Honora Cultured Carved Ming Pearl Necklace 14ct Gold Clasp Price Shocker


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Jun 24, 2008
Honora 10-14mm Cultured Carved Ming Pearl 86cm Necklace 14ct Gold Clasp
Item Number: 666111
QVC Price £12,500.00
P&P £0.00

This single strand necklace from Honora boasts carved ming pearls arranged in a graduated pattern, with a 14 carat yellow gold fastening inside an oval-shaped bead. Wear this elegant necklace over plain tops or dresses to make a chic style statement.

Cultured freshwater ming pearls: 66 x (10mm - 14mm) - sourced from China
14 carat yellow gold and polished base metal
Hook fastening
Length: 86cm (33.9")

All measurements are approximate

When I read PRICE SHOCKER I thought it might be a new qvc category, something to put oto's and super bargains into touch. Should have known better.

Free p&p mind you although you'd need to hire an armed guard to send it back.
Well that's the teaching assistant's present sorted then !

Should go well over the last Anttony's tsv shark bite top.
Ok maybe its me but I don't think I know ANYONE with £12,500 just sitting in their bank account waiting just to see a pearl necklace pop up on Q and then rush to put it into their basket before it sells out.
If I ever had that sort of money to spend on jewelry I would NEED to see just what I was buying with my own eyes not take the word of a selly telly presenter.
Do we think JF has one in her present draw just in case one of her many "girl friends" pops round for a coffee? or for when she forgets postmans birthday ?
I can't bring myself to wear pearls around the neck since I was informed of the urban slang term. Quite put me off.

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