Random musings and general banter.


Help Support ShoppingTelly:

Good grief, have you seen these appalling Stretchy Strides they're shilling for £25 all in?

They look like long Sprained Ankle Supports. Who needs Proskins?*


* Tammy, Joe and BB do :mysmilie_59:
Ha Ha Desert :mysmilie_19:

We know that Cazza, in her 'youth' worked 'at' The Crown Jewellers.

But what we'd like to know, Cazza, is what you DID 'at' The effin' Crown Jewellers. Did you? :-

1. Offer your design expertise to help create a spectacular commission for Buckingham Palace
2. Grade the Clarity, Colour & Cut of Diamonds used in various pieces for members of The Royal Family
3. Did a few days temping work for Adecco 'at' The Crown Jewellers, in the 1970's

I find number 3 the more likely :mysmilie_59:

I think if any of these characters had anything approaching a substantial role in their supposed field of expertise, we'd never hear the end of it. The vagueness, and mere label of 'expert' without real qualification, is very revealing. I recall your communication with Jannice Phillips, when she was qualifying her period at Apple. Fair play for her reply, but I still thought there was a certain equivocation. I suspect it would be a similar tale with all of Ideal's 'experts' (not that you'd get any real info from the rest of them).

Regarding the state of this channel. I have thought for some time that your (consistently witty) posts, highlighting the increasing desperation and absurdity of the presenters, are also acting as an ongoing obituary for this channel. I don’t know when (or if) it will collapse, but it's clear-at least on this forum-that it won't be a surprise if it goes the way of Bid:sad:
Saint Peter just said.........and I quote "this is just two £20's well its £3....." The item was £60 so he should have said its two £30's, then he says "No P&P on this as we've capped it at £4.99" then stummbled onto his next rabble.

Yip thats correct no attempt whatsoever to correct himself on the postage cost, These "Sales folk" on IW must be on utter peanuts, as this lot really are proof that you only get what you pay for.

PS: its 16:45 and Saint Peter has just stated how he "loves a big knob in his hand" :puke:
Watching this morning and Moik was on with Joe demonstrating some kitchen stuff, and I thought I'd gone back to the 1970's. For some reason he started talking about the old playground game "kiss chase", how he used run really slowly unless he was being chased by one of the "trolls"...I was off like a shot, nevva run faster in me life, shouting you aint never gunna get married"! and then when you thought it couldn't get any worse - he comes out with Yeah and then you've left school and all that and you see this bird she's absolutely gorgeous (making breast gestures with his hands) Ya know wot I mean and it turns aht that its one of them trolls...Joe was visibly uncomfortable with this, and it looked as though he got a telling off in his earpiece too. DISGUSTING! Ideal World.....WHY THE HELL DID YOU GIVE THIS MAN A JOB?!

I'm almost tempted to make a complaint to IW about this
Watching this morning and Moik was on with Joe demonstrating some kitchen stuff, and I thought I'd gone back to the 1970's. For some reason he started talking about the old playground game "kiss chase", how he used run really slowly unless he was being chased by one of the "trolls"...I was off like a shot, nevva run faster in me life, shouting you aint never gunna get married"! and then when you thought it couldn't get any worse - he comes out with Yeah and then you've left school and all that and you see this bird she's absolutely gorgeous (making breast gestures with his hands) Ya know wot I mean and it turns aht that its one of them trolls...Joe was visibly uncomfortable with this, and it looked as though he got a telling off in his earpiece too. DISGUSTING! Ideal World.....WHY THE HELL DID YOU GIVE THIS MAN A JOB?!

I'm almost tempted to make a complaint to IW about this

Don't bother complaing Merry, no need to bother yourself.

Ideal World is clearly going down the plug hole, just let it slosh itself into the gutter along with all the other waste.

It's following a predictable pattern now, the goons are showing signs of stress and tension, the lies are beginning to roll.

I think it's funny :mysmilie_59:
I think if any of these characters had anything approaching a substantial role in their supposed field of expertise, we'd never hear the end of it. The vagueness, and mere label of 'expert' without real qualification, is very revealing. I recall your communication with Jannice Phillips, when she was qualifying her period at Apple. Fair play for her reply, but I still thought there was a certain equivocation. I suspect it would be a similar tale with all of Ideal's 'experts' (not that you'd get any real info from the rest of them).

Regarding the state of this channel. I have thought for some time that your (consistently witty) posts, highlighting the increasing desperation and absurdity of the presenters, are also acting as an ongoing obituary for this channel. I don’t know when (or if) it will collapse, but it's clear-at least on this forum-that it won't be a surprise if it goes the way of Bid:sad:

I put it to you Desert that if one were an expert in such fields why would one be in Peterborough on a most dubious, downmarket channel shilling really old, refurbished iPads or ludicrously named Chinese Watches?

And I put it to you Desert that one probably wouldn't be, and I have no further questions M'Lud.

But of course the irony in all this is that you don't have to be Steve Jobs reincarnated to sell a second hand iPad, or to have worked for Camilla and Charles to shill Knock Off Watches. Or be Fanny Cradock's Love Child to burn Frozen Burgers.

You don't even need to be a Hoover Expert to sell Art :mysmilie_59:
:grin: @ vollebregt being a art expert...that was one of the worst shows I've seen on IW.

Merry...I also had the unfortunate experience of Mickey pipe cleaning legs 70's act earlier. :mysmilie_46: Joe didn't look too pleased never mind the producer in gollums ear.

