Has anyone ordered ...


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I Love Chocolate

Registered Shopper
Jun 24, 2008
from QVC lately?

I’ve seen lots of complaints from people not getting their goods.

I just wondered whether it was worth the risk?
I ordered last week and got parcel ok but I think orders from any company are hit and miss at the moment as Couriers so busy and short staffed.
I have continued buying online from all my usual people & haven't had any issues with despatch or delivery. My Mr T ordered 72 cans of his favourite beer on Good Friday & they arrived yesterday; he asked the driver if he was overwhelmed because the tracking showed his order was 320th in the queue with delivery time in the early hours, the man said he wasn't any busier than normal but their system had been updated & was playing up. I may be totally wrong but I'm beginning to wonder how many people are ill with coronavirus because I know of one who had it & she recovered a couple of weeks ago & a person I'd seen on training courses who didn't. I was in a shopping queue yesterday & we were all taking, in our 2 metre slots, about this, our postman, milkman & binmen have said it's life as normal, our neighbours, friends, relatives & husband's colleagues haven't been affected & we live in the West Midlands which is supposed to be a hot spot.
I have continued buying online from all my usual people & haven't had any issues with despatch or delivery. My Mr T ordered 72 cans of his favourite beer on Good Friday & they arrived yesterday; he asked the driver if he was overwhelmed because the tracking showed his order was 320th in the queue with delivery time in the early hours, the man said he wasn't any busier than normal but their system had been updated & was playing up. I may be totally wrong but I'm beginning to wonder how many people are ill with coronavirus because I know of one who had it & she recovered a couple of weeks ago & a person I'd seen on training courses who didn't. I was in a shopping queue yesterday & we were all taking, in our 2 metre slots, about this, our postman, milkman & binmen have said it's life as normal, our neighbours, friends, relatives & husband's colleagues haven't been affected & we live in the West Midlands which is supposed to be a hot spot.

I’m very glad that you, your relatives, friends and neighbours haven’t been affected but believe me this is real.

Last weekend, I heard of three deaths - a 54 year old and two in their seventies. Paramedics said that they are seeing more and more cases where people just stop breathing. Only 8 people could attend funeral and had to stand with their own household. The funeral was relayed on Zoom video.

My mum had it and was sooo poorly. Thankfully didn’t need to go to hospital and is improving daily. My father in law also had it and had to have oxygen in hospital for a few days and is now home and much better.

So, this is serious and people do need to obey the rules (not implying that you’re not).

I can only assume the idiots who visit people/have visitors/parties don’t know anyone personally who has died. If they did, I think they’d behave differently.
I have continued buying online from all my usual people & haven't had any issues with despatch or delivery. My Mr T ordered 72 cans of his favourite beer on Good Friday & they arrived yesterday; he asked the driver if he was overwhelmed because the tracking showed his order was 320th in the queue with delivery time in the early hours, the man said he wasn't any busier than normal but their system had been updated & was playing up. I may be totally wrong but I'm beginning to wonder how many people are ill with coronavirus because I know of one who had it & she recovered a couple of weeks ago & a person I'd seen on training courses who didn't. I was in a shopping queue yesterday & we were all taking, in our 2 metre slots, about this, our postman, milkman & binmen have said it's life as normal, our neighbours, friends, relatives & husband's colleagues haven't been affected & we live in the West Midlands which is supposed to be a hot spot.
I can tell you this is real and extremely serious. Nobody should be complacent about this there have been deaths in our area of people who were fit and healthy. It does not discriminate and can strike anywhere. My daughter is nursing people and trying to be with those who can’t have relatives with them in their final moments. You and your friends are misguided if you think you are not being affected by this. STAY AT HOME. Unless you are working or shopping for essentials.
One of my friends ordered when they had the easy pay of 4, there seemed to be a major problem with that one. Code not going through then taking the full amount twice, but it was shipped via Hermes very quickly. She ordered on the Friday QVC got it out on Saturday and she got it on Tuesday. That was 2 weeks ago when people complaining about how long stuff was taking to come. Oh, and we and in N.I coming from England.

It was all sorted in the end but took 5 days for extra payments to drop off and just the easy payment to be taken.
Mr CC surprised me with the L'Occitane Herbae set for Easter and it arrived yesterday (I love it!). The courier said he had 300 parcels on his van to be done in one day so they are very busy.

Someone in our village that I considered a good friend died recently of the virus, he was quite elderly but it was a real shock. Can't go to his funeral as it's strictly family only. Really sad.

I can tell you this is real and extremely serious. Nobody should be complacent about this there have been deaths in our area of people who were fit and healthy. It does not discriminate and can strike anywhere. My daughter is nursing people and trying to be with those who can’t have relatives with them in their final moments. You and your friends are misguided if you think you are not being affected by this. STAY AT HOME. Unless you are working or shopping for essentials.
Please don't imagine that I'm misguided. I'm 61, a responsible adult & with the exception of my husband I haven't been within 2 metres of another person since 20th March, which was obviously before the lockdown, & I know that our daughters & their families are doing the same. I wrote in my original comment that all the people I've spoken to have said that they haven't been ill, know anyone who is or had their working lives made any busier by others not being at work & I have no reason to question their words. I can't speak for those people I know who may be doing more than just going to work or shopping, my excursions are to Waitrose & a local farm shop because both are small so there are fewer people.
I can tell you this is real and extremely serious. Nobody should be complacent about this there have been deaths in our area of people who were fit and healthy. It does not discriminate and can strike anywhere. My daughter is nursing people and trying to be with those who can’t have relatives with them in their final moments. You and your friends are misguided if you think you are not being affected by this. STAY AT HOME. Unless you are working or shopping for essentials.

