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  1. G

    Gemporia accounts - predictions?

    Myanmar, New Zealand, Canada, Taiwan, Guyana, Surinam, southern Europe, Russia and China.7 May 2024 When it come Myanmar they should not be using it anyhow due to political issues and mine workers are treated awfully most of them are made to use Heroine the pile of needles is disgusting HIV...
  2. G

    Gemporia accounts - predictions?

    I'm not sure what others think about this but it got worse with the partnership, 24-hour presenting stopped. For those who don't look on other pages quartzite jade is not jade the term is given to most stones that can be carved Burma, China and other countries have jade jadeite
  3. G

    Gemporia - ASA 'final warning' - AT LAST!

    JADE As discussed in one of our notes, the term "JADE" is loosely used to describe any stones which can be carved. Amongst all jades, jadeite jade has the highest hardness of Mohs scale 6.5 to 7 and exceptional toughness. Jadeite is the most appreciated and expensive precious stone amongst all...
  4. G

    Gemporia - ASA 'final warning' - AT LAST!

    Quartzite jade is not jade it is used as an imitation and a name given to most stones that can be carved.
  5. G

    Gemporia accounts - predictions?

    Yes the misleading has got worse They did do rings with nice amounts of gold they should use Platinum as this is far cheaper than gold as it being as cheap as gold was when they started, another thing you hear from them a lot is mines in Burma have run dry not the case