oooo errrrr


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I'm not interested in her life or life choices. However, in my opinion she's crass, scruffy & unprofessional. I can't think of many employers who would allow her to behave the way she does when at work, as for her clothes I look smarter when I'm decorating.
I have nothing against Chloe Everton , I think she is a bit silly and
have got some growing up to do. I find Alex Kramer much harder to watch. I would never watch Craig and Andy Peters together or not. I watch less QVC every day...
I have nothing against Chloe Everton , I think she is a bit silly and
have got some growing up to do. I find Alex Kramer much harder to watch. I would never watch Craig and Andy Peters together or not. I watch less QVC every day...
You're much nicer than me, she's 40 & should have grown up decades ago because there's a big difference between being childlike & childish. I can't stand Knuckles Kramer & Andi Peters makes my skin crawl.
i found it quite cringe worthy and not because he was gay, it would be exactly the same with one of the unmarried straight employees.

(a) it’s a workplace and (b) it’s personal and not a photo/SM opportunity done on a larger scale.

There’s a video going round of a woman receiving her degree and her partner coming on stage to propose. It was her moment in her cap and gown and I don’t think the proposal was the right time. Plus, he’d have had to be ultra sure she’d say yes or she may have felt pressured in front of everybody.
there is a show I watch 9-1-1 a US drama about the fire service. Last week two of the characters sitting having a meal when a man at the next table suddenly got out a small jewellery box and everyone in the restaurant turned around to watch. One character said to the other I hate public proposals! The man dropped the jewellery box got down on his knees and picked it up and handed it to the woman who shouted YES! Then opened the box and it was a pair of earrings. 😂
TBH I'm hacked off at living in a world where you're constantly walking on eggshells for fear of ****** offending anyone. 'Woke' - whats that all about ? Political Correctness - thought up by Labour councils 30 years ago when they couldn't find another subject to moan about.

Getting to the stage when ONE comment on Twatter is 'offended' at the word Tobacco as a colour ( M & S lingerie) - because it could encourage smoking, AND THEN M & S backs down and changes it, is nothing short of insanity !

We hear the words 'get a life' constantly by those who are equally fed up, but sadly we've spawned a couple of generations without backbone, and if they don't like someone/something can just 'cancel' the offender.

Well, I was brought up to mind my manners, as were most of my generation, so 'offending' was minimal. But now, and the age I am, I shall rebel. I shall speak my mind when necessary and will refuse to 'filter' if I'm in the presence of a 'woke' person, and if 'sod it' becomes a hate crime against sods of earth, then so be it.
There’s a video going round of a woman receiving her degree and her partner coming on stage to propose. It was her moment in her cap and gown and I don’t think the proposal was the right time. Plus, he’d have had to be ultra sure she’d say yes or she may have felt pressured in front of everybody.
That enrages me!

A man (or woman) who cannot allow their partner to have a moment in the spotlight without making it all about them.

That's a BIG red flag in my opinion, either of a controlling person threatened by their other half's accomplishments, or a manipulator, or an attention seeker.

Some little sh*t pulled that number at the Olympics either in Rio or London. We're the commentators talking about HER medal? No, just about HIS proposal. What a low, low thing to do. She trained for four years, sacrificing goodness knows what for her moment. I can't recall if she accepted. I would hope not, but in the euphoria of her medal, and with the pressure of a huge audience in the arena and on TV, I think she said yes.
TBH I'm hacked off at living in a world where you're constantly walking on eggshells for fear of ****** offending anyone. 'Woke' - whats that all about ? Political Correctness - thought up by Labour councils 30 years ago when they couldn't find another subject to moan about.

Getting to the stage when ONE comment on Twatter is 'offended' at the word Tobacco as a colour ( M & S lingerie) - because it could encourage smoking, AND THEN M & S backs down and changes it, is nothing short of insanity !

We hear the words 'get a life' constantly by those who are equally fed up, but sadly we've spawned a couple of generations without backbone, and if they don't like someone/something can just 'cancel' the offender.

Well, I was brought up to mind my manners, as were most of my generation, so 'offending' was minimal. But now, and the age I am, I shall rebel. I shall speak my mind when necessary and will refuse to 'filter' if I'm in the presence of a 'woke' person, and if 'sod it' becomes a hate crime against sods of earth, then so be it.

I'm so with you there. I'm a bit of a feminist so the crap JK Rowling had when she wanted to know why 'woman' is now frowned upon both pissed me off and depressed me.

I'm menopausal so when I give up my HRT I will no longer have periods yet some 'woke' shops are selling products to 'menstruators'. WTF?! They don't want older women's money? We don't exist? We've been 'cancelled'?

Boy, I could get really offensive about this new culture!
That enrages me!

A man (or woman) who cannot allow their partner to have a moment in the spotlight without making it all about them.

