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  1. L

    Poo Pourri ..... Worst Gifting Idea ever ...

    I imagine a bit like a 50 pee air freshener. ������
  2. L

    Poo Pourri ..... Worst Gifting Idea ever ...

    I thought "Poo Pourri" was a joke but apparently not!! Glorified air fresheners, a mere £22 plus pee & pee ..... and how to offend your friends in one fell swoop. Yikes!!
  3. L

    Yong Kim ?????

    I agree the prices are ridiculous. £106 for a vest - er, I don't think so!! Loads of YK on Ebay just now for about £27 upwards - about a third of the price of QVC. Free postage too, for some items. Still won't be rushing to buy!! PS. First post - thought it was about time. Been a lurker for...