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  • H
    historymystery reacted to Ant7t's post in the thread OMG Gemstone Globes with Like Like.
    And if I recall, they said they wouldn't be getting any more, because the 'maker' was getting too old, or something like that. You mean...
  • H
    historymystery reacted to user 17461's post in the thread OMG Gemstone Globes with Haha Haha.
    Are they just doing the Earth? Because I can see Dave Troth banging on for hours and hours about Uranus.
  • H
    historymystery replied to the thread Bargain box.
    If the presenters buy everything shown (which is the impression given), then they could dispense with the customers really. But I...
  • H
    historymystery replied to the thread Katie Elliot.
    He'll have recruited the world by the time he's finished. Talk about ambition at a young age - I wonder if he'll give it all up in a...
  • H
    historymystery reacted to Ant7t's post in the thread Katie Elliot with Like Like.
    He even has an assistant: his little brother. If you haven't already, and can, check his instagram. Couture to the Max. If you want to...
  • H
    historymystery reacted to Ant7t's post in the thread Bargain box with Haha Haha.
    It's on pre-order again today too. Soooooo popular.
  • H
    historymystery replied to the thread Bargain box.
    Adina buys everything (except tissues to wipe her nose - if Gemporia would only sell these there would be no excuse for her to use her...
  • H
    historymystery replied to the thread Katie Elliot.
    Just incredible what this little chap has done. His parents must be wondering what the future holds for him. It sounds like...
  • H
    historymystery reacted to Ant7t's post in the thread Katie Elliot with Like Like.
    He's the grand ol' age of 8 now. And yes, I saw recently, aka this week, that his family is half American and half Canadian. And on the...
  • H
    historymystery replied to the thread Mabe pearls.
    I may be wrong here, but I seem to recall that years ago, one of Gemporia's boasts used to be that presenters HAD to maintain their...
  • H
    historymystery reacted to Rose de France's post in the thread Mabe pearls with Like Like.
    They don't remember anything because they don't refresh their knowledge. I didn't know it's even possible when someone works in the...
  • H
    historymystery replied to the thread Katie Elliot.
    Wow, do you know, I think this cute little boy might be right - he IS Gucci reincarnated! It's amazing what he's done at such a young...
  • H
    historymystery reacted to Ant7t's post in the thread Katie Elliot with Like Like.
    This is a bit off topic, but if you want to see a child having a good day. Google 'Max Alexander Petticoats Dress'. Let me know what you...
  • H
    historymystery replied to the thread Katie Elliot.
    You can tell from the despair on his face and the way his hands are outstretched that he's thinking 'hell's bells, don't tell me they've...
  • H
    historymystery replied to the thread Katie Elliot.