Random musings/no argument zone


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If Bid was still around I reckon Dirty Peter would be selling one of those awful Penny Watches right now, with Acker Bilk playing in the background. And he'd be reminiscing about his childhood, that bag of chips he bought, the clip around the earhole he got for nicking apples from his neighbours tree.

But alas we aren't going to be treated to this anymore. I think i've just made myself feel quite sad actually, I never thought i'd say this but i'll kind of miss the slippery old buzzard in a weird kind of way.

I know he ripped off other peoples acts but he was still a one off. So i'll raise a mug of Ovaltine to him for one last time, and of course it's not only the larger of the mugs.

Goodbye Peter, you provided much material for us on here.
An appropriate tribute, as to be fair he was more tolerable under the new format when we expected him to fail.

I know it sounds silly to say but presenters on other channels may feel uneasy as there is now a slew of capable people (despite what we say) available.
An appropriate tribute, as to be fair he was more tolerable under the new format when we expected him to fail.

I know it sounds silly to say but presenters on other channels may feel uneasy as there is now a slew of capable people (despite what we say) available.

I know I joked otherwise earlier on but I wouldn't be surprised if Caroline, Russell or maybe even Sherlock end up on a Jewellery Channel.

They all have experience.
I know I joked otherwise earlier on but I wouldn't be surprised if Caroline, Russell or maybe even Sherlock end up on a Jewellery Channel.

They all have experience.

Caroline has legitimate pedigree in this industry, plus andrea is very much cut from the same cloth as debbie greenwood.

I even think elisa will be ok.
I know I joked otherwise earlier on but I wouldn't be surprised if Caroline, Russell or maybe even Sherlock end up on a Jewellery Channel.

They all have experience.

As long as they don't go into 'Bid.tv' mode sales tactics of course. I'd imagine they'd get the boot if they tried that at QVC.
Caroline has legitimate pedigree in this industry, plus andrea is very much cut from the same cloth as debbie greenwood.

I even think elisa will be ok.

Elisa is a shopping telly veteran, she'll be fine for sure.

My friend is a cynic, she's convinced a new channel will rise like a phoenix with many familiar faces much like i-Buy did after Auction World went bust. She also rather cynically suggested that it's odd that just a month after having £68m all but written off they go bust, leaving a pretty clean slate.

I have to say though that you could be forgiven for thinking that it almost seemed like the owners wanted them to go bust. I mean, Price Drop? It was surely the only shopping channel, in the world, that actually turned away customers.

But in all sounds just a bit too fanciful to me.
I turned the television on before 8am, it had the Shop At Bid blue logo and said we'll be back at 8am. Then after 8 it went back to the technical problem announcement. They are still lying!
I turned the television on before 8am, it had the Shop At Bid blue logo and said we'll be back at 8am. Then after 8 it went back to the technical problem announcement. They are still lying!

I read somewhere that it's merely an electronic caption generated by the multiplex operator and as it's Easter it's unlikely it will be changed for a few days.

The 'Technical Problems - You can still shop online' slates are still being broadcast on the Sky platform but again because it's Easter the channels probably won't be removed until next week.

Apparently if they don't broadcast some programming for at least 2 hours a day they'll lose the Sky EPG slots anyway but i'm sure something will happen as I believe it can be pretty lucrative to sell them on.
Can I just say that I had nightmares last night about a certain Bid presenter. For the sake of decency I will not say what the nightmare was about...

...well you know Mike kept talking about his house in the country and his horses. :talking:
...well you know Mike kept talking about his house in the country and his horses. :talking:

I hate to be pedantic Mr Greg but actually it's 'her' house in the country.

Apparently he's just a lodger. But perhaps Roger The Lodger had better get a job quick though, his keep must be due anytime now.

He might have to flog his Star Wars phone if the job offers don't come rolling in. In fact, let's face it, he's probably going to have to sell it isn't he? :mysmilie_59:
Whatever your opinion, there's no need to start bringing his child into your comments.
That's just plain disrespectful.

Please don't let the truth get in the way of your twisted views......If you will Mike never stopped rabbiting on about his little un that is undeniable, But we all have opinions I just think that a so called pro (and I use that word very very loosely in relation to your mate Mike) saying people should be put down on a live tv show isn't a good advert......If you think that's ok for little un's to hear oh well that's for you to deal with.............If you will.
I still can't quite get used to the fact I cannot flick onto 645 or 654 to see a little bit of bullshitting anymore. I have instinctively reached for the remote a few times today only to quickly remember that my good friends aren't there anymore :sad:
I still can't quite get used to the fact I cannot flick onto 645 or 654 to see a little bit of bullshitting anymore. I have instinctively reached for the remote a few times today only to quickly remember that my good friends aren't there anymore :sad:

I have done the same on the freeviews 23's and 37's I used to switch over during breaks on programmes all the time and of course watch hour upon hour usually in the evenings. I'm never going to see Peter say goodnight to me again but just by chance I recorded his last shift on Sunday (which is odd as I'd hardly watched the new shop at bid) well up until 12am when we lost him :( goodnight and god bless

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