OMG ... what an AMAZING 1/2 price deal!


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cheeky chappie

Registered Shopper
Jan 2, 2013
22.00 show
1/2 price deal
vax vrs110 vacum, vax s2 steam cleaner, vax car cleaning kit
£139.98 plus £5.99 p&p, saving £139.99 off usual price of £279.97

Mike is presenting and is about to blow a gasket at how good this deal is. People that work at IW are ordering, such is the amazing-ness of this deal!

You know, for the FIRST TIME EVER i think i'm about to order off shopping telly ...

emmm but first i'll just do a quick google although i'm sure i won't get NEAR the £139.98, after all mike keeps on telling me how AMAZING and UNBELIEVABLE this deal is.

Okay i'm googling now ...

Vax VRS110: £69.95 inc. p&p
Vax S2: £39.99 inc. p&p
Vax car kit: £17.99 inc. p&p

So that's emmm ... £127.93.

I'll emmm put my phone back down :(

No thanks to your 'deal of deals' mikey boy!!!! 1/2 price deal my ar...
I saw this idiot for the first time selling this. I found him quite offensive, practically shouting at the screen "if you don't play the game mate, don't quote the rules" in reference to someone who doesn't do the hoovering.

I would call him a muppet but I actually like The Muppets and find them useful and entertaining.

I hit the remote control, promptly.
I saw this idiot for the first time selling this. I found him quite offensive, practically shouting at the screen "if you don't play the game mate, don't quote the rules" in reference to someone who doesn't do the hoovering.

I would call him a muppet but I actually like The Muppets and find them useful and entertaining.

I hit the remote control, promptly.

i know exactly what you mean and agree it is not fair on The Muppets to call him one. I don't like his method of selling. I know they have to promote and "sell" the product but his attitude is generally that whatever he is selling is so wonderful that you will have to buy it. He says this in a smug yet aggresive way. I usually say to the television "oh no I don't have to buy it" and turn over. I know I sound mad shouting at the telly but it makes me feel better!
Have you noticed how much he talks with his hands? They're all over the shop. He still uses the expression dilly and dally which amuses me, who says that anymore?

There's an air of desperation about this channel ever since these two Bidsters arrived but then, if nobody buys their amazingly poor deals, who else is going to employ them?
I once expressed my childhood crush on Peter Simon [What can I say? I was lonely] but seeing him on Ideal World he is either a lunatic seeing his feet for the first time or so sombre I am convinced some tragic event has just happened. There is no middle ground.

Strange selling technique by a 'professional' channel. :mysmilie_512:
I saw this idiot for the first time selling this. I found him quite offensive, practically shouting at the screen "if you don't play the game mate, don't quote the rules" in reference to someone who doesn't do the hoovering.

I would call him a muppet but I actually like The Muppets and find them useful and entertaining.

I hit the remote control, promptly.

I agree, I was channel hopping and heard him say to a guest presenter "oi you stay there" he went to walk away and the fella went to follow him and he said "are you thick mate? don't you know what STAY means?" "Honestly were do we get them from" and started shaking his head, how rude is that? The guest when red and I felt really embarrassed for him, Mason must have something on IW that keeps the diot and the other fool Peter Simon there.
I agree, I was channel hopping and heard him say to a guest presenter "oi you stay there" he went to walk away and the fella went to follow him and he said "are you thick mate? don't you know what STAY means?" "Honestly were do we get them from" and started shaking his head, how rude is that? The guest when red and I felt really embarrassed for him, Mason must have something on IW that keeps the diot and the other fool Peter Simon there.

Not very personable is he?

Although he thinks you only have to 'look good, smell good and smile' to succeed in life. Would anybody agree it's working for him, considering where he is? :giggle:
Not very personable is he?

Although he thinks you only have to 'look good, smell good and smile' to succeed in life. Would anybody agree it's working for him, considering where he is? :giggle:

I can't stand the man, he's another presenter that thinks he's all that, he's a baldy, rude, arrogant presenter, and a rubbish one at that...........not to mention those ugly gurning faux shock faces he pulls, honestly the mans deluded :doh:
This is Bid TV all over again. Mikey and Peter are sending this channel to it's death!!
I agree, I was channel hopping and heard him say to a guest presenter "oi you stay there" he went to walk away and the fella went to follow him and he said "are you thick mate? don't you know what STAY means?" "Honestly were do we get them from" and started shaking his head, how rude is that? The guest when red and I felt really embarrassed for him, Mason must have something on IW that keeps the diot and the other fool Peter Simon there.

That is truly shocking to say on air. I would have told him on air "politely" that his behaviour was unacceptable and made a formal complaint to Human Resources. And then I would probably have smacked his face off screen! People need to stand up to bullies.
This is Bid TV all over again. Mikey and Peter are sending this channel to it's death!!

All the old scamming ways are creeping in, especially with Pope Peter. Gold being mentioned more often than gold plating, the easy pay price being quoted more than the full price to make it sound cheap. Maybe they like seeing places shut down, who knows?
Its the same old presenters treading water until IW goes pop, scary thing for them is this time when IW goes pop what channel will take them on next? No channel would with CV's like they must have, I would throw said CV in the bin and start all over again in a polar opposite industry...........

Utterly immune from ANY form of criticism, head so far up there own butts massaging there own ego's to notice what's happening around about them, slowly but surely they are being found out for what they are........and are not!

Maybe if they actually listened and took positively to what the VIEWERS and BUYERS think they might come across as helpful, knowledgeable and generally nice salespeople, but no doubt in there deluded eyes its everyone else who is wrong.....................PS don't forget its all my humble opinion I maybe wrong!

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