Alison's all charm again


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Bea Frugal

Registered Shopper
Feb 1, 2010
Just dipped into the Liz Earle hour in time to hear AY describe the men's body wash as smelling like a dimmed treatment room. Caroline said that was a great description and AY chirps up with 'don't you dare use that or I'll come and slap you!' How lovely.

They both looked stunted on low chairs with their bosoms resting on the table. No cushions at QVC towers? No northern nights pillows? No pile of on trend Quacker fashion at a loose end? :mysmilie_503:
It's noticeable how in the Liz Earle hours Alison very rarely puts any of the products on - normally in beauty hours she's slathering herself in all sorts of everything at every opportunity, but very rarely in the LE hour will she actually demo or use any of the products...which is quite telling of her feelings on the brand.

I saw the comment she made too, thought it was odd and then the rude comment to Caroline after. I know she's got a very sarcy northern sense of humour - but sometimes it just goes a bit too far :wink:
Yes cavegirl, Alison thinks she can get away with any old rude remarks and expect people to find it funny. I find it funny that she's allowed to insult perfectly innocent people she hardly knows on live shopping tv. I hope Liz was watching because she won't be laughing that's for sure. Even Alison wouldn't have dared threaten Liz Earle with a slap! Just imagine the fallout from that.
I know she has a certain way about her and her humour as I say is very sarcy, but sometimes it does cut that fine line between funny/utter rudeness or bitchyness. It's clear what she thinks about the LE range from the little remarks she makes and the fact she doesn't seem to treat it as seriously as some of her more favourite 'sophisticated, prestige brands.'...
I'm amazed that QVC allow things like that to pass. Liz Earle sells well for them and, by demeaning it, she could put off potential new customers for the range. At the end of the day, they are business, not personality, orientated and she has never hidden her contempt for the range.
I can't bear the way Alison goes on about her loathing of babies/children and how she calls her friends' child "it" and how she doesn't really want to talk to them.

It's silly and juvenile beyond belief and it smacks of "methinks she doth protest too much"

Personally I don't want to hear about her dogs and horses and orange husband.
None of the other presenters bang on and bore us about their kids/pets/husband as much as she does.
She really needs to get over herself.:rock:
I can't bear the way Alison goes on about her loathing of babies/children and how she calls her friends' child "it" and how she doesn't really want to talk to them.

It's silly and juvenile beyond belief and it smacks of "methinks she doth protest too much"

Personally I don't want to hear about her dogs and horses and orange husband.
None of the other presenters bang on and bore us about their kids/pets/husband as much as she does.
She really needs to get over herself.:rock:

JF is as bad going on about herself.
I don't get her going on like this either, I simply don't care what she or any other sales person on a shopping channel is or isn't into. As is said here frequently, we're only interested (if you're lucky :tongue:) in the products.
JF is as bad going on about herself.
I don't get her going on like this either, I simply don't care what she or any other sales person on a shopping channel is or isn't into. As is said here frequently, we're only interested (if you're lucky :tongue:) in the products.

Yes,you are right about JF and Larry,her bulldog,the theatre outings,her shoes,bags,holidays,running...funny she never mentions her wheezing though!!:up:
The queen of me me me me me me me me. Has to be Anne Dawson, I feel like I live in her Italian holiday home, have been to her parties and barbies.

I would have visions ole Allie would have you help muck out the horses if you called.
Yes,you are right about JF and Larry,her bulldog,the theatre outings,her shoes,bags,holidays,running...funny she never mentions her wheezing though!!:up:

...................and the new "baby bulldog" is called Mr Bojangles and will be a little brother for Scruncher.
I can't bear the way Alison goes on about her loathing of babies/children and how she calls her friends' child "it" and how she doesn't really want to talk to them.

I know she doesn't like children but if she is saying things like that on air, then it is beyond the pale. I don't understand why she is allowed to spout such vileness. Or why she has any friends left - if she was my friend she would only refer to my or anybody else's child as 'it' once before she would be ejected from my life for good.
My SIL looks exactly like AY and talks and screeches like her too.

She has the same frumpiness about her and makes comments like AY - particularly on children

We're great friends.......not......:mysmilie_468:

however sadly,my SIL cannot have children.

I have always been of this opinion of AY.
I think she really thinks she is so funny, she just makes all these comments to make out she's such good friends with all the presenters ie Lulu & Leighton Denny etc. She is so thick she doesn't realize that they just play along to get their products sold. She seems to think she is A list but with her looks and fashion sense!!! NO NO NO.
I would have visions ole Allie would have you help muck out the horses if you called.

I wouldn't mind mucking out the stables if I got treated as she suggests we should treat our friends ie buy one for us and one for our best friend. Christ with all the freebies and all the stuff she nicks on air it would be worth it.

I also don't mind horses. On the kid thing she does protest to much but is if it ok to go on about how much you love kids on air then it should be ok to voice your dislike for them.

My husbands mate has a wife that isn't really fussed on kids and as long as they stay away from her she stays away from them. I don't mind it at all, I don't expect anyone to love/like my kids except me and my husband. I also get to have intresting adult only topics with her and forget for 1/2 an hour I am Mum. (I love being a mum but I am also a person in my own right)
On the kid thing she does protest to much but is if it ok to go on about how much you love kids on air then it should be ok to voice your dislike for them.

My husbands mate has a wife that isn't really fussed on kids and as long as they stay away from her she stays away from them. I don't mind it at all, I don't expect anyone to love/like my kids except me and my husband. I also get to have intresting adult only topics with her and forget for 1/2 an hour I am Mum. (I love being a mum but I am also a person in my own right)

I agree that I don't expect everyone to love/like kids - I am not really a motherly type either, and before I had children I was not terribly interested in them so do understand those that aren't keen on children. But I would never have referred to them as 'it' and I find this really offensive.
If I ever hear her say this I will make a complaint to QVC - she rightly wouldn't be allowed to refer to someone of a different race as 'it' and I thnk the same rule should be applied to children. I feel it's just unacceptable.
I agree that I don't expect everyone to love/like kids - I am not really a motherly type either, and before I had children I was not terribly interested in them so do understand those that aren't keen on children. But I would never have referred to them as 'it' and I find this really offensive.
Yes, brat is a far more acceptable....:mysmilie_847:
I agree that I don't expect everyone to love/like kids - I am not really a motherly type either, and before I had children I was not terribly interested in them so do understand those that aren't keen on children. But I would never have referred to them as 'it' and I find this really offensive.
If I ever hear her say this I will make a complaint to QVC - she rightly wouldn't be allowed to refer to someone of a different race as 'it' and I thnk the same rule should be applied to children. I feel it's just unacceptable.

And I agree if she refered to all children as it, but I think she said that she called a friends child it. Now I don't think that is ok but that child is not my child and it is up the child in question parents. If AY refered in my hearing to my child as 'it' I would politely and firmly tell her that I did not think her calling my child 'it' was acceptable and ask her to refain from doing it again. If she (or anyone else) persisted I would remind them that I didn't want them calling my child 'it' and then if they carried on I would either leave with my child or ask them to leave my house depending whether I am at home or not.

But this child's parent may not be bothered, it may have become a bit on an in joke. I know someone whos name is nickname is 'Bonky' and is refered to by everyone including her parents as Bonky. I don't even know what her real name is other than she got this nickname very young. Hopefully the child is not old enough to realise that it is being called 'it', but to be honest with small children they pick up more on how a word is said rather than what is actually said. I for instance have an unusual name and I knew from a very young age that my paternal grandmother thought it was a silly name from the way she said it. And she said it with a slight sneer in her voice every time she said it until she died.

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