Bossy Knickers...


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Guest Shopper
QVCUS have the 'charming' Mr Ramsey on today:, with his debut appearance of set of saucepans TSV (worldwide launch apparently).
He was a smooth operator, though. Being on shopping channel and live telly did not phase him at all, you can only see the $$$ sign ticking in his eyes. At the end the lady presenter says to him (waving a fork at him): "I didn't have to poke you with my fork once, you did such a good job!" Gordon couldn't resist himself, turns around and says to her: "Bossy knickers!!"... and not a "F" word in sight!:angel:
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he actually turns up in america all we get is a phonecall nice one gordon least marco came into the studio for his show it may have been once but he turned up wish he'd come back
Vile uncouth man, I wouldn't buy anything associated with him. :puke:
so he can control his swearing, interesting, does this mean it is all an act for TV??????
so he can control his swearing, interesting, does this mean it is all an act for TV??????

Definitely, he was on a pre watershed prog last week and he was fine, no swearing at all. IMO It's all an act and a tired, worn out one at that.
he actually turns up in america all we get is a phonecall nice one gordon least marco came into the studio for his show it may have been once but he turned up wish he'd come back

Was he really on our QVC?? I've missed that....hey, so I don't watch nearly as much Q as I thought I was! :mysmilie_480: