Derek Marks Leaving TJC!!


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Jun 24, 2008
he just announced live on air that he is leaving TJC

apparently he is moving to a tv shopping channel from what ive heard him say so who knows but id like to wish him the best of luck as he was an amazing presenter & very funny too
Not surprised by this. The channel has changed a lot selling less jewellery and more other stuff. To me it has gone down market and I rarely watch now let alone buy.

I loved his rapid auction shows but they stopped some time ago.

Good luck to him wherever he turns up. I have seen him on the Pavers channel from time to time.
I've seen him on my channel hopping travels the past couple of months on Pavers Shoes Tv, Sky 669. I've also seen that John fella who was on Rocks (or still is I don't know) and funny enough Sheila from IW is often on Pavers too, co presenting as opposed to modelling.
Not surprised by this. The channel has changed a lot selling less jewellery and more other stuff. To me it has gone down market and I rarely watch now let alone buy.

I loved his rapid auction shows but they stopped some time ago.

Good luck to him wherever he turns up. I have seen him on the Pavers channel from time to time.

Sorry Turandot, I didn't read your post properly, I didn't notice you'd mentioned Pavers too, I totally agree with your comment on TJC.
He was a good presenter on Gems several years ago, too, much better than some of the awful ones they have on there now. I'm not surprised he's leaving TJC, it seemed to me that the occasions he presented got fewer and fewer, and he sometimes seemed rather lack-lustre about what he was being asked to sell (with good reason, too). TJC has definitely gone downmarket, and having the Buyers on making "guest appearances" every other minute hasn't helped their credibility. I think Derek Marks has always had other irons in the fire, and he'll probably easily make up the spare time left from working at TJC by his other commitments. Shame, he had good knowledge of the gemstones he was selling, and gave you lots of factual information. Somehow, I don't think he'll be the last 'going over the wall' at TJC.

i know he does that cruise ship one too but yep i wish him all the best
I am not surprised that Derek has left TJC, had a feeling this has been on the cards for a while now. He hasn't been on the channel as often as he used to, and the odd times he was on, it was either the late shift or the early one. He is by far the best presenter on TJC, and like some of the comments here, I felt, on the odd occasions he has been on the channel, his heart hasn't been in it for a while. TJC has been going downhill for sometime, it used to be my number 1 shopping channel, but I hardly watch it now. Feel sad the way it is going, will miss lovely Derek, but I wish him all the best for the future.
Agree totally with the other comments, Derek you "were always my favourite", funny, not shouty nor pushy or gabby I'm really sorry you've left. I, too, am disappointed with the direction TJC seems to be going, however, I stopped watching Gems a long time ago, most of the presenters are unwatchable, their comments unbelievable.
Perhaps shopping channels in their present format need a re-think, their customers have more info at their end of a laptop now and maybe a calmer less hyped presentation would be better for all.
I agree, they do need a re-think. This hysterical style of presentation, with gabbled words and a complete lack of factual information about the gemstone turns me off completely. These days, probably because they employ presenters who do not have the in-depth, factual knowledge of the 'old style' presenters (most of whom have left!) the presenters seem to compensate for what would otherwise be long silences by talking in superlatives, telling you how "wonderful", "fantastic", etc. everything is - which is purely subjective anyway. I've noticed that there are few (if any) tips and hints given for those viewers without much gemstone knowledge - the older presenters would tell you, for example, not to immerse pearls, coral or opals in cleaning solution, because these stones are porous. They would also tell you not to put several items of jewellery together, in case the softer stones were scratched by the harder ones. They also used to mention about not buying magnetic clasps for anyone with a pacemaker - these are the useful things people want to hear. Telling them that the item is "gorgeous" serves no useful purpose. Also, can we hear a little about where the gemstones come from and when the stone was first discovered. I smile to myself when I see on their website that presenters are "qualified as an AJP jewellery professionals" - well, come on then, presenters - let's hear some knowledge coming over the airwaves!

Perhaps shopping channels in their present format need a re-think, their customers have more info at their end of a laptop now and maybe a calmer less hyped presentation would be better for all.[/QUOTE]
I think they have lost their way .

They rebranded as TJC and started selling bedding ,bags and skin care ,but they don't seem to be able to decide what they are for now. I get the feeling the buyers get hold of a job lot of items cheaply and decide to sell them no matter what the item is .A bit like a market trader I suppose.

All those under £10 days must be profitable somehow.

I haven't seen Chris St Valery either lately although I don't watch anywhere near as often as I did so may have missed him.
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No, Turandot, I haven't seen him either. Perhaps he's doing the later hours, or away on an extended holiday, but I wouldn't be at all surprised if he'd packed it in (perhaps Derek Marks left the length of rope behind when he went 'over the wall'?). They make a big thing out of "our buyers have specially selected this item", but I think much of it is closeout stock that they buy up cheaply.

I think they have lost their way .

They rebranded as TJC and started selling bedding ,bags and skin care ,but they don't seem to be able to decide what they are for now. I get the feeling the buyers get hold of a job lot of items cheaply and decide to sell them no matter what the item is .A bit like a market trader I suppose.

All those under £10 days must be profitable somehow.

I haven't seen Chris St Valery either lately although I don't watch anywhere near as often as I did so may have missed him.

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