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  1. N

    Account not showing up Craft Day TSV

    oh no there must be a delay for some reason, but now im happy its showing up lol, it did take about half an hour to show though:11: its never done that before, hope you get it sorted Nicxx
  2. N

    Account not showing up Craft Day TSV

    its now showing we didnt wait long enough lol, we just need it now lol Nicxx
  3. N

    Account not showing up Craft Day TSV

    yep the same has happend to me too, mmmm strange, did you use the 3 easy pay voucher? Nicxx
  4. N

    Smashbox tsv on sunday the 28th of september

    morrning all Dose anyone know if the halo powder is suitable for oily skin, im having trouble with foundations and powders at the moment they just dont keep the shine at bay Thanks Nicxx:1: