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    BareMinerals TSV 14/7/13

    I like the look of this tsv my foundation is getting a little to light after my hoilday so could do with going up a shade or two. What is the other mineral pot. I can see its a full size foundation but what is in the small pot is a it a mineral viel .
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    Elemis TSV - 07/07/13

    How much do you think It will be cost this tsv
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    Elemis TSV - 07/07/13

    could this be the elemis tsv 7th july? If it is how much will it be and all credit goes to Ian Burkitt for posting it on the qvcuk facebook page
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    Laura Geller TSV 31/7/13

    I know there is going to be a laura geller tsv late july 2013 have anyone any idea what it will be?
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    BareMinerals TSV 14/7/13

    Does anyone know what it will be