Apparently there is a Vax sale on but come next Tuesday there's a Vax lowest ever price...imagine if some poor bugger buys this week and next week it's cheaper... fuming!.
Staying on the subject of the credentials of Ideal World's 'experts' we have Suzy, explaining what makes her able to knowledgeably talk about 'Luxury Bedding'.

She said she got into the 'Luxury Brands Market' some 17 years ago by way of 'looking after beautiful Villas'. Is that code for Cleaning?

According to her LinkedIn profile she says 'As a Presenter I am well versed in working in live TV plus pre recorded infomercials, adverts and Voice Overs. As an actor I have worked in TV and Theatre'. She adds that her passion is Wine and that she presents Wine Tutorials to private groups as well as public tours and tastings.

So there you go, it's not immediately clear why you need to be an expert in anything just to shill seemingly decent value bedding anyway but if Ideal World can get an opportunity to BS then it seems that they will.

So to cut to the chase Suzy is really an under employed Actor making a living presenting (and there's nothing wrong with that) but please, save us the carp :mysmilie_59:

Watching this morning and Moik was on with Joe demonstrating some kitchen stuff, and I thought I'd gone back to the 1970's. For some reason he started talking about the old playground game "kiss chase", how he used run really slowly unless he was being chased by one of the "trolls"...I was off like a shot, nevva run faster in me life, shouting you aint never gunna get married"! and then when you thought it couldn't get any worse - he comes out with Yeah and then you've left school and all that and you see this bird she's absolutely gorgeous (making breast gestures with his hands) Ya know wot I mean and it turns aht that its one of them trolls...Joe was visibly uncomfortable with this, and it looked as though he got a telling off in his earpiece too. DISGUSTING! Ideal World.....WHY THE HELL DID YOU GIVE THIS MAN A JOB?!

I'm almost tempted to make a complaint to IW about this

Mr Mason may very well be a 70's throwback, but it would be wrong to suggest that this sort of behaviour is endemic among all the ex-bid male presenters. Some of them, at least in previous roles, have been quite capable of demonstrating quite dignified behaviour.

I give you a Mr. Paul Becque...

Mr Mason may very well be a 70's throwback, but it would be wrong to suggest that this sort of behaviour is endemic among all the ex-bid male presenters. Some of them, at least in previous roles, have been quite capable of demonstrating quite dignified behaviour.

I give you a Mr. Paul Becque...

Nothing offensive there at all.

But then he fits in well on the fabulously whitewashed Ideal World.
Nothing offensive there at all.

But then he fits in well on the fabulously whitewashed Ideal World.

I bet you he's a nasty piece of work, I've been thinking this for a while. He's becoming more stressed and agitated, this goon seems very under pressure. This Cruise Line Creep must consider his options.

He's got to jump from this ship soon, he'll be walking the plank before long anyway. A life on the ocean waves awaits, time to get back to what you do best Shreque.

Cruise Ships were made for talentless goons like Shreque, the audience can't escape :mysmilie_59:

I bet you he's a nasty piece of work, I've been thinking this for a while. He's becoming more stressed and agitated, this goon seems very under pressure. This Cruise Line Creep must consider his options.

He's got to jump from this ship soon, he'll be walking the plank before long anyway. A life on the ocean waves awaits, time to get back to what you do best Shreque.

Cruise Ships were made for talentless goons like Shreque, the audience can't escape :mysmilie_59:

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He's cunning: he jumped from bid well before the plug got pulled. Not surprised he's worried if Ideal is threatening to go under too.

If the cruise ships were his best option he'd still be on them.

Did you see last Tuesday's cruise show? There were a couple of very telling statements made: Shreque mentioned that he'd worked for many cruise companies at one point. Fair enough, thought I. But then later on BOD was talking up one particular ship, saying that the staff had been there for years and remembered returning passengers etc.

So if cruise staff tend to stay on one ship for long periods, why did Shreque move about so much?
I blame peter simon everything peter simon works at the company goes bust or has a bad reputation.
Paul shreque is a sort of strange one...he looks like he`s in full control at times but others he looks all at sea. But one thing i have picked up he certainly does not like the gardening lady who is very loud and OTT.
Shreque did mention once he would still be at sea with his wife but they came off the ships as they wanted to start a family...the truth who knows :wonder:
Paul shreque is a sort of strange one...he looks like he`s in full control at times but others he looks all at sea. But one thing i have picked up he certainly does not like the gardening lady who is very loud and OTT.
Shreque did mention once he would still be at sea with his wife but they came off the ships as they wanted to start a family...the truth who knows :wonder:

It seems a lot of the presenters look irritated when they're on with her. She talks a lot and so do they, it's a constant battle for the limelight I think.
Paul shreque is a sort of strange one...he looks like he`s in full control at times but others he looks all at sea. But one thing i have picked up he certainly does not like the gardening lady who is very loud and OTT.
Shreque did mention once he would still be at sea with his wife but they came off the ships as they wanted to start a family...the truth who knows :wonder:

His angst and tension comes to the fore when he has to share a 'stage' with the quite atrocious Angela 'anyone for tennis' Noghani. What an utterly dislikable woman

She is unbearable, a nightmare and I'll concede that but the clear seething from Shreque, almost growling, was palpable. He was fuming that she was talking.

This shower are all over the show, the cast of total SCHLOCKS they've gathered confirm this. We should begin preparing for it's demise by having a guess at how long it's got left.

I say it won't need a visit from the Easter Bunny :mysmilie_59:
Just look at this creep pawing the model.

Good grief, this channel is beyond the pale. It's The Benny Hill Show, It really is a 1970's throwback :down:

Peter Simon talking about a Nicole dress: "It's beguiling. It's the entrance to a restaurant."

McDonalds? :mysmilie_59:

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