Key Workers?


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Dame Fondacox

Registered Shopper
Jul 10, 2011
So why are the QVC presenters, guests and studio workers and warehouse staff considered key workers? I thought the only retailers that fitted this category are supermarkets and pharmacies. They're observing the 2 metre rule in the studio but travel to work is meant to be only permissible if it's essential and you can't do it from home. I don't think selling bits of tacky tat to light up your garden (or drop-off on someone's doorstep, as part of your daily exercise allowance, if you want to 'gift' it a friend or relative) is what I'd call essential. :unsure:
So why are the QVC presenters, guests and studio workers and warehouse staff considered key workers? I thought the only retailers that fitted this category are supermarkets and pharmacies. They're observing the 2 metre rule in the studio but travel to work is meant to be only permissible if it's essential and you can't do it from home. I don't think selling bits of tacky tat to light up your garden (or drop-off on someone's doorstep, as part of your daily exercise allowance, if you want to 'gift' it a friend or relative) is what I'd call essential. :unsure:

They are not broadcasting news. They are not selling essential goods. They are certainly not entertaining.

But somehow making any sort of telly seems exempt.
Around here many of the bus services have been stopped and the few which are still running are following a Sunday timetable. Mr V has offered to do Saturday and Sunday morning stints driving key workers who don`t have their own transport to their jobs. At 6am this morning he was taking a nurse to work and she was telling Mr V that her Mother had passed away last week (not of corona virus) and her Mum was a devout Catholic and had always said she wanted to be buried and if she was ever cremated she would haunt her daughter. The daughter told Mr V that there was no way she could arrange her Mum`s burial, she`d been told that cemetaries are closed to new burials even if there was already a family grave and all grave diggers were stood down from working. Consequently she`s had to go against her Mum`s wishes and arrange a cremation and will hopefully have her ashes buried at a later date and yes she was convinced her Mum was showing her disagreement at this because she`d broken her favorite vase and her telly had blown up !
So why are the QVC presenters, guests and studio workers and warehouse staff considered key workers? I thought the only retailers that fitted this category are supermarkets and pharmacies. They're observing the 2 metre rule in the studio but travel to work is meant to be only permissible if it's essential and you can't do it from home. I don't think selling bits of tacky tat to light up your garden (or drop-off on someone's doorstep, as part of your daily exercise allowance, if you want to 'gift' it a friend or relative) is what I'd call essential. :unsure:
Pipa mentioned a conversation she had with the person doing her make up so I don’t think social distancing can work under these circumstances.
I think a lot of people are getting on with their lives one way or another....its very quiet round here just the odd kids on thier scooters only the high streets have a lot of activity with food shopping as most other outlets are closed.
Good news people, Stormont yes that is the Northern Ireland government have decided that off licences are allowed to open.

Now, I love a nice glass of wine but trying to get my head around why they are and the staff are classed as essential?
Donna it only took them 50 years to allow us to buy alcohol and food together. Do you remember the stupidity at christmas when they sold those packs of cheese and port and we had to go to separate tills. Up until very very recently we had to have x number of tills which if you didn’t approve of alcohol you could be served in the knowledge that you wouldn’t be contaminated by the devils in front or back who might have a bottle of wine in their trolly. I only noticed the other week that these have stopped.
They're now flogging summer fashions and saying that the current situation won't be with us forever and we'll soon be able to have garden parties again. It's a shame that the government to their field of experts who enable them to speak with such certainty!
Earliest June, maybe longer for social distancing. Q know better? Maybe they should be advising the Government!
If I am in a position to wear a summer dress in 2020 I will be amazed. I really can’t see travel being back to anything near normal this year and they won’t fit anyway as my normal pre holiday eating and excerise have gone to pot, far too much sitting and snacking.
They're now flogging summer fashions and saying that the current situation won't be with us forever and we'll soon be able to have garden parties again. It's a shame that the government to their field of experts who enable them to speak with such certainty!
We've had informal get togethers in our garden & parties for birthdays, Mothering Sunday (only one - it was a very warm March) & christenings. I've also hit the bottle a few times & had them on my own but in all my 61 years I've never been to a Garden Party. Do people really wear what the Q considers fashion when they go to Buckingham Palace?
I’m watching the last series of Cold Feet I recorded and being too lazy to wind on I’m watching the ads. Gosh it’s hard to believe how normal life was just a short while ago.
Earliest June, maybe longer for social distancing. Q know better? Maybe they should be advising the Government!

Yes they need to tell them confusing potential customers with the colours of clothing items and shoes with a sturdy designed heel are absolutely essential at this moment in time.
Good news people, Stormont yes that is the Northern Ireland government have decided that off licences are allowed to open.

Now, I love a nice glass of wine but trying to get my head around why they are and the staff are classed as essential?

So that the treasury can benefit from the large amounts of VAT/tax on the alcohol, of course.
There is a lot of criticism in the papers about what people are buying, because the items are not deemed essential. But then when you go back to basics, half the stuff bought in the supermarket isn't either. So it is easy to show a guy buying a lava lamp, but coffee, tea, sugar, jam, biscuits, cakes, aren't essential either, along with tons of other goods. (I buy most of those items, I am not talking as someone who does without!)
Donna it only took them 50 years to allow us to buy alcohol and food together. Do you remember the stupidity at christmas when they sold those packs of cheese and port and we had to go to separate tills. Up until very very recently we had to have x number of tills which if you didn’t approve of alcohol you could be served in the knowledge that you wouldn’t be contaminated by the devils in front or back who might have a bottle of wine in their trolly. I only noticed the other week that these have stopped.

Even now in supermarkets, the wine part is fenced off and only certain tills can you buy alcohol through.

Yes, you were the follower of the devil buying alcohol. I remember my Mum used to say to do you drink holy joes as she called them. Jesus turned water into wine!

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