....In the meantime, Peter Simon just gets worse!


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Registered Shopper
Jun 24, 2008

James Russell has managed to rein it in, there's less B/S regarding the JPD fragrances, extra charges are being shown in bolder lettering, all good stuff. Today however, I thought I'd have a quick watch whilst doing the ironing. For all the good things that have happened Peter Simon has pretty much cancelled it all out in less than an hour. Now, I don't know whether he's completely to blame, or whether the management think because he can be a bit "dotty" at times, he can get away with it.

Whilst I was watching he sold us a Harbour Bay jacket, first thing he said was that when he first saw it, he thought it was a Barbour jacket, then actually called it a Barbour jacket (rhymes with Harbour, easy to pass off as a mistake). It had a fur lining (fake obviously) so he decided to call it a "Thermal lining" (Ther, Fur...sounds quite similar, easy to pass off as a mistake).

The next presentation just took our whole cause back to square one, and all I can think is that because the item ended up selling for about a tenner (incl P&P) that nobody would be too concerned about being mislead. It was a watch, not any old watch though. It was by that well known Parisian designer, Phillip Mercier (who's watches currently sell for a fiver on the cheap cardboard watch stand in Argos and Next clearance warehouse, probably other outlets too). It was GOLD, yep GOLD! Not once did he say it was plated, probably 'cause it wasn't, it was "gold tone" (cheap metal, sprayed with gold paint), he didn't actually mention the word "tone" either. When the graphics came up, it didn't say gold plated, or gold tone either for that matter, it just said Phillip Mericier Parisian design watch. Like I said, it only sold for a few quid, and anyone who seriously thinks they're going to get a gold watch for that sort of money needs a bit of help...however, is this the new way for them to ease in a few more sneaky tricks that they can use on a bigger and better scale when all the dust from the A.S.A warnings has settled? I hope not!
But he's been so ill and poor Peter hasn't felt himself :wonder: and he didn't mean what he said, poor Peter

He can't get away with his little slipups much longer though, he's looking better daily, thank goodness
fletcher and lowe

much like his socks the other night they are a new york company

yeh right
He can be a smutty git, Elisa looked awkward when he was just uttering his usual rubbish, not very appropriate for 5.30pm, in my opinion.
Oh dear, another on screen mistake that 'because of regulation we have to honour'.

Cheap Ferrari stink you can get miles cheaper anyway.
He came up with a fantastic lie last week,whilst selling a hideous cheap fleece that Helen was modeling.
He said,and I quote;
'Now these are going to go quickly because they're from Essentials,the London Fashion House.and when they come out with something like this they advertise it everywhere-in all the magazines!'
Even Helen was gobsmacked and unable to respond to this unadulterated untruthful rubbish.
He really shouldn't be allowed out.
He came up with a fantastic lie last week,whilst selling a hideous cheap fleece that Helen was modeling.
He said,and I quote;
'Now these are going to go quickly because they're from Essentials,the London Fashion House.and when they come out with something like this they advertise it everywhere-in all the magazines!'
Even Helen was gobsmacked and unable to respond to this unadulterated untruthful rubbish.
He really shouldn't be allowed out.

That probably translates to the "catalogues" they send round to all the nursing homes!
I'm really glad to see he's looking a lot better so no more excuses for his behaviour. He blatantly lies and his antic over the banana machine were disgusting. It put me right off my tea and biscuits. Dribbling and drooling and behaving like he had escaped from a home for the bewildered. The man needs to be reined right in.

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