Spiked Drinks Warning!


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Jun 24, 2008
I know folk are aware this happens but thought it a good idea to post a reminder after an incident this weekend involving my daughter (23).

She was in Brighton on Sunday afternoon, went to karaoke around 5pm, then dinner and went to a pub. Around 9pm I got a distressed call from her boyfriend on her mobile to say she was very ill and no cabs were willing to take her as she was violently sick. He said she'd only had a couple of drinks and didn't seem drunk until she fell v ill. By the time my husband got ready to drive over to pick them up, her boyfriend rang again to say a taxi was willing to drive them to A&E.

We're relieved that she was fine by the next day but worried at the thought of what could have happened. I know there'll be plenty of fellow forum members who have daughters, sisters, friends and nieces so please give them a reminder that even in a familiar town there are b@stards out their, to keep their drinks with them and keep together with friends!
That`s awful and I`m glad she`s ok. There are some really sick people around but sadly they seem to get away with it. It isn`t just girls who have their drinks spiked either, boys do too and as they stagger ill from the venue or to the gents they are prime targets to have their wallets, watches, clothing, trainers etc stolen or to be beaten up.
When my youngest son was at Uni over 10 years ago one of his mates was robbed after his drink had been spiked.
There are now plastic stoppers you push into the top of your bottle and then put a straw through the hole and its nigh on impossible for anybody to spike it but there appears to be nothing to protect drinks in glasses.
I`m so glad here are no long lasting effects from your daughter`s shocking experience and thankfully her boyfriend was with her at the time.
My nephew is on holiday abroad alone. He thinks his drink was spiked last night as his mobile is missing and his bank account has been cleared out.
Poor girl, what an awful experience for everyone, there are some vile humans on the planet & I'm relieved that she's now alright. Did A&E staff have any idea what she could have been given? I was paranoid about this happening to our daughters when they went away to uni, fortunately they were never targetted & ironically it's far more common in the town where we live than the two cities where they studied.
That's so awful..Couldn't have been a dodgy meal that caused it? Or did a&e confirm that something had been slipped into her drink. Glad to hear she's ok now! It's crazy that there's vicious people who'll put others at risk for fun!
My nephew is on holiday abroad alone. He thinks his drink was spiked last night as his mobile is missing and his bank account has been cleared out.

Oh I'm so sorry to read this - you're family must feel helpless and so angry at the same time! You try to bring up honest and caring kids but you still have to warn them that not everyone can be trusted.

DD was fine after a good night's sleep, but it was tough listening to her saying she thought she was dying and she didn't want to leave us (admittedly still under the influence but she's not scared of much usually).
I think from the way she was rambling the triage nurse at A&E thought she'd taken something, not just tipsy; I thought it was food poisoning myself when I first answered the call. She'd only taken a couple of sips from her drink when she started vomiting (she's never going to that pub again for both reasons) after an anti-sickness shot and once she knew her Dad was there she just wanted to come home. Plus hopefully the spectacular puking flushed it out of her system.

I'm a bit calmer myself now a few days have passed; plus having a rant on here always helps. Thanks for everyone's kind thoughts.

Is your nephew ok pyjamaprincess?
My niece has just told me that there's a company going round a few unis at the mo handing out packs of testing strips for spiked drinks. I'd have no problem buying a load of these for my niece. I've warned her for years about making sure she keeps her drinks close, preferably drinking directly from a bottle opened in front of her.

These men that do this and then assault girls and women need putting away for a very long time.

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