Don't bother putting a review on IW unless it's a good one!


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Jun 24, 2008
Twice now I have reviewed products I have bought from Ideal world, they were put up briefly, but because they were only 1 star and not recommending the product, they were removed from the website forthwith. One was a hand held steam cleaner which was next to useless, producing puffs of steam that wouldn't clean anything, and the other some make up compacts that didn't match up to this particular brand's usual high quality!

IW what's the point in asking customers to review your products if you cannot accept that the reviews aren't all going to be 3 stars and above? - NOT ON!!!!
Don't bother putting a review on IW unless it's a good one!

I wouldn't waste my time reviewing anything on that channel, not that I watch much anymore. I like Rachel P but she isn't on much...I might flick on once or twice a day but I very seldom linger....:mysmilie_845:
I noticed that someone had put a review about the sugar crisp white linen trousers , commenting that she had tried 3 different pairs and they were all at least 2in shorter than the other colours and what a waste of money the postage was trying to get the right length . I sympathised with her as I found that the white trousers were shorter than the navy ones I ordered . If you read the reviews now , that particular review which would have been helpful to prospective purchasers , has been removed !
It doesn't really surprise me - it allows them to be truthfully disingenuous when they talk about all the highly rated stuff they sell.
Same with QVC, strict guidelines on there, have to say though, I've read loads of negative reviews ion IW, literally loads, so don't know how they slipped through.
It's downright fraudulent, in my opinion. :mysmilie_51:
If reviews are being monitored and removed if not to their liking then it's true, it's a waste of time reviewing to start with. I came to this conclusion a long time ago when I too had my negative review taken off. They are very careful in making sure they leave the nominal one or two negatives to try to make it look unbiased but we all know they are really. Sites such as this are ideal for venting views and should be used more often.
If reviews are being monitored and removed if not to their liking then it's true, it's a waste of time reviewing to start with. I came to this conclusion a long time ago when I too had my negative review taken off. They are very careful in making sure they leave the nominal one or two negatives to try to make it look unbiased but we all know they are really. Sites such as this are ideal for venting views and should be used more often.

I've made three negatives over the years and they've all been left on. It would be silly to doctor the reviews and only leave one or two negatives on because really, and I speak for myself here, but one or two negative reviews is all it takes for me to decide against buying. I've tried to leave about ten negative reviews on QVC and not one was accepted, so don't know what I was doing wrong there. In IW defence, I've read more than one or two negative reviews on certain products, on certain products I've read loads, I also like the fact they reply to most negative reviews on the website.
The last few reviews I've read on the IW website have been glowing, but with a rating of one star! This phenomenon occurs on the Q site as well. How do people mistake a full row of 5 stars for 1 out of 5 filled in? Both Q and IW stars have "poor" to "excellent" appear next to the star-rating depending on how many are clicked. I haven't seen the opposite happen; 5 star rating but a very poor review in the text...well not yet anyway.
I've managed to do several glowing reviews with one star on Amazon! Clicked on the 5th star assuming that it would fill the other 4 and I have failed to notice that only one star was filled and completed the review

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