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Apr 27, 2009
so its nice of Debbie Flint to give us an insight with a photoshoot (which will no doubt be endless now), with the Alison Cork stools and Dyson heater all in shot. Cant wait to see the Peony flaaaars, Yankee candles, Cozyhome, various kitchen gadgets etc in further episodes; and has anyone read the sycophantic messages at the end of her blog ? what ARE these people like ??????

Dont anyone try to tell me that they don't get to keep the 'samples'.
so its nice of Debbie Flint to give us an insight with a photoshoot (which will no doubt be endless now), with the Alison Cork stools and Dyson heater all in shot. Cant wait to see the Peony flaaaars, Yankee candles, Cozyhome, various kitchen gadgets etc in further episodes; and has anyone read the sycophantic messages at the end of her blog ? what ARE these people like ??????

Dont anyone try to tell me that they don't get to keep the 'samples'.

Of course they don't keep the free samples, they buy them all themselves with their own money at full price and up to £9-99 PP for each one (but half price PP if they buy 2 identical ones)
so its nice of Debbie Flint to give us an insight with a photoshoot (which will no doubt be endless now), with the Alison Cork stools and Dyson heater all in shot. Cant wait to see the Peony flaaaars, Yankee candles, Cozyhome, various kitchen gadgets etc in further episodes; and has anyone read the sycophantic messages at the end of her blog ? what ARE these people like ??????

Dont anyone try to tell me that they don't get to keep the 'samples'.
I really, really, really hate the short film they have in ad breaks on Q where customers have filmed themselves sending a “Happy birthday, QVC” message. It absolutely makes my toes curl and my fist clench! It’s only short, thank goodness, but for me it is several seconds of torture. “Enjoy the celebrations“. Aaaargh!! Probably the sort of people who send birthday and Christmas cards to QVC presenters and TV personalities, too.

Apart from that, it’s ok.
Believe it or not DF has lived at IKEA of late
I went for a nosey at her blog then ended on one of her SM pages she did a chat video at midnight with over 200 folk o_O
Showing them around the new flat far too much information being put out there especially with a woman living on her own who finishes work in the early hours 😮😲
Well I just had to read the blog after this! And whilst it looks like a nice flat, and yes she still has to get the rest of her furniture in, would you call somewhere furnished with even just a couple of leaf print chairs and ottomans “minimalist”? Cos I wouldn’t. Minimalist is about the style as much as the volume surely.
I don't know how some of these people don't see the line between shopping tv presenter and friend. At the end of the day, these blogs aren't there to "let us into their lives" - They're showing off, and showcasing QVC products at the same time- with the added promise of same "Luxe" lifestyle Q want you believe you'll be buying into. They are sales assistants - not your best mate! I'm not saying they don't deserve compliments, but they certainly don't deserve them from such a blatant set up as a "presenter's blog" - Some of the comments are really quite nauseating -Some of the eejits have even posted questions? As if, she (DF in this case) is actually gonna answer them! Possibly at some stage, she'll give a blanket thanks to everybody who's commented on her blog.
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I was just saying last night that it is a far cry from the days when an anniversary resulted in reduced postage, 10 years - everything post 10p etc. Gradually it went from every show that day to selective shows down to the odd sale items (nothing you would want even at 10p).

now they are more likely to increase it specially for the occasion.

Had a watch, but after 5 minutes realised she was filming herself for 45 minutes :eek:, so gave that up ! Her room might look huuuge now, but get a dining table and chairs in, and a decent size sofa and it wont look so big then !, and she admitted that with the sun it gets really hot - (who wants to live in a conservatory ???), so she's having to buy blinds. Defeats the object a bit of having that view then !
I really, really, really hate the short film they have in ad breaks on Q where customers have filmed themselves sending a “Happy birthday, QVC” message. It absolutely makes my toes curl and my fist clench! It’s only short, thank goodness, but for me it is several seconds of torture. “Enjoy the celebrations“. Aaaargh!! Probably the sort of people who send birthday and Christmas cards to QVC presenters and TV personalities, too.

Apart from that, it’s ok.

Totally agree,I cringe at the reviews ‘Thankyou ? and QVC’ what for? Taking my money for something I decided to buy? They are a business which you choose or not to engage with not a charity organisation.Grovel not, they depend on us not ‘tother way round .
DF is an awful show off as is JR. In my opinion they are the worst on QVC and I can’t stand watching them. Why do they need to show off about their homes, their food etc to the viewers? Where do they think we live or what do they think we eat? Most of our homes are not full of freebies or equipped with goods on trial! Pathetic behaviour from so called adults. They are both see needy and in need of constant validation.
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I'm ashamed to say I had a quick look (for research purposes only) ...and why, what, why again and who does she think could be possibly interested in watching shaky footage of her plodding round her front room talking about herself , what she's bought ,and what she's going to buy? Ye Gods! The sad thing is, is that there's probably a few people who lasted the full 45 minutes and wanted more - Entertainment is few and far between at the moment, and it'll take a lot more than a global pandemic to make me scrape that far into the bottom of the barrel. Are we as sad even talking about it?!
I really, really, really hate the short film they have in ad breaks on Q where customers have filmed themselves sending a “Happy birthday, QVC” message. It absolutely makes my toes curl and my fist clench! It’s only short, thank goodness, but for me it is several seconds of torture. “Enjoy the celebrations“. Aaaargh!! Probably the sort of people who send birthday and Christmas cards to QVC presenters and TV personalities, too.

Apart from that, it’s ok.
I'm hoping that if I give Tommy a birthday card he'll give me one too. #yourhoe #nevermindthemissus
I know DF is probably excited that she’s got a new flat but, personally, I don’t want or need to listen to non-stop mentions of it or loads of photos of it. 🙄 It was the same when she was first at the place in Devon.

If I was on social media, I’d be tempted to bombard her with numerous photos of my house and see how long it took her to get fed up and block me. :ROFLMAO:
I really, really, really hate the short film they have in ad breaks on Q where customers have filmed themselves sending a “Happy birthday, QVC” message. It absolutely makes my toes curl and my fist clench! It’s only short, thank goodness, but for me it is several seconds of torture. “Enjoy the celebrations“. Aaaargh!! Probably the sort of people who send birthday and Christmas cards to QVC presenters and TV personalities, too.

Apart from that, it’s ok.
Just remember, you're part of the QVC "family". #bringmethebucket
I'm ashamed to say I had a quick look (for research purposes only) ...and why, what, why again and who does she think could be possibly interested in watching shaky footage of her plodding round her front room talking about herself , what she's bought ,and what she's going to buy? Ye Gods! The sad thing is, is that there's probably a few people who lasted the full 45 minutes and wanted more - Entertainment is few and far between at the moment, and it'll take a lot more than a global pandemic to make me scrape that far into the bottom of the barrel. Are we as sad even talking about it?!
I lasted a lot longer than I thought I would (especially considering I wasn’t going to click on the link at all). Morbid curiosity? Amazed how much publicity she gave to Ikea! Are they coming to QVC like for example Lakeland have? I doubt it - more likely she’s hoping their PR people will come across it and offer her freebies as an “influencer”! :LOL:

She threatened to sing a couple of times then said she wouldn’t (or I would definitely have been closing the tab faster than I can hit the remote when she does her loud sniffing and exhaling during fragrance shows). I imagine the neighbours were relieved too since it was after midnight. 😣
Apparently her mum is next door on one side but the other neighbours won’t thank her. Good point about her hoping to be an interior design influencer. He also fancies herself as a political and healthy eating influencer! DF and JR = Me, me, me............

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