Getting TSV before they are available/aired.


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May 31, 2016
Hi all,

I am new to posting on this forum but I have been a lurker for a while, I have noticed from various threads that it seems that some people get the QVC TSV earlier than when it is aired, I've tried looking through the qvc website to see if there was any way of doing this but have so far drawn a blank.

Is there anyway of doing this?

Many thanks,
I get emails nearly every day and at least half the time it is to order TSV early. Most of these are things I wouldn't be remotely interested in but still they come.

Have you signed up for email alerts? If not I think that is your starting point and if you are on social media it may give details in advance.

SCW and others on here gives heads up on what they are going to be but often you can't buy until near the going live time.

By the way, welcome hope you enjoy posting and don't get scared off by some of our bickering as it all eventually dies down and we have a laugh.

Let us know what your interests are (Q and other)
Thanks for the replies, I wasn't subscribed to qvc email alerts, but I am now. So maybe something will come my way!

My guilty pleasures lie in makeup and skincare, specifically tarte and Elemis. Hoping an Elemis TSV comes up soon as I do need to stock up. :)
I'm not into beauty myself but I see there is a Tarte TSV on 4 June.

There is probably a thread about it if you have a look. TSV threads are often quite far back until they are aired and folk start discussing the on air presentation.

However there are loads of beauty addicts who will keep to well informed.
Thanks for the replies, I wasn't subscribed to qvc email alerts, but I am now. So maybe something will come my way!

My guilty pleasures lie in makeup and skincare, specifically tarte and Elemis. Hoping an Elemis TSV comes up soon as I do need to stock up. :)

Next Elemis TSV is in July but Elemis shows this week as they have June BPOTM and Anniversary shows.
I get the odd email when a TSV is coming up telling me I can order before its on air.Usually related to things I have purchased before.
Be prepared to get emails everyday offering to buy all sorts of TSVs for products you have never bought or have any interest in.

Well I do. I might be special(yeah believe that, not!), or the marketing department just sends out on mass. I had the chance to order the Molton Brown,Sketchers etc early. No I didn't order any of these at all.
Thanks for the replies, I wasn't subscribed to qvc email alerts, but I am now. So maybe something will come my way!

My guilty pleasures lie in makeup and skincare, specifically tarte and Elemis. Hoping an Elemis TSV comes up soon as I do need to stock up. :)

Welcome! :) As for the Elemis TSV (but you might already know as I had posted this before) on July 26th, I had posted this page to look at where you can see some of the TSVs:
Be prepared to get emails everyday offering to buy all sorts of TSVs for products you have never bought or have any interest in.

Well I do. I might be special(yeah believe that, not!), or the marketing department just sends out on mass. I had the chance to order the Molton Brown,Sketchers etc early. No I didn't order any of these at all.

I got fed up of getting the tsv emails everyday, so I used the unsubscribe button.
Thank you all for the replies.

Ani, thanks for the link I will keep an eye for the July Elemis TSV. I'm waiting for the tarte TSV to go live on Saturday as I really like the look of the kit that is on offer. Ps, the beauty bash looked fab! :)
This is this forum at its very best, everyone trying their best to help which is why I stay through thick and thin as it is something money just can't buy.
Well, the Molton Brown TSV was available to buy as a link from the Liz Earle TSV page on the website at the weekend... and it was advertised as a TSV.

But, when I searched for Molton Brown, it didn't come up - so QVC were actively marketing it early solely through the Liz Earle TSV... interesting.... future TSV's have now become an upsell!!! lol
I don't think there is any rhyme or reason as to when you get an email letting you orderTSVs early. It is useful though when you can't be bothered to stay up till midnight or have to be up at the crack of dawn. I got one letting me order the Molton Brown early but not Liz Earle. I definitely spend more on Liz Earle than any other brand. I have never had an email about Lola Rose TSvs and l always find the colour of the item l want is sold out. Once one Twitter Julia Roberts was urging her followers to buy the Christmas TSV a couple of hours before it aired. I rang to order it and the girl at the call centre wouldn't let me buy it early.l asked why were presenters tweeting about it and telling you to buy it early? I just got a 'I don't know.'
Thanks for the replies, I wasn't subscribed to qvc email alerts, but I am now. So maybe something will come my way!

My guilty pleasures lie in makeup and skincare, specifically tarte and Elemis. Hoping an Elemis TSV comes up soon as I do need to stock up. :)

Hi. :wave: I'm a newbie, too. I love Tarte and lots of the beauty, and have enough Lola Rose to open a shop! :giggle:

Thank you all for the replies.

Ani, thanks for the link I will keep an eye for the July Elemis TSV. I'm waiting for the tarte TSV to go live on Saturday as I really like the look of the kit that is on offer. Ps, the beauty bash looked fab! :)

I would love to get an invite to the beauty bash! Only ever got to go to the craft experience (think that's what they called it) once, but we had a great day.

PS Back on topic, I do quite often get emails enabling me to order the TSV early, but - oddly - never for the main brands I buy.
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Hi all,

I am new to posting on this forum but I have been a lurker for a while, I have noticed from various threads that it seems that some people get the QVC TSV earlier than when it is aired, I've tried looking through the qvc website to see if there was any way of doing this but have so far drawn a blank.

Is there anyway of doing this?

Many thanks,

Is this a new thing? I heard a presenter say the other day that you can buy before it's aired! Long term shopper here, maybe old fashioned but I like to see the presentation before I buy! The other day stuff was sold out, not good :mysmilie_1:

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