Over and over and over again


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Feb 21, 2011
Plymouth, Devon
I don't watch live Q any more, just check the website.

There were 4 shows yesterday with kitcheny gadgets, so I checked these out online, and they were the same items over and over again.

I'm sure in the "good old days" (when V meant value) they had a far greater variety of items during the day, even in the same type of show.

What to you think?
I certainly noticed on recent YC shows they only had 3 or 4 items, each one repeated once if not twice rather than the usual raft of items. I wondered if they were having technical difficulties at the time but it sounds as if it is a new trend then. Along with truncated shows and the TSV being inserted at every opportunity. Must be the new broom!

PS That was a daytime show and they reappeared in the evening IIRC.
QVC's scheduling has morphed into the Ideal World model; a rigid and finite list of items shown ad nauseam until the day ends or they sell out. Now peppered with irritating snippets of the TSV at least once every hour!
Just seen their latest self-promo in the ad break saying "isn't TV shopping just gadgets and nick nacks sold by people I've never heard of?" Well back when I started watching 20+ years ago these were exactly the things that made early QVC (and IW) so watchable!
When they just keep repeating the small range of items in each show, they may as well NOT bother to be live, just play a tape, like the informercial channels.
What can this possibly mean though, has Q's mythical buying power decreased, resulting in brands being less willing to slash prices to present a bigger variety of products, or is it just belt-tightening in general?

Either way, it has become tedious to watch Q - Strato, I agree with you and do remember the days when I would watch more than one show of the same brand during the day as new items would be introduced in each one. Now I can barely watch one as a lot of the time, it's even presenting items from past shows, complete with unsatisfactory reviews online!!!!
Also many of the items, especially jewellery, is on 'advanced orders' only. Clearly a sign that stock in the warehouse is at a minimum, and probably why it takes almost a week now to get the goods ordered - (quick phone call to the suppliers for an overnight delivery to the warehouse so it can be sent out again).

I agree, the repeat showing of an item in one show is yawn inspiring, and its flogged to death until its Limited Stock - almost like we are bashed unconscious until we buy !

When Q begun there was no internet, and shopping trends have changed but Q hasn't. More of us are buying online - we can get the goods the next day, and much better choice. Q have only got the 30dmg going for them, and easy pay, BUT personal accounts can be set up with any of the on-line catalogue sites and its one p and p per order not per item.

I understand that there are those who don't have access to the internet and are housebound, so Q shopping is a lifeline for them; but unless Q up their game, then this section of their viewing population will be the only ones left to sell to !
I wish the powers that be at QVC would read all the comments and suggestions on ST.COM.

Perhaps they do, but there is no evidence of it because they never change for the better.
I wish the powers that be at QVC would read all the comments and suggestions on ST.COM.

Perhaps they do, but there is no evidence of it because they never change for the better.

They don't even take any notice of the direct feed of complaints to their FB page - when the Beauty Product of the Month came out on 1st May, someone pointed out the colour option icons were wrong and this was going to be fixed ASAP according to their mods...it's still showing incorrectly.
They don't even take any notice of the direct feed of complaints to their FB page - when the Beauty Product of the Month came out on 1st May, someone pointed out the colour option icons were wrong and this was going to be fixed ASAP according to their mods...it's still showing incorrectly.

I was just going to post the same thing. People often complain on facebook and you see the usual 'we will pass your comments on, signed with a x', but nothing changes. They obviously don't bother, or if they do, no-one cares a jot. I think it is a terribly run company - there does not seem to be any management in evidence at all.
I was just going to post the same thing. People often complain on facebook and you see the usual 'we will pass your comments on, signed with a x', but nothing changes. They obviously don't bother, or if they do, no-one cares a jot. I think it is a terribly run company - there does not seem to be any management in evidence at all.

Exactly and it's the same (justified) complaints over and over again, with the same cut and paste platitudes - they're an embarrassment!
It is getting a little 'ideal-worldy'

QVC obviously prefer it in their safe zone. YAWN
I wouldn't be surprised if they closed the warehouse, sub-let half of it to another distribution company or moved to smaller premises. They are obviously reducing the range and depth of stock they hold at any one time.

