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  1. Becca Kells-Bells


    Great shout. One of my MANY pet hates, glad it's not just me that gets irritated by that! How did that ever start being a thing??
  2. Becca Kells-Bells


    One particular habit of younger TV presenters in general is the addition of an 'h' to a word where it's not needed, e.g. 'shtretch', 'shtress' etc. Maybe it's just me being cranky and middle-aged but it drives me mad 😆
  3. Becca Kells-Bells

    Vogue Williams

    I've never dabbled with fake tan personally. A combination of the smell and the absolute faff of it has seen to that 😆 It's either the real deal from holidays or cheating with sheer nude tights for me 🙂
  4. Becca Kells-Bells

    Vogue Williams

    She's a stunning lady. Seems nice too.
  5. Becca Kells-Bells

    My goodness, Ophelia fancies herself

    After a few too many Smarties 😆
  6. Becca Kells-Bells

    My goodness, Ophelia fancies herself

    Chloe can never seem to keep still either. Very distracting.
  7. Becca Kells-Bells

    My goodness, Ophelia fancies herself

    Chloe Everton really does love checking herself out in the monitor, usually while the BA she's hosting with is talking. Both rude and vain at the same time.
  8. Becca Kells-Bells

    Catheirne Huntley Weight Loss

    I follow Chunters on insta and I do like her but not enough to watch one of her vids. How long did this one go on for?
  9. Becca Kells-Bells

    Worst fashion hour ever!

    Claire Sutton always used to look stylish IMO, pretty much always on point.
  10. Becca Kells-Bells

    Awful Presenters

    I do like Chunters but....well, she does tend toward being an attention-seeker. Not sure if anyone has noticed yet but on Facebook/Insta, (can't remember which) she was wearing a very blingy ring on her wedding finger. It wasn't far into the comments section that someone piped up "Ooh, are you...
  11. Becca Kells-Bells

    Catheirne Huntley Weight Loss

    That reminds me, must pick up some milk on the way home tomorrow...
  12. Becca Kells-Bells

    Alison, it's a stye, not a style!

    Love it! 🥰
  13. Becca Kells-Bells

    Alison, it's a stye, not a style!

    Alison Young's voice has always reminded me of the 'Sacharelllll' woman from the Victoria Wood routine. 'An audience with' if memory serves 😆
  14. Becca Kells-Bells

    I thought I only disliked Ophelia as a presenter......

    She's an horrendous presenter.
  15. Becca Kells-Bells


    Straying off the subject of interrupting presenters, I find Chloe Everton a really hard watch. She can't keep still for a second, to the point that it looks like she's dying to get away because she's parked on a double yellow.
  16. Becca Kells-Bells

    Eilidh Nairn

    Indeed. I stand corrected 😆😆😆
  17. Becca Kells-Bells

    Eilidh Nairn

    She was hosting a fashion hour yesterday (brand name escapes me) and I switched her off after she came out with the gem: "I'm literally wearing this dress with some boots." Sheesh! 😖 Me too. I found her easy to warm to. Love her hair and make up too.
  18. Becca Kells-Bells

    Whatever happened to...?

    Smashbox! Yeah, remember that...really liked it. Wasn't Dennis Basso the guy with the mega deep voice selling the faux fur stuff...? 🤔
  19. Becca Kells-Bells

    Whatever happened to...?

    I should just add to my original post by including what I'd like to see the back of brand-wise. My shouts are Wynne Layers (horrible, flimsy, cheap-looking and unflattering) and, if it's still going, Quacker Factory. Ugh! 🤢🤮 This is the first post I've ever actually started on here. Ta for the...
  20. Becca Kells-Bells

    Whatever happened to...?

    Wow, Indigo Moon. What a blast from the past! 🙂