I know one younger person a friend of my sons who was laid up for 2 weeks. Normally fit he was very rough with it . Well he thinks because he has not been tested but it was like nothing he had before.

I have been out with the dog but I am very careful not to get in groups or crowds.

I’ve ordered a few items online from Q a few linen items that have had the price cut and delivery has been no problem.
I ordered the vibration plate gizmo TSV at the weekend, because I wanted to increase my exercise while we’re in lockdown, although I am not in the “at risk” group and so can go out for essentials etc.

It arrived yesterday and it’s brilliant. 👍

However, a small package that I sent to a friend last Tuesday (2 first class stamps on it) eventually arrived yesterday at 4pm. It was sent via Royal Mail. Similar packages usually arrived the day after they were posted, before the lockdown. This one took 8 days which goes to show how busy the post office is, as are the couriers.
I ordered the L'Occitane TSV last Friday and it came Tuesday. Have also ordered a couple of things the beginning of the month, and also only took a couple of days to arrive.
Not seen a postman for ages. Still waiting for 3 orders , not from QVC,placed at the beginning if last week. A new shed, some shrubs and hair clippers. On the plus side we are on priority list for online shopping from Asda and Iceland. Not my first choice but fine. This will be week 6 for us.
I hope you are all washing your hands after opening these packages.

I've had several parcels delivered from Amazon and elsewhere, and after discarding the wrapper/packaging I thoroughly wash my hands. Even the delivered milk I wash over with a kitchen towel. I have gates at the end of my drive, and with the postman/milkman/delivery chaps all handling the gate catch, I always use rubber gloves when opening or closing. Sounds like I'm paranoid, no, just being safe. Any bugs further than the gate are all mine and the dogs !!!!

Strangely for a Thursday, our post office (within the Co-op) was closed all day. Wonder if its a 'postal' thing rather than the virus.
I hope you are all washing your hands after opening these packages.

I've had several parcels delivered from Amazon and elsewhere, and after discarding the wrapper/packaging I thoroughly wash my hands. Even the delivered milk I wash over with a kitchen towel. I have gates at the end of my drive, and with the postman/milkman/delivery chaps all handling the gate catch, I always use rubber gloves when opening or closing. Sounds like I'm paranoid, no, just being safe. Any bugs further than the gate are all mine and the dogs !!!!

Strangely for a Thursday, our post office (within the Co-op) was closed all day. Wonder if its a 'postal' thing rather than the virus.

I wash everything now that comes into the house. Any amazon packages are stored for a while and then opened carefully and the boxes put in the bin straightaway. Food is cleaned down and the milk. I let mail sit for a few days too. Hands washed after everything.

When I visit my mum I wear gloves and have a sign telling her to keep her distance. Why, she asks, even though the sign says there is a deadly virus around. I haven't got it, she declares every time I see her. I think, keep going to the shops and you may well end up with it. Keep reminding her not to go out, but she just doesn't remember and thinks she is immune.
Mr CC surprised me with the L'Occitane Herbae set for Easter and it arrived yesterday (I love it!). The courier said he had 300 parcels on his van to be done in one day so they are very busy.

Someone in our village that I considered a good friend died recently of the virus, he was quite elderly but it was a real shock. Can't go to his funeral as it's strictly family only. Really sad.

Really sorry to hear about your friend, Candy. No One deserves the 'Herby' more than you. Go Mr CC! Is this Herby the same as the other Herby that was a tsv & turned out not to be Herby, but rather, sweet?
When all this started I wondered if we should have a change of clothes, even have a shower, after coming home & I also looked at the dangers of post & parcels; everything I read stated that good hand hygiene was the best protection because there isn't a product that kills the virus on hard surfaces & even if there was we'd probably never get it into all the tiny nooks & crannies. We don't wear shoes in the house, I've always washed my hands & I've stopped buying grapes, even though I love them because they're too fiddly to wash thoroughly. I've seen people who are wearing masks touch their eyes, people biting their nails & yesterday a couple walked up our road sharing a bag of Maltesers - they were both wearing gloves!
I have read on forums you are meant to put your parcels in the garage and not open for 72 hours.
What happens if you have no garage do you bring it into your home and just walk past it for 72 hours?

I actually had two letters yesterday! First, since I believe the Thursday before I am waiting on tablets for Delilah posted last Wednesday good job I ordered them extra early. I actually phoned the vet to inquire if they were posted 1st or 2nd class to be told there is no 1st or 2nd post now. They went on to say some meds they posted arrived in 3 days but others 11 days with people.

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