Pick of the day moccassins


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Jun 24, 2008
2 pairs of leather moccassins for £35 a choice of umpteen colours..but something's amiss about them. To be fair I'm not normally a big fan but have worn a moccasin style of shoe for work in the past and have found them really comfortable. I'm in need of new work shoes so this would be a good offer. We have to wear black footwear, unfortunately the white sole would be a no no for them - so that's a bit of a bitch - possibly would get away with it if the soles were a bit shallower but there's far too much white visible.
I almost considered buying a couple of pairs anyway in the other colourways, but changed my mind as in my opinion this style of shoe only goes well with the preppy look (totally not my style) or leggings, and I don't intend to spend the rest of my summer in leggings. They'd look totally wrong with a summer dress, or skirt, possibly ok with certain shorts/pedal pushers. I do have a pair of longer length shorts which are khaki but I think these shoes would look ridiculous with them as the balance would be all wrong.
I also thought that when close up on the models, the leather looked pretty cheap - was that just me being picky? So in all would've been a fantastic work shoe if it wasn't for the white soles and I'd have bought 2 pairs. Other than that unfortunately they're a bit "Molly" (that's an 80's saying for frumpy - possibly just a Southern thing)! As for Ms Jacks harping on about the orange ones as she sits there wearing them with leggings and a blouse she'd definitely not be seen dead in outside of the studio....I don't believe her. I believe she likes the colour, but I don't think she'd wear those shoes in a million years!
They must be a good seller cos they're always on sale. Can't stand them myself, although they might be ok round the house but then I have slippers for that.

I heard Sally yesterday saying she'd bought 8 Jane Plan hampers at 159.99 a pop!
They must be a good seller cos they're always on sale. Can't stand them myself, although they might be ok round the house but then I have slippers for that.

I heard Sally yesterday saying she'd bought 8 Jane Plan hampers at 159.99 a pop!

Did her nose suddenly grow bigger? I'd have snapped them up for work shoes only...My consideration for buying a coloured pair or two was momentary as they had too much of that "market stall vibe" and wouldn't go with much. Shame 'cause a better made version specially in the tan or the white could look quite classy.
What have I done? I decided to go for it in the end and bought two black pairs for work..luckily the deal was still on when I checked. It was after talking to a workmate yesterday as we were out shopping and I mentioned these shoes but the white sole....she said "I wouldn't worry about it too much considering how many people totally ignore the uniform/appearance rules"...and yep she's right..there's a girl with pink and blue hair, tattoos on show (can't be avoided these days) jewellery worn, People wearing neon coloured socks that are often visible....and you're worrying about a white sole on a black shoe...and reminded me that I work mostly behind counters and in the canteen anyway. I did have a look around the shops but couldn't find a suitable pair for the price I wanted to pay...so I placed my order when I got home. Just hope to god that they're comfortable as I really can't be doing without having to send two bulky boxes back! You never know with shoes, and it is something I do like to try on first....so wish me luck!
The moccassins have arrived but it seems like I accidentally ordered a black pair and a tan pair instead of two black pairs for work. I tried the black pair on and they are blissfully comfortable so are gonna be perfect for work. Seems like the tan pair was ordered by me in error as I was toying with getting them then decided they looked a bit frumpy for everyday wear...I was hoping it was their mistake so I could exchange them free of charge..however I put them on and they look lovely...so they're a keeper!

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