What will be bid shopping's next trick?


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Feb 25, 2011
There is little excitement these days when a product goes to a pound, the novely is waring off the penny deals so what will their next trick be come New Year and the festive shopping season is over?

They're going to have to think of something fast as one by one their tricks and tactics are being reported to the ASA. How we laughed when they used to tell us that it didn't matter if an item was silver or gold Plated, and it was the silver or the gold bit that was next to the skin, now they don't even bother telling us it's plated. I've just seen a demo in which Peter Simon was flogging a rather nasty gent's bracelet (It must be his own as he's a rather nasty gent!) 14 carat gold...Once during the painfully long presentation did he say that it's "Geniune 14 carat gold pla....voice tails off to an incoherent slur, and picks back up again to finish the sentence! Disgusting- about 412 people paid £14.51 for that heap of sh*te, there's sure gonna be some green coloured wrists around at the end of the month when the plating starts to wear off!
I've also noticed that another stunt they've started to pull, is when an item of jewellery comes up that's pure costume jewellery (not plated,just coloured gold) They just call it gold throughout the presentation, they don't say "plated" 'cause it isn't, and the written description doesn't mention the word gold at all, it might say something like filigree bracelet, hoop earrings, and as stupid as it sounds, I'd bet that a few mug punters have bought, thinking they're buying precious metal. They also name drop a lot, they'll be selling a hideous Tommