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    Take an aspirin, you'll soon feel better.
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    I couldn't possibly comment!
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    Anybody in particular not (yet) selling them? And if it came to pass, would said items have an orange trim and initialled logo?
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    Who buys this stuff??????

    Some fakes are very good, but I'm not quite convinced about the Rolex watches sold on the beach in Tenerife for 10 Euros. You can haggle if that's outside your budget!
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    Was I delirious?

    Hilda Ogden (Coronation Street) was a very good example.
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    Thank you! And just to clarify my comment, I am in no way criticizing the models themselves, just the stupid statements made by presenters.
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    It's always a good laugh when they say "the fabric just flows away from the body", then they send out the plus-size models with the items stretched across their bellies and bums. (Are we allowed to say bums?)
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    Can’t believe prices on QVC lately

    Can highly recommend the re-runs of Law & Order U.S. I don't always catch what they say, so I need the subtitles on.
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    My goodness, Ophelia fancies herself

    I'd have asked him if he had one.
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    Lulu’s Time Bomb?

    You do.
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    Kim & Co TSV 14/06/24

    At least it's in plain colours, not another hideous print.
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    Do You Know What You're Saying Ms Edwards?

    One of those pairs of buttons is down by the waist, which I suppose could be the widest part of the bust for some.
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    Kim & Co TSV 14/06/24

    Looks like a dress for a little girl, scaled up. When will this fashion for tiered dresses end???
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    Carole Hochman TSV 07/06/24

    Just watched the presentation - "the side slit helps you climb the stairs." That's a new selling point in my experience!
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    Can’t believe prices on QVC lately

    Agree, and I doubt they're selling much "fashion" to those of us who remember it first time around. My sister and I have a good laugh at Kim's crossover-front styles - every woman in those days wore an overall in a similar style.
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    Ruth Langsford's Visitors

    More an old broiler, then.
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    Kelly Hoppen Home Designs TSV 02/06/24

    The Henry Ford of bedding - You can have any colour you like as long as it's BEIGE.
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    Q is for Quick!

    And not to forget "Well worth snapping up".
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    Can’t believe prices on QVC lately

    And come September you'll have started the easy pays for "Christmas gifts" which will take you to Valentine Day, then Mothers' Day, then Easter, then May 2025 bank holidays. Again.
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    Can’t believe prices on QVC lately

    That's exactly why it's done, but dressed up as a customer benefit. Business going down the pan, in my opinion.