How did QVC handle the bad news


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I didn't see this but it sounded like an offence to the new prince. Tbh, I thought it was a joke when I first read it.


No joke
Simon Biagi should really think before he speaks, he laughingly said "there's going to be a lot of bombs going off this morning!" isn't an appropriate thing to say in the light of things, I'll give LuLu her due for telling him it's not appropriate, the man is constantly cheesy and trying to be funny, this time though it bit him on the bum.

Message to self.......stop channel hopping!! :mysmilie_13:

Did SB really say that? how inappropriate and disgusting.I hope he is reprimanded and not just from Lulu who has gone up in my estimation.
Simon Biagi should really think before he speaks, he laughingly said "there's going to be a lot of bombs going off this morning!" isn't an appropriate thing to say in the light of things, I'll give LuLu her due for telling him it's not appropriate, the man is constantly cheesy and trying to be funny, this time though it bit him on the bum.

Message to self.......stop channel hopping!! :mysmilie_13:

How ****** insensitive.!!!
You'd think, wouldn't you, that they would be ultra-careful not to make any flippant remarks about anything to do with bombs or explosions, in the light of this dreadful tragedy in Brussels? IMO just goes to show that they have no proper media training or 'savviness' whatsoever to be so crass. Lulu has just gone up in my estimation and I hope he apologised straight away.
Simon Biagi should really think before he speaks, he laughingly said "there's going to be a lot of bombs going off this morning!" isn't an appropriate thing to say in the light of things, I'll give LuLu her due for telling him it's not appropriate, the man is constantly cheesy and trying to be funny, this time though it bit him on the bum.

Message to self.......stop channel hopping!! :mysmilie_13:
Personally, I didn't hear them mention it, so on that score I can't comment. Things have happened in the past and they've not given a mention.

The way I feel about things like this is, if you are 'on air' regardless of whether reporting or selling, you do the decent thing and join the real world and give your sympathies.
You'd think, wouldn't you, that they would be ultra-careful not to make any flippant remarks about anything to do with bombs or explosions, in the light of this dreadful tragedy in Brussels? IMO just goes to show that they have no proper media training or 'savviness' whatsoever to be so crass. Lulu has just gone up in my estimation and I hope he apologised straight away.

That's true H, I'll be honest I'd just flicked over (I do that a lot of a morning because the husband takes forever to get out the shower) just in time to see Dairylee Biagi giggling because there were three woman on the couch, then when it came to LuLu, out it comes one of the biggest, incentive faux pas I think I've ever heard.
Pretty much as low as it gets if he didn't immediately say something by way of an apology. There was something on the News this morning, about the poor family of a young man who was in Brussels and as yet unaccounted for, and the look on his relative's face haunts me, can't get it out of my mind, the look of sheer grief and worry whilst trying to speak to Charlie Staydt on BBC. I'm going to tune in again in a while, to see if there's any update.
That's true H, I'll be honest I'd just flicked over (I do that a lot of a morning because the husband takes forever to get out the shower) just in time to see Dairylee Biagi giggling because there were three woman on the couch, then when it came to LuLu, out it comes one of the biggest, incentive faux pas I think I've ever heard.
Pretty much as low as it gets if he didn't immediately say something by way of an apology. There was something on the News this morning, about the poor family of a young man who was in Brussels and as yet unaccounted for, and the look on his relative's face haunts me, can't get it out of my mind, the look of sheer grief and worry whilst trying to speak to Charlie Staydt on BBC. I'm going to tune in again in a while, to see if there's any update.

Oh no! Every parents worst nightmare, yeah that would haunt me too.
To be honest unless they were going to do something quiet, genuine and dignified, I wouldn`t want any of Q`s presenters or guests to even refer to the terrible bombings of yesterday. It would never sound genuine coming from any of them and they`d just cut back to whatever they were flogging with a cursory " right well let`s get back to this wonderful self heating hot water bottle " or somesuch twaddle.
Dignified, quiet or genuine just doesn`t happen on QVC so I`d rather they just kept their gobs shut because Simon`s remark is just one of many foot in mouth comments from people who simply don`t think before they speak or who have such low scruples they`d flog umbrellas at a rainy funeral or tickets to their daughter`s wedding.
To be honest unless they were going to do something quiet, genuine and dignified, I wouldn`t want any of Q`s presenters or guests to even refer to the terrible bombings of yesterday. It would never sound genuine coming from any of them . . . . .

When Lennie Feinberg died Kathy Tayler did a piece to camera at the beginning of the next Nina Leonard show that could not have been bettered. It was affectionate and utterly sincere and brought tears to even my normally cynical eyes.
Personally, I didn't hear them mention it, so on that score I can't comment. Things have happened in the past and they've not given a mention.

The way I feel about things like this is, if you are 'on air' regardless of whether reporting or selling, you do the decent thing and join the real world and give your sympathies.

Personally if I want the real world I watch the news, I watch Q to get away from it. Also, once you start that where does it end? Do they give their sympathies for every car bomb in Damascus and Beirut, or do they only care about people killed in Europe?
best that qvc dont try tbh..... lennie may he rest in peace

I can't imagine Lennie resting quietly, I like to think of him causing his usual mayhem, wherever he is :happy:
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Simon Biagi's comment is disgusting: not only is it disrespectful to those killed and maimed in the bombings yesterday, but is ****** stupid when everyone's afraid that there are more attacks to come. I hope he gets more than a tap on the wrist for that.

As for Q stopping to comment: why? They aren't a news channel. I don't expect the sales assistants in Waitrose to give me comments or newsflashes while I'm at the tills, so why should the Q crew do it just because they're on the telly?
don't watch nor any interest in Lulu, but reading the Q facebook page. Lulu pulled him up pretty quickly about this comment.

Did any of the other live shopping channels say anything, I doubt it.
I saw Simon Biagi and the "bombs" comment. Words often come out of our mouths during general conversation without the intention that others see, can any of you honestly say you go most days without saying something that in retrospect you would've perhaps phrased differently?

When I heard it I didn't take it as him referring to the bombs in Belgium and being insensitive, I took it as him referring to bombs as in Lulu's Time Bomb range. Yes in retrospect he wouldn't have said it, but again - we all do this every day, it doesn't mean we are purposely being insensitive. Anyone who says they haven't had a 'foot in mouth' moment is a liar, they happen to all of us.

I'm not defending him (I think he's a bit of a wally in general), I'm just writing this as I saw it.
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Q never comment on news outside of Q towers - unless Crystal Palace have won ! I cant remember them even saying anything when the new royal babies arrives.

Whether it will be different at the passing of her Majesty and will go off air who knows - but being an American company it may be unlikely. (remaining on that sad note, I expect it will be a sea of mobile phones taking pictures of her coffin along the route, as seems to be the norm these days - shaking my head in disgust)

They did go off air when the Queen Mother died, don't know for how long. Don't think they went off air when the Paris bombings and shootings happened.
They did go off air when the Queen Mother died, don't know for how long. Don't think they went off air when the Paris bombings and shootings happened.

Did they not come very late to the Paris tribute? I remember it was quite some time before the put the banner up and it was so hidden we couldn't find it and it came down pronto. Meanwhile Amazon, Google etc all had prominent tributes.

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