Why did Paul McKenna dissappear from QVC?


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Mar 18, 2010
reason I ask is cause I was sorting out stuff today and came across a Paul Mckenna CD set I bought from QVC years ago.

I remember they could never ever keep it in stock, it would go into Advanced Orders after 5 minutes of a Visit, and ge used to aplogise when ge wouldnt be around for months.

I remember Catherine Huntley used to talk about it like it was her Bible.

But then all of a sudden it stoped.
reason I ask is cause I was sorting out stuff today and came across a Paul Mckenna CD set I bought from QVC years ago.

I remember they could never ever keep it in stock, it would go into Advanced Orders after 5 minutes of a Visit, and ge used to aplogise when ge wouldnt be around for months.

I remember Catherine Huntley used to talk about it like it was her Bible.

But then all of a sudden it stoped.

Probably because he was too boring
McKenna's Millions

Prob didn't pay him enough in the end .....

He went to the USA where he signed a 19 million dollar contract for a tv series. But he is back now flogging his new book ( you can get it from your local library for free, if you really must) in the Daily Mail and ITV in the mornings. So I am wondering if he blew the 19 million or whether he just needs more money, fame, power etc. He is also showing off his latest fiancée.

Whether we shall see him on QVC I doubt. Remember Chuntley fawning all over him a few years ago? Question, if his methods 'changed her life and attitude to food for ever' as I believe was claimed at the time, why has her weight yo-yoed up and down since and why has she endorsed other slimming methods?
Reply to self

I just logged on to this thread to see if what I had written about PM had come up, only to find an advert spring up for a free sleep download from him. I wonder if I have just said something less than flattering about someone who sponsors shopping telly? If so, apologies, at least he is putting some of his money to a good cause.
I just logged on to this thread to see if what I had written about PM had come up, only to find an advert spring up for a free sleep download from him. I wonder if I have just said something less than flattering about someone who sponsors shopping telly? If so, apologies, at least he is putting some of his money to a good cause.

It's just cookies on your computer, don't worry Loverofquiet.
I bought his Stress book with a CD around New Year and listen to it before bed and sometimes at lunch and it helps as I get really streeed at work, it helps for a short while so I keep using it daily for now.
Don't know why he left Q but I recall he popped up on Ideal World not long after ,selling the same diet product.I remember being surprised at the time as I had only recently seen him on QVC.He wasn't there for long.
He went to the USA where he signed a 19 million dollar contract for a tv series. But he is back now flogging his new book ( you can get it from your local library for free, if you really must) in the Daily Mail and ITV in the mornings. So I am wondering if he blew the 19 million or whether he just needs more money, fame, power etc. He is also showing off his latest fiancée.

Whether we shall see him on QVC I doubt. Remember Chuntley fawning all over him a few years ago? Question, if his methods 'changed her life and attitude to food for ever' as I believe was claimed at the time, why has her weight yo-yoed up and down since and why has she endorsed other slimming methods?

Chuntley adapts her lifestyle, and the numerous problems therein, to suit whichever product she is flogging at the time. PM made his name, telling us he was a magician; to believe he is a life coach is, imo, asking a lot.
Yes, but he made big money in the US doing the Life Coaching thing, they tend to follow that bandwagon. He was on a talk show I think last year??? I know I caught a bit and went oh there PK, he does corporate talking for big business.

Old Paul is not on his uppers by a long short so no doubt doesn't need the shopping channel selling thing.
I remember him as Radio DJ back in the day. Didn't like him then either - really smarmy.
The gift of the 'gab' is the greatest asset when flogging anything - whether its rubber ducks, yankee candles or being 'suggestive' to a receptive mind. A bit like being locked in a room with a time-share sales team !!!!

Him and Yuri Geller are of the same 'ilk' - millionaires born on the back of 'suggestibility', and don't know what a hard days work is like. Ego and fame are equally important to them.
The gift of the 'gab' is the greatest asset when flogging anything - whether its rubber ducks, yankee candles or being 'suggestive' to a receptive mind. A bit like being locked in a room with a time-share sales team !!!!

Him and Yuri Geller are of the same 'ilk' - millionaires born on the back of 'suggestibility', and don't know what a hard days work is like. Ego and fame are equally important to them.

How right you are, let us hope his days on a shopping channel are over...
Thanks for Telegraph reference

There was an article on / interview with McKenna in the Telegraph at the weekend, mainly to plug his book (à la Flint). He's definitely not on his uppers.


I have just read that. It reminds me of two famous newspaper column sayings of yesteryear, "Pass the sick bag, Alice" and "You couldn't make it up".

Having made squillions of pounds by selling self help books, he then gets a depression, and is pulled out of it by a Zen master, and is now too rich to need to work, but loves interviewing the world's most famous people.

There, DF, let this man be your guru, and get him back on QVC where you can both flog your life-changing books.
I have just read that. It reminds me of two famous newspaper column sayings of yesteryear, "Pass the sick bag, Alice" and "You couldn't make it up".

Having made squillions of pounds by selling self help books, he then gets a depression, and is pulled out of it by a Zen master, and is now too rich to need to work, but loves interviewing the world's most famous people.

There, DF, let this man be your guru, and get him back on QVC where you can both flog your life-changing books.

It also puts me in mind of Mrs Merton and her potentially asking the fiancée, "What exactly is it about the multi-millionaire best-selling author, hypnotist, self-help practitioner and TV presenter* that attracted you to him?" (*description here quoting from the Telegraph article).
PM made his name, telling us he was a magician; to believe he is a life coach is, imo, asking a lot.

Anyone can call himself/herself a life coach. It is an absolutely unregulated profession. You don't need any training or qualifications.... just the gift of the gab and someone willing to pay you.
Gosh Penny Smith ( who I've always liked, GSH) must be feeling great to be considered the way he talks about all past relationships.

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