That's a BIG red flag in my opinion, either of a controlling person threatened by their other half's accomplishments, or a manipulator, or an attention seeker.

Some little sh*t pulled that number at the Olympics either in Rio or London. We're the commentators talking about HER medal? No, just about HIS proposal. What a low, low thing to do. She trained for four years, sacrificing goodness knows what for her moment. I can't recall if she accepted. I would hope not, but in the euphoria of her medal, and with the pressure of a huge audience in the arena and on TV, I think she said yes.

I love you.

Proposals aren't supposed to be a feminist thing but I'm a feminist in that I believe in equality for women but I also like to keep tradition. The tradition of proposing is just something nice - and supposedly romantic. NOT the grand gesture some of these blokes think it should be. You're spot on about the red flag in these situations.
'Proposals aren't supposed to be a feminist thing but I'm a feminist in that I believe in equality for women but I also like to keep tradition. The tradition of proposing is just something nice - and supposedly romantic'.
I feel exactly the same. I've only received one proposal, of marriage that is! It took place on Dodman point in Cornwall, a lovely place with stunning views. Being fond of flowery descriptions I said that it was one of those moments I'd like to capture in a bottle to keep forever. His response was that he wanted us to be forever, we were 19 & got married 5 months later 💘
I get really mad when contestants come on game shows wanting to win x thousands to get married to their partner of 10 years and father/mother to their 4 kids, because they say they can’t afford to get married. It takes very little to get legally married the thousands are for the party or flash honeymoon

The ones who come on and laugh (in a desperate way) that they can now propose to their boyfriend or will have no other excuse not to propose to their girlfriend get me, how embarrassing to admit that someone you own a house with, have kids with doesn’t want (which isn’t the same as not believing in marriage) to tie the knot but that now there is money on the table there is no excuse to get out of it.

If I was doing it again in more enlightened times I probably wouldn’t but I would keep my own home and live independently and I certainly wouldn’t live In a situation where I hankered after a wedding for 40 years like Julia.
My late first husband didn`t formally propose. We were babysitting for my older sister and I`d spent the evening trying to get my baby nephew settled, he was teething and very grumpy. Sis and her hubby returned home from their evening at the cinema and she said something to my then boyfriend along the lines of " she`s brilliant with kids, she`s a keeper you`d better snap her up before someone else does and put a ring on her finger". I was mortified and my boyfriend didn`t say a word.
On my way home I was quiet with embarrassment but R my then boyfriend later hubby, just turned to me and said " I will if you want to ?" I asked him "will what ?" and he said "put a ring on your finger" so we did and we were married for 32 years before he passed away.
My second hubby who I met 5 years later was also widowed and after a few months of knowing each other we decided to go on holiday together. We stayed in a lovely hotel which held weddings on the beach and this particular day we were dipping around in the sea and watching a wedding on the beach and he said " I think we should do that, I`m 60, you`re 56 and neither of us are getting any younger so I think we should end our days together so how about it ? " I could have slapped him for being so ****** morbid but he had a point so I said yes. We`re just a few days away from our 10th wedding anniversary.
So I can`t say either of my proposals were what you`d call romantic but both men were keepers.
My only 'proposal' was not romantic either. We'd been courting for almost 10 years (and weren't living together !) , and even my Mum was beginning to despair - I wasn't bothered one way or t'other. We'd had a bit of a barney, and then he pitched up with "well, I suppose we could get married - as nobody else will have us " :eek: .

Long story short, we got married - on a Friday because he didn't want to miss watching his beloved Spurs on the Saturday ! He also got the date wrong and booked his holiday - but for the week before the wedding (I had booked mine for the week afterwards), so we had the weekend - well Sunday together. To cap it all, his mother got alcohol poisoning and was bed ridden for a week, with me looking after her.

I could go on. The marriage was never love's young dream, but we ploughed on for 23 years until a heart attack felled him 18 years ago.
I'm loving these stories. Keep 'em coming.

I'm with you, LATI. It's bonkers that they want to win money for a flash wedding when they've been together and had a family. Pointless waste of money that they could put towards their kids' education or pay off the mortgage or a hundred other good causes, not a big party for everyone and a white dress! My partner's sister was one of those and to cap it all 'borrowed' £20K off her father to pay off her ex when they divorced.

My ex proposed to me in a flashy way - I can't go into details as it's very outing - but I was young, stupid and seeing hearts and flowers, not the big red flags being waved in my face.

I'm still waiting for my partner to ask! Maybe I'm too easy as he knows I'd say yes.
'My ex proposed to me in a flashy way - I can't go into details as it's very outing - but I was young, stupid and seeing hearts and flowers, not the big red flags being waved in my face'.
When we're young we think we're invincible, so you were not stupid & life would be drab without hearts & flowers. We were young & he's given me a wonderful life; I know several people older, presumably wiser, who have had awful experiences & the red flags were obvious to all except them.

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