Gem Collector


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Feb 16, 2015
Is it me or is anyone else getting fed up with Alex McKay's constant references to the USA when he is presenting? Alex is a very knowledgeable presenter so far as the gemstones are concerned, but his conversation increasingly centres around talking/reminiscing about viewers in the USA or trips he's made to the USA. He alternates this with telling very long, involved personal stories, often quite derogatory towards the people he's talking about (whether these stories are slightly 'embroidered' for TV who knows?). To me, it's not clever or funny, and I'm finding that more and more I just watch ten minutes and then switch off, totally bored at another protracted story or anecdote. I'm there to look at the gemstones, not to listen to Alex McKay talking in a fake American accent or rambling on about some personal story.

I used to quite enjoy this side of Gems TV, as it lacked the hard sell and 'in yer face' antics of the other Gems divisions, Lifestyle and Jewellery, but it's rapidly becoming as annoying, although in a different way. Calm down, Alex, and remember your audience consists of viewers who aren't US-based and don't need to hear the fake American accent, either - or the rambling stories.
Having watched Gem Collector a few times, I realised pretty quickly that it is a niche club. Rather like Debbie Flint's fans on QVC.

The presenter can behave in whatever way they want, and the loyal viewers who tune in day in and day out will text, email or tweet their undying loyalty to them.

I think that there are a lot of lonely people around who jump at the chance of intetacting with the face on the telly. And I suspect that they're not too fussed about whether that person is dressed like a cowboy on LSD and telling tall tales in a faux American accent.

Though Alex doesn't appear to have peed the American buyers off, so they're accepting that he's not poking fun at them.

It is a bit strange though.
Having watched Gem Collector a few times, I realised pretty quickly that it is a niche club. Rather like Debbie Flint's fans on QVC.

The presenter can behave in whatever way they want, and the loyal viewers who tune in day in and day out will text, email or tweet their undying loyalty to them.

I think that there are a lot of lonely people around who jump at the chance of intetacting with the face on the telly. And I suspect that they're not too fussed about whether that person is dressed like a cowboy on LSD and telling tall tales in a faux American accent.

Though Alex doesn't appear to have peed the American buyers off, so they're accepting that he's not poking fun at them.

It is a bit strange though.
I agree, the US buyers seem to love it and no doubt this is largely due to what seems like his fawning obsession with them. I used to get the same impression when John Scott was on Rocks & Co. - Mr Trying Too Hard attempting to put over an image of being Everyone's Mate, but not exactly convincing.
To be fair to Alex though, he's not big on the hard sell. I am sure that it would be a lot different if he was on the main channel.
I only occasionally dip into this channel but tonight when I turned the telly on it defaulted to Gem Collector. I watched it open-mouthed for about 15 minutes until I couldn't take any more. Alex was chuntering away about his trip to Skegness and it went on and on and was relentless, with only an occasional glance at the gem on display and next to nothing about the description or any other information on the gem. His presentation was 90% about his forthcoming trip and 10% about the gem. It was mindblowingly boring in the extreme. I don't watch this channel to hear his inane musings, I watch it to buy gemstones but his presentation is a total turn-off. I agree wholeheartedly with historymystery, Alex's presentation is just appalling. As VapidStoat mentions above 'he's not big on the hard sell', it seems like his selling of the gems is the last thing on his mind. I'm really NOT interested in his personal life or his musings. Please stick to selling gems.

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