Brand Ambassadors


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Jul 19, 2014
South Ayrshire
I am very easily avoiding QVC most days/weeks because an airing I might be interested in watching is with a combination of a presenter I seriously dislike and also a brand ambassador, both just make me want to turn off so that’s exactly what I do. I wonder if others feel the same? I like Carla, she is eady to watch and sensible, also Patrick Hoy, I can even watch them if they are on with HRH Julia.
It all boils down to professionalism. I know there is probably an edict from bosses to "fill-in" with nonsense chatter, acting the goat, or kicking their legs in the air, thus giving time for models to change their outfits, or replace a product, or they only have a certain amount of items to present, therefore getting through them too quickly cocks up the programming schedule, BUT its all dependant on the personality of the Presenters in the main as to how this is done.

I've noticed that the BAs do generally like to keep things "on track" to describe and present their wares, and its the Presenter who can waylay their spiel with anecdotes etc. therefore sabotaging the BA in full flow. Chloe, Jackie, Ali K, Annaliese are particularly guilty of this. Jill F tends to slow down the presentation with her unfunny remarks,, as does Flinty. They're all given instructions through their ear, and just notice how long and often a lot of time is given over to 'ways of paying' which is the big clincher for me not watching much.
I am very easily avoiding QVC most days/weeks because an airing I might be interested in watching is with a combination of a presenter I seriously dislike and also a brand ambassador, both just make me want to turn off so that’s exactly what I do. I wonder if others feel the same? I like Carla, she is eady to watch and sensible, also Patrick Hoy, I can even watch them if they are on with HRH Julia.
100% agree. Pre iPads I was able to watch nearly all of them, post iPad less so but once the annoying presenters were paired with annoying BA‘s I stopped watching. It hasn’t helped that some of the BA’s present numerous brands so there is very little respite from them. Although I‘ve never watched the beauty shows they seem to be able to have separate BA for each brand, whereas we have to endure “no shampoo Melissa “ doing umpteen shows as well as MarlaW. All this is before we even get into the lack of choice, prices etc.
Brand ambassadors I can watch most of the time include Carla Laszlo, Caroline McLeod Smith (the one with short blonde hair), Jenny Blackhust, Patrick Hoy, Glenn Campbell, Sam Ovens, Marie Christine Wolfe, Alison O'Reilly, June Poster, Simon Brown. I have no time for Melissa, or Katie Pemberton the blonde lady with no eyebrows (or maybe they are just really fair?)... I don't care for the sleb guests or the designers (prefer Julien McDonald's cousin as a guest to himself). Abbie Horne is like watching something awful you can't look away from, for me!
I think I have quite a lengthy list of watchable BAs, I'm shocked at myself.
I don't tend to linger very long when someone I can't bear to watch comes on...
Brand ambassadors I can watch most of the time include Carla Laszlo, Caroline McLeod Smith (the one with short blonde hair), Jenny Blackhust, Patrick Hoy, Glenn Campbell, Sam Ovens, Marie Christine Wolfe, Alison O'Reilly, June Poster, Simon Brown. I have no time for Melissa, or Katie Pemberton the blonde lady with no eyebrows (or maybe they are just really fair?)... I don't care for the sleb guests or the designers (prefer Julien McDonald's cousin as a guest to himself). Abbie Horne is like watching something awful you can't look away from, for me! 😂 😂 😂 😂 I would include Abbi Cleeve with that.
I think I have quite a lengthy list of watchable BAs, I'm shocked at myself.
I don't tend to linger very long when someone I can't bear to watch comes on...
Brand ambassadors I can watch most of the time include Carla Laszlo, Caroline McLeod Smith (the one with short blonde hair), Jenny Blackhust, Patrick Hoy, Glenn Campbell, Sam Ovens, Marie Christine Wolfe, Alison O'Reilly, June Poster, Simon Brown. I have no time for Melissa, or Katie Pemberton the blonde lady with no eyebrows (or maybe they are just really fair?)... I don't care for the sleb guests or the designers (prefer Julien McDonald's cousin as a guest to himself). Abbie Horne is like watching something awful you can't look away from, for me!
I think I have quite a lengthy list of watchable BAs, I'm shocked at myself.
I don't tend to linger very long when someone I can't bear to watch comes on...
I’m shocked at the length of your list but mainly at you being able to name so many in the first place LOL! 😳

No idea who Sam Ovens or June Poster are at all?!

Is Marie Christine Wolfe the artist formerly known as Marie Francoise?!

(I was thinking of her the other day after a thread on here a little while ago about her presenting some dodgy YouTube video for a ponzi- type scheme??)

Must say that since not being able to view QVC on my TV, I don’t miss anyone! Ans it’s a relief not to see others...

(I know I could just watch on mini iPad or phone but the former is old/slow and the latter is well, small, but it’s just not the same at all as just flicking the TV on for a bit as I used to, and therefore I don’t bother...)

Must admit I think it’s helped my blood pressure too! (Not literally, it’s already crazy low!) And although I do miss being able to watch random shows, especially at night which is when I tended to, I certainly don’t miss getting annoyed by random annoying people on my TV 😉
I managed to merge Marie  Françoise and her sister, I think! I knew it wasn't quite right but couldn't bring myself to Google it. You rescued me, thank you, TLL!
June is the Frank Usher guest. Sam Ovens was a model but is now a guest presenter, mainly for shoes and Ashwood handbags. Sam has a very nice speaking voice, so is a pleasure to listen to, even if you've no intention of purchasing.
We still have so much terrible news, I sometimes put on QVC to escape!

Brissles, yes, Abi Cleeve joins The Unwatchables and I'll add in Keeley Aydin too, for good measure!
Abby Horne is Simon Biagi's love child or he tutored her in serious insincerity and smirking and falseness. I would not buy a glass of wine from either of them and I do like my wine 🍷🍷

Abbi Cleeve is awful and I'm going right off bouncy, happy Lucy Piper who has everything, now sells everything and seems to poke it up the viewer's nose. Don't really care for JM but Justine is fab, Carla is good as is Caroline. I like Glen Campbell, he's sold me a few coats.

Another job you’d have been sent to see the labour exchange manager to explain yourself to if you’d asked at the counter if they had any brand ambassador jobs in around 1979. Along with bloggers, style consultants, and eyebrow fractures technicians, ‘brand ambassador’ strongly suggests a made up job where you sit on a chair and make sure you say ‘kind of’ ‘absolutely’ ‘little’ and ‘literally’ and other infuriatingly bland and annoying terms for a living for a very reasonable fee plus VAT.
I like him to he seems like hes always up for a laugh and does not take life too seriously. Like his crystal items.
Another job you’d have been sent to see the labour exchange manager to explain yourself to if you’d asked at the counter if they had any brand ambassador jobs in around 1979. Along with bloggers, style consultants, and eyebrow fractures technicians, ‘brand ambassador’ strongly suggests a made up job where you sit on a chair and make sure you say ‘kind of’ ‘absolutely’ ‘little’ and ‘literally’ and other infuriatingly bland and annoying terms for a living for a very reasonable fee plus VAT.
Good point ! This Brand Ambassador 'business' is just an extension of those who man stands at Trade Exhibitions handing out leaflets.
Good point ! This Brand Ambassador 'business' is just an extension of those who man stands at Trade Exhibitions handing out leaflets.
Yes, and it panders to the ego beautifully… the word ambassador has an aura of prestige and wisdom and representation of something far more important than just yourself. We can all decide for ourselves whether the term is accurate for any of QVC’s ambassadors!

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