Beekman 1802 Beauty TSV 14/09/21


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It won’t come in fancy packaging - strong eco brand - but my friend recommends Chuckling Goat soaps!

They’re made with goats milk and kefir as their base and so various options plus a selection...

The other “goat soap” place someone recommended to me - they do other skincare and lots of very natural scent options of soap too - is this place. Excellent for eczema and psoriasis apparently.
One is called Old Goat (sandalwood and patchouli) ☺️

The other “goat soap” place someone recommended to me - they do other skincare and lots of very natural scent options of soap too - is this place. Excellent for eczema and psoriasis apparently.
One is called Old Goat (sandalwood and patchouli) ☺️

Sandalwood and Patchouli sounds luuuuuuuurvely. 😊
The large Beekman box is beautiful it contains everything including the two smaller boxes and plenty brown light card shredded packing from what I recall. The three boxes are nicely decorated glossy and very substantial. As with all the body creams that comes in it’s own Twinkle carded box and each of the lip glosses come in their own decorative tubes. If you have used Berts Bees lip balms the twist up packaging and approximate sizing is the same. The soaps are just packed in the large box each in their named paper/carded wrapping. The hand cream is the same placed in the shredded packaging in large box that’s a plastic tube with the twinkle covering.
Can‘t think of anything else to say but that the packaging is impressive, don’t think you will be disappointed on that front, oh and yes it’s all kept. 😍
That's a beautifully written comment, in fact it's a 'reveal' in words 💐
I used to keep a small herd of goats. Milked twice a day. Sold some & made yoghurts & cheese. But I’ve never personally been able to stand the taste of goat cheese 😂
Didn't keep a billy so used to ferry them to be mated in the back of my Mini Traveller.
Have you ever seen goats mate? Bang bang thank you ma’am doesn’t come close! Takes all of two seconds......& nothing stinks quite like a billy goat 😳
I ❤️ 🐐 & all these posts make my longing to become a goatherder even stronger.
You need to milk them twice a day, even Christmas Day, holidays are out of the question.
muck out dirty bedding, same as horses. Supplement feed in winter, hay, hot soaked sugar beet, twice a day as well.
And forget keeping them anywhere near a garden, they always eat plants in preference to grass ( many of which are toxic to them & vet call outs are extortionate). For help with the lawn mowing it’s geese you want....fabulous animals...lawnmowers with a built in burglar alarm 😁
You need to milk them twice a day, even Christmas Day, holidays are out of the question.
muck out dirty bedding, same as horses. Supplement feed in winter, hay, hot soaked sugar beet, twice a day as well.
And forget keeping them anywhere near a garden, they always eat plants in preference to grass ( many of which are toxic to them & vet call outs are extortionate). For help with the lawn mowing it’s geese you want....fabulous animals...lawnmowers with a built in burglar alarm 😁
I love geese too & know someone who has Sebastopol geese, they're so pretty. My Mr T does consultancy work for the NFU, visits farms, small holdings, bee keepers & anyone else remotely connected to agriculture so knows a number of goat people. If, it's a very big if, I did have goats they would be pets so I'd have two Pygmy wethers, we have more than enough room & a very talented nephew who would build an enclosure for them. As I say it's a very big IF.
I ordered 2 of the TSV and I've just ordered 2 of this set; that's me set for soap for the foreseeable! The TSV soap bars were massive but I'm not buying anymore liquid soap in plastic bottles so these smallerbars wil be on every sink once I've used up the current hand soaps. I can't wait to try the other scents.
My soap man is at the Xmas market, so I will be stocking up from him.

I would buy the orange and honey soap from Beekman too.

I was talking to a friend about my dislike of liquid soap, and she was confused. I have never been a fan of liquid soap did buy L'Occitane one and Molton Brown years back when in TSVs but no never again.
I ordered 2 of the TSV and I've just ordered 2 of this set; that's me set for soap for the foreseeable! The TSV soap bars were massive but I'm not buying anymore liquid soap in plastic bottles so these smallerbars wil be on every sink once I've used up the current hand soaps. I can't wait to try the other scents.
My tsv (ex) is due today, got my eyes on that new soap kit now as well haha
The set I ordered (the one that was the last TSV) arrived on Wednesday and i thought it was noce. Lovely packaging - ive only opened one of the soaps (the Twinkle Twinkle) and to be honest it doesn't really smell of much. Im hoping the hand cream / body cream smell a bit nicer, but I’ve not tried them yet - I’m giving them to my daughter for xmas as she has very sensitive skin so I’m hoping they’ll suit her. The soap does seem like a nice formula though- very creamy, not drying, and the bars are HUUUUUUGE. I might have a go at the set youve posted though @Akimbo 😊
I think the £44 "price-point" is too high for a bundle of soaps and the Black Friday price is about right. I'll probably use the packaging from the TSV set to construct a couple of presents with the smaller soaps. I also thought it was a good way to sample some of the other fragrances. I'm ploughing through a stockpile of shower gels and hand washes and it will take many more months before I get through it all. Mr Akimbo likes liquid soap because the side of the basin doesn't get gunged up and he's used to using up my cast-off products, mostly scents I don't like; we'll get through it eventually.
I ordered 2 of the TSV and I've just ordered 2 of this set; that's me set for soap for the foreseeable! The TSV soap bars were massive but I'm not buying anymore liquid soap in plastic bottles so these smallerbars wil be on every sink once I've used up the current hand soaps. I can't wait to try the other scents.
Thanks for bringing this to my attention. I bought the TSV after the event and loved the soaps. I’ve had the small soap set arrive today and I’m even happier with all the soapy goodness in bars small enough that I won’t keep dropping the huge bar in the bath!
I’m a bit cross with myself as i wanted to get that black friday set of 8 soaps - then i forgot about it (stressful few days with loads going on / wrong… 🙄) and now it's gone. He who hesitates and all that…. 😣
Glad you’re liking it though @Sooze 😁