelings known to the Q, which have constantly been ignored. At the end of the day, it's a shopping channel!
I'm fairly new to this forum, but not QVC. To be honest I'm fairly shocked by how many bitchy comments are made on here. That said I do subscribe to a few forums & they are all mainly the same. I just think if any of the QVC staff or guests were to read some of this stuff, they would be quite upset & hurt. I wouldn't like to think people talk about me like that (although maybe some do), it would really knock my confidence. That said, I just try to ignore the bitchy posts. People are free to post what they want. We are all different I guess. As easy as I can switch the channel on Q, I can do the same on here. I just feel sorry for the person being bitched about & hope they never come on this forum.
I pretty much ignore the bitchy posts too unless I have another point of view which I'm then happy to add. I think live presenting and talking about stuff for hours is not easy,so although I get irritated at times i try to keep it in perspective.

That said I enjoy reading most of them and don't take them too seriously. People have strong views and stick with them for example Basso and that's understandable. If he stuck to man made materials he wouldn't get the criticism.

Also people who post don't just moan on the forum ,they complain to QVC, IW etc and to the broadcasting authorities from time to time and as has been said often dont get any response which is frustrating.
I utterly take your point on this but some of the posts and criticisms that appear can be quite cutting and I always try to think about things I say, write or post and consider whether I would be offended or hurt by them if they were aimed at me. If I would, then I won't say them.
Each to their own, of course, and I certainly wouldn't want to be the person with the responsibility of deciding what is, or is not, acceptable! And it's very good that everyone has their own opinion. But I'm sure some of the comments must be quite hurtful and just because people are well known and get paid rather nicely doesn't mean they have no feelings to hurt. It's just a thought. And I knew not everyone would agree. No matter.
To be honest I'm shocked by how much really vile stuff is on the internet. There are really evil people out there, bullying and goading innocent kids with tragic consequences. This forum sometimes pokes gently at the weak areas of tv presenters who choose to earn their living that way. If it didn't then it would soon be exceedingly dull. If I earned my living in the public eye then I would never look for any opinion online. It's asking for trouble. I don't object to presenters because of their personalities but weaknesses in their style become very iritating over time. They either don't care or don't check us out or maybe they'd make more effort to iron out the niggles!

I think the forum is a friendly and funny place and if anyone occasionally oversteps the mark they are soon squashed and it self regulates very well.
Whilst I agree with your post Nicky about the constant presenter bashing I also think that as a forum everyone is entitled to have a say within reason. Whenever I see a post having a dig at a presenters appearance or whatever I just think if that's how they feel then so be it. I gave up trying to fathom out how someone presenting on a shopping channel can provoke such strong feelings in people. I don't like certain presenters so I don't watch them.
A forum where everyone is nice all the time and nobody disagrees with anyone is not the place I want to spend my leisure hours. I like this forum for its entertainment and information value (thank you particularly, Autumn and supercoolwillow). But let's give the moderators some credit here - they're the ones who ultimately decide whether a post oversteps the mark or not, and they're the ones who run the show, which is after all, about all aspects of shopping telly channels, good and bad. If something is good, we say so. If something irritates, we also say so. Some of the people who say they don't like nasty posts are as guilty as the next one of posting them. Hey ho. But, as someone said, this forum self-regulates very well, real nastiness is quickly stamped on and we do get a good spread of opposing views, which is what internet forums are all about.
All I ask is that they do their jobs properly which is what they are paid for. And that Is directed as much to the behind the scenes bods since the pre show preparation is woeful and causes at least 50% of my irritation.

If I went into a shop and was treated the way Q treat us I would complain as well.

There are views on here I don't agree with, lots I do and some are about shows I don't watch so they mean nothing to me but there are far too many people with the same views about poor service/presenters to make it one particular posters personal problem.

As for presenters reading this forum - if they did they would do something to address the things that annoy the hell out of us, eg reading out the sizes and getting the bleeding colours right instead of this "and what are we calling this"

But again we are all entitled to our own views and you must admit that some are very funny.
If any one wants a forum where everything is all lovely,sweet and positive about Q,I know just the one,it's often mentioned by DF.
Everyone is, indeed, entitled to their opinion. Presumably this also applies to those who think the criticism can get too much?
Just as some prefer to concentrate on the negatives and find fun in that, others prefer to skip this part. Or even encourage positivity. It's clear the balance is with the former. Apologies for 'speaking' out of turn. I'll still to less contentious discussions from now on.
Everyone is, indeed, entitled to their opinion. Presumably this also applies to those who think the criticism can get too much?
Just as some prefer to concentrate on the negatives and find fun in that, others prefer to skip this part. Or even encourage positivity. It's clear the balance is with the former. Apologies for 'speaking' out of turn. I'll still to less contentious discussions from now on.

Absolutely not! The whole point is you should be able to express your views and I really want you to do that. I sometimes wish I was still "in love" with Q as I really did enjoy it before it when down the Swannie (IMHO)
Just as it's possible to be very nauseating in positivity on certain forums, likewise it is equally possible to be downright rude and insensitive on others. Who the hell says we have to be in one camp or other? For my part I just post on threads where I feel like posting and ignore those I can't be bothered with.
Isn't the clue in the forum. It's qvc so of course it will attract a whole range of views all connected with qvc. The good,the bad and the ugly. Which is where all aspects of Q will be dissected and discussed. If we all felt the same surely the forum would fall on it's knees? I thought the whole point was to have robust discussions. We can't all agree. But, then again I didn't think this forum was about that.

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