NV Perricone


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Oct 8, 2008
Heckmondwike, West Yorkshire
Well, I am one of those people who are silly enough to believe the hype on products. I know Perricone is a "high End" skincare range, but always thought it far too expensive.

Anyway, obviously the Try Me kit was just too tempting to handle, so I got one. As Alison said "Packed full of the most expensive ingredients" and "A skincare range that is entitled to charge hundreds of pounds for a moisturiser because of all the top end ingredients" and "You will see the difference from the very first time you use it". Alsion seemingly saw an instant improvement in her skin from the first application.

Yes, I am a sucker, I believed her.

Differences I have noticed this past 5 days:

I have had to take the pot of (extremely runny) moisturiser to work with me, as my face is totally dehydrated and uncomfortable by lunchtime.

The dry skin at the side of my nose and under my eye is back with a vengence and sore.

My husband has asked me if I am poorly, and says I look tired.

So, obviously high end skincare does not agree with me. So today I am back to using my not-so-high-end Alpha-H which totally gets rid of my dry patches and does not need re-applying through the day. And hopefully my hubby will no longer think I look knackered.

I am extremely disappointed. Did anyone else buy this kit and have you seen amazing results?
I'd never used Perricone before but I'm currently testing the Face Finishing Moisturizer for Beauty Bible and I love it. :mysmilie_696:
Sorry your experience with Perricone hasn't been good but I love it and will happily rave about it, although I can only afford the less expensive end of the range. I'm not sure I'd spend £150 on a pot of cream however good it was! I'm still searching for that miracle elixir that will give me the skin of a 20-year old but this is one of the best things I've tried so far :D Oddly enough, I can't get on with Alpha-H. When I use it, it gives me little lines of spots and redness under my chin. It really hates my skin. Although, I do like the SPF30 - that is ok for me and I use it daily.

I had a nice chat with Tom from Alpha-H at the Beauty Bash. He was really nice and friendly and knew his stuff. He said himself that not everyone can use the range.
I'm not tempted by the Perricone range (Alison suggesting that £500 moisturisers are on the way really put me off: it's too much like fantasy nonsense and made me doubt her claims regarding this product), but I did buy the Alpha-H TSV recently and I'm undecided on it. I know this is going to sound shallow and silly, but it's the low-budget packaging that puts me off - I can't believe that something is going to work when it looks like a supermarket own brand! Silly me. I think I am seeing results from using the eye cream though.

I was using Decleor but I think that was too rich and highly fragranced for even my tough old hide.

My favourite beauty products so far have actually been the Philosophy face wash and exfoliators, and they were terrific value too (bought them in June/July last year and they've only just run out, used them almost every day).
Well I ordered the try me on Monday and it arrived today so I'll be giving it a go. Smaller pots than I expected and I'm not sure they will last as long as she says but going by the cost of the full sizes I shouldn't be surprised they are small at that price. Gawd knows why I got it though, I have a mountain of stuff to get through - sucked in again !
I haven't tried this range because if I was to like it I wouldn't be able to keep affording it. The skincare I buy at the moment is just about manageable cos I have a stockpile from Christmas thanks to MrM. Take advantage of that 30day mbg though and return it. x

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