Ultrasun Oinkment


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Luigi Tefloni

Registered Shopper
Aug 3, 2021
Just past the newsagents in the High Street
We all know that the presenters on shopping telly are basically influencers, trying to convince the viewer that there may be a friend or family member who desperately needs the product. On jewellery shows, how many times have we heard "maybe your sister would like this, or your mother, your daughter for her graduation, your wife as part of your apology for getting wasted last Friday and making a pass at her mother. Maybe even your mother-in-law. Perhaps this would make a lovely gift for Mother's Day, or her birthday, or Christmas. Maybe you're a man watching, and you're looking for a surprise gift for your mistress...." You know the type of thing. It causes Mrs T to have one of her bouts of late-onset Tourettes. This morning, however, the biscuit was well and truly taken. (Don't know if it was a Rich Tea, or Digestive, maybe even a Hob Nob.)
Abi Cleeve was talking incessantly about Ultrasun. She ran through the possible list of people who could benefit form using it, and every possible situation from popping out to hang a pair of socks on the line during a mild summer's day to walking through the Sahara for a fortnight without a hat in 50 degree heat. She then informed us that a farmer she knew used whatever product this was to ensure that the ears on his pig didn't get burned. Now personally, I like a bit of crackling, but isn't this taking things a little too far? 🐷
Luigi - Cleeve’s sale pitch has gone too far now. I have said here before that her hectoring sales pitch rattled my cage and I refuse to watch her or indeed buy anything that is linked to her.

In terms of SPF I am using the Elemis moisturiser one at the moment but I am taken with the Nivea serum that Louise Rednapp is currently advertising.

Last year I had sun damage on my nose which resulted in me having to use a prescription cream from the Dermatology unit at the RVI in Newcastle. Had I not acted on it when I saw it, it would have eventually become much more serious. It’s called Atinic Keratosis.

So, I have to use a high SPF but I will not use Cleeve’s products.
We all know that the presenters on shopping telly are basically influencers, trying to convince the viewer that there may be a friend or family member who desperately needs the product. On jewellery shows, how many times have we heard "maybe your sister would like this, or your mother, your daughter for her graduation, your wife as part of your apology for getting wasted last Friday and making a pass at her mother. Maybe even your mother-in-law. Perhaps this would make a lovely gift for Mother's Day, or her birthday, or Christmas. Maybe you're a man watching, and you're looking for a surprise gift for your mistress...." You know the type of thing. It causes Mrs T to have one of her bouts of late-onset Tourettes. This morning, however, the biscuit was well and truly taken. (Don't know if it was a Rich Tea, or Digestive, maybe even a Hob Nob.)
Abi Cleeve was talking incessantly about Ultrasun. She ran through the possible list of people who could benefit form using it, and every possible situation from popping out to hang a pair of socks on the line during a mild summer's day to walking through the Sahara for a fortnight without a hat in 50 degree heat. She then informed us that a farmer she knew used whatever product this was to ensure that the ears on his pig didn't get burned. Now personally, I like a bit of crackling, but isn't this taking things a little too far? 🐷
Very funny Luigi
Luigi - Cleeve’s sale pitch has gone too far now. I have said here before that her hectoring sales pitch rattled my cage and I refuse to watch her or indeed buy anything that is linked to her.

In terms of SPF I am using the Elemis moisturiser one at the moment but I am taken with the Nivea serum that Louise Rednapp is currently advertising.

Last year I had sun damage on my nose which resulted in me having to use a prescription cream from the Dermatology unit at the RVI in Newcastle. Had I not acted on it when I saw it, it would have eventually become much more serious. It’s called Atinic Keratosis.

So, I have to use a high SPF but I will not use Cleeve’s products.
Yet she is allowed to spend countless hours on QVC professing that we will all shrivel up if we don't use her product. I hope you didn't give the product a 5-star rating.
What farmer is going to spend valuable time putting suncream on their pigs' ears??? They are all far too busy drinking in the pub (well they are in our village anyway). Saying that, Perry (my previous dog) had a bald nose and I used to put some factor 50 on it in the summer so may be something in it I suppose.

Not a fan of Abi Cleeve or her products and I take no notice of her claims, she is selling a product so that will be her spiel. As for the farmer and his pigs..who knows? But we have owned French Bulldogs for many years and a vet, early on, recommended sunscreen on the tips of their ears and we've always done it. Just using a kid's Nivea or such.
Yep my sister in law had an all white cat and her ears were very pink underneath the fur on them. It lived to a ripe old age but actually had the tip of one ear removed because it was cancerous, it was also deaf which happens regularly with white cats so she was told when she bought it as a kitten.
Someone else I know has one of those hairless cats and in Winter she has to put jumpers on it and in Summer she has to protect it`s skin especially as it likes to sunbathe in her windowsill and on the patio. No idea what she slathers on it but I doubt it will be UltraSun especially as cats lick themselves so it would have to be something totally non toxic.

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