Banned from Rocks TV


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Not to mention all the whingeing & b*tching that would occur, e.g. 'why is she a moderator, I've been around longer/bought more stuff than her....!' lol
Moderators work best on car forums etc. because they're full of, well, blokes for the most part & they tend to do as they're told, not get 'offended' every 5 minutes & respond well even to final warnings of 'shut up or s*d off' if necessary - women are much harder to control & to get to shut up! lol (Sorry but having been around forums for gawd knows how many years, this is, sadly, true!) :mysmilie_11:

Having moderators on here seems to work quite well, not that I am biased or anything!!!! :mysmilie_17:
So what's wrong with this forum then.

Nothin' Argey but this isn't a fast paced chatroom - I've moderated on forums previously & sorry but I'd pick a bunch of blokes over a bunch of women any day - still, at least when the women go off & PM each other to b*tch about you for dumping one of their posts or whatever, they're not clogging up the boards for the next few minutes! lol
Having moderators on here seems to work quite well, not that I am biased or anything!!!! :mysmilie_17:

Yeah but the mods on here are exceptionally nice......& forgiving.......&, oh knickers to it, that's enough creeping & sycophantic grovelling for one post......! :mysmilie_17:
Hi, as a "newbie" to Rocks and ST (Oct 2009) maybe I shouldn't add my tuppence worth....but here goes. I too have been put off recently with way to much personal health info, constant DEMANDS for items when we know requests are not instantly available anymore, and general rants of some description. However, I dont want to give up on Rocks, I love the way things are run, the quality of the jewellery, the CS is second to none and the presenters are lovely. I really hope they don't do away with the chat, but I do feel it needs somebody to moderate. Recent nasty comments drove Mira away for a while, but I'm glad she came back, she was missed by most. Junesie.

Hi junesie and welcome,:mysmilie_348: of course you should put you opinion forward :) i am sorry to hear nastiness drove mirabelle away, i wasn't aware of that! why on earth people would be nasty to someone as helpful as her i don't know! if i do go on rocks and read chat i find reading mirabelles post very helpful and informative :mysmilie_696:
Hi Junesie,

I think that you are a 'newbie' (although not THAT new, in fairness!!) you are one of the best people TO comment because yours is the fresher perspective, so absolutely, yours is probably one of the most valuable opinions that could be sought!
Nothin' Argey but this isn't a fast paced chatroom - I've moderated on forums previously & sorry but I'd pick a bunch of blokes over a bunch of women any day - still, at least when the women go off & PM each other to b*tch about you for dumping one of their posts or whatever, they're not clogging up the boards for the next few minutes! lol

think your right, a forum is different to a chat room as the chat moves so much quicker
think your right, a forum is different to a chat room as the chat moves so much quicker

but that's kinda the point. Chat would be slower and easier to follow without the chit-chat and riff-raff :mysmilie_61: xxx
In the meanwhile, we're all over here chatting about the chat room, instead of chatting about the chat room in a second chat room on Rocks :mysmilie_697: xxxx
It's so easy to slip into your problems with people doing the natural thing of asking how one another are. The last few months I just say "good ta", as to say otherwise will lead into yet another medical drama for others to have to wade through. When you know someone is struggling with personal stuff, it's very hard not to ask if they are okay, etc. A moderator could help here, by gently reminding us that there is a "chit-chat" room (if Steve put's it back). Anyone on the receiving end will either happily oblige, understanding the situation, and if they don't understand then who's going to care if they naff orf except other like-minded peeps. Sazza certainly manages it perfectly well here, and is able to post herself.

Perhaps some kind of moderator rotation could be worked out so that no one person is the "baddie" or becomes a power mad control freak.<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="" border="0"><img border="0" src=""></a> xxx

Awww thank you Argey!!! :)
I did actually used the chit chat room when i needed to, which wasn't often as chat is way to cliquey. I can't see how people would miss an item if they were in the chit chat room as you could still buy.
We could also lose chat altogether if chatters continue to post about personal & health issues that shouldn't be discussed in a jewellery chat room.

amf.. for some reason you keep on saying health problems in every post, don't know why you keep on saying that alone as everyone has them including me..people chat about allsorts in there not just health, i'm just wondering why on earth are we back to "the clique" thing again..havn't a clue who this clique is..

no one can just jewelery chat for the length of time they are on air and the time people spend in the chat room..people would say that was boring too after a while...and simply log off so don't know how Rocks once again will deal with this one. I mean no offence so hope non is taken..

Mirabelle xx
amf.. for some reason you keep on saying health problems in every post, don't know why you keep on saying that alone as everyone has them including me..people chat about allsorts in there not just health, i'm just wondering why on earth are we back to "the clique" thing again..havn't a clue who this clique is..

no one can just jewelery chat for the length of time they are on air and the time people spend in the chat room..people would say that was boring too after a while...and simply log off so don't know how Rocks once again will deal with this one. I mean no offence so hope non is taken..

Mirabelle xx

Where have i said that the chat room should only be used to talk about Jewellery?
but that's kinda the point. Chat would be slower and easier to follow without the chit-chat and riff-raff :mysmilie_61: xxx

Well at least we agree on something Argey! :mysmilie_697:
(Also, again only IMVHO, those who constantly burble on the most about unrelated twaddle & are amused by things that only somebody with an IQ of a minus figure would find entertaining are frequently those that never seem to actually buy anything.......! lol)

In the meanwhile, we're all over here chatting about the chat room, instead of chatting about the chat room in a second chat room on Rocks :mysmilie_697: xxxx

One more time........? :mysmilie_701:
amf.. for some reason you keep on saying health problems in every post, don't know why you keep on saying that alone as everyone has them including me..people chat about allsorts in there not just health, i'm just wondering why on earth are we back to "the clique" thing again..havn't a clue who this clique is..

no one can just jewelery chat for the length of time they are on air and the time people spend in the chat room..people would say that was boring too after a while...and simply log off so don't know how Rocks once again will deal with this one. I mean no offence so hope non is taken..

Mirabelle xx

hi mirabelle, i think amf mentioned the health issues because it is that sort of topic that is so off putting. Yes we do all have them, but i for one don't go onto a jewellery site to discuss them. It can be depressing and maybe even remind people of things they are wanting to go onto rockstv to get away from. to cheer themselves up with a treat etc. its just not the most appropriate place for that type of topic is all i mean
Well at least we agree on something Argey! :mysmilie_697:
(Also, again only IMVHO, those who constantly burble on the most about unrelated twaddle & are amused by things that only somebody with an IQ of a minus figure would find entertaining are frequently those that never seem to actually buy anything.......! lol)

One more time........? :mysmilie_701:

thats true kitten, some people do seem to be more interested in chatting than actually buying
amf.. for some reason you keep on saying health problems in every post, don't know why you keep on saying that alone as everyone has them including me..people chat about allsorts in there not just health, i'm just wondering why on earth are we back to "the clique" thing again..havn't a clue who this clique is..

no one can just jewelery chat for the length of time they are on air and the time people spend in the chat room..people would say that was boring too after a while...and simply log off so don't know how Rocks once again will deal with this one. I mean no offence so hope non is taken..

Mirabelle xx

Agreed Myra. Of course some peeps are particularly friendly, some know each other outside of Rocks, but I've never seen a clique, total newbies and incomers/contributors to chat always (or at least nearly) get a friendly greeting and are actively brought into conversations. My only one bad experience of arrival, was when Rocks had been on the telly for a couple of days. I popped in to see what everyone thought about it despite a serious lack of familiar names. I said "hi" twice and was ignored, so just went off for a quiet sulk. That's the only time it's happened to me, and I don't recall witnessing it happening to anyone else. Most of us will have been missed on entering when it's busy but, until this experience, a second "oi I'm 'ere" will elicit a response. xxxx
forgive me amf I wasnt saying you had :) wasn't meant to come accross that you had said it.. im just saying well I know I couldnt just talk jewelery all the time I'm there.

Mirabelle xx
I wonder if this could be solved very simply by opting "in" to Chat rather than opting "out" . That way, the chat is not visible as soon as you go on to the site and you are not drawn to the conversation. :)
I think we all agree talking about jewellry all the time would be impossible and tres boring, and the odd off topic quick few comments aren't what I see as being the problem. It's when people go into detail about health problems and personal stories etc. As someone said previously, while the person saying it may find it helpful to discuss these things, maybe it acts as a reminder for others who are on Rocks trying to get away from it.

I don't know what the answer is and I don't pretend to. I think that the reinstallation of the chit room with mods making sure the main room is used appropriately would go a long way to resolve these issues. The problem though would be if anyone spat the dummy again like last time. Rocks would either have to take a firm stance and potentially alienate these people from using the site, or let them have their way meaning the issue would continue. I said before, I don't envy Rocks this problem one little bit!!
maybe the answer is to get rid of chat, rockstv are on a tv channel now and i imagine are getting more customers and now presenters can't see chat maybe its just not a viable option anymore.

if they do keep it i think they are going to have to risk upsetting the few who may spit the dummy if a second room etc is introduced. i would hope most people would be mature enough not to have a tantrum over it and understand that rocks is a business
just had a peek at rocks chat and its currently domestic violence being talked about, which is upsetting and to be honest inappropriate
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