When I started watching QVC about 12 years ago I remember it was 3 months before I saw the same brands and items come round again. Now it's not even 3 weeks with some brands.
When Q begun there was no internet, and shopping trends have changed but Q hasn't. More of us are buying online - we can get the goods the next day, and much better choice. Q have only got the 30dmg going for them, and easy pay, BUT personal accounts can be set up with any of the on-line catalogue sites and its one p and p per order not per item.

Repetitive doesn't begin to describe it sometimes. Last night I caught the launch of the TSV, yet again with Jill Franks, and looked in on the show. This morning I turned on and watched Beauty Loves... or whatever it was this morning, and it could have been a taped recording from last night. Other than the fact that Chloe was presenting instead of Jill Franks, everything else was identical. As someone suggested here, they could save money by just running VT for hours at a time and save paying presenters to just repeat ad nauseam. And what is it with that bloomin' Dyson hairdryer? Apart from costing a King's ransom, they seem to be wedging it in at every possible moment. I wonder if they got their stock from the Driscoll Brothers and need to pay them back quickly?

I think the cost of P&P related to the level of service you get is what will be their biggest failing. For example, I ordered 2 eye liner pencils from them, cost £3.95 P&P and took eight days to be delivered. Compare that with an Amazon order - 4 large bottles of various skin wash and body lotion, almost 4 litres of product, ordered at 5.45pm last night, free P&P and delivered THIS MORNING! QVC keep trying to justify their P&P when people moan about it on FB but if every other company you can think of can provide cheaper services, one P&P per order (if not free) and get them to your door within 48 hours, why can't QVC? What is actually stopping them from doing it?
On the delivery front my ( most recent) order with John Lewis ( free over £60) made on Sunday arrived Wednesday ( thought that was late-- expected Tuesday!) by Royal Mail so why does QVC sometimes take what seems forever?
I also get bored of seeing the same models for certain shows. Philip Kingsley...hair like rats tails in the before shots, same model swishing her hair about in the after.
Are we allowed to say 'swishing hair' :mysmilie_465:

Jill Franks on almost every late evening show, which is when I like to watch.
Whenever I've bought anything from eBay that's second class delivery with Royal Mail it's always arrived in two/three days, even when the p&p is free. With QVC apparently when it says "shipped" it can be another two/three days before Royal Mail pick up the consignment from the warehouse and take it the sorting office which can take yet another two/three days, so technically when they say "shipped" it hasn't even left the building, yet more of QVCs deceit.
I also get bored of seeing the same models for certain shows. Philip Kingsley...hair like rats tails in the before shots, same model swishing her hair about in the after.
Are we allowed to say 'swishing hair' :mysmilie_465:

Jill Franks on almost every late evening show, which is when I like to watch.

And as we all know, the 'after' shot we are led to believe is due to a particular hair product with all the schzuzing by the hairdresser with their fingers. Er, we ain't daft, they've all had hair rollers in to get that amount of bounce, height and shine. (But it clearly doesn't work on Franks' hair).

Its beyond boring for every cosmetic show, as you say, the same old same old models are used. Nalinthia who never models clothes but is always there for the make up, an older lady who is badly in need of a good neck product, and one of the regular models like Frankie with the manic grin !
Absolutely right, V did mean value back then. This channel now goes from bad to worse and I only watch it for a laugh. Years ago, when I bought from them, they used to have some good items, including lovely bits of jewellery, reasonably priced (I've still got the ones I bought from them). But things are totally different now. In my opinion, the channel is full of self-important, frequently ill-prepared presenters and from the appearance of some of them, it's blatantly obvious that they don't use the 'wonder products' in personal care that they try to foist on the public and the items for sale are vastly overpriced, so my buying days are well and truly over.
I don't watch live Q any more, just check the website.

There were 4 shows yesterday with kitcheny gadgets, so I checked these out online, and they were the same items over and over again.

I'm sure in the "good old days" (when V meant value) they had a far greater variety of items during the day, even in the same type of show.

What to you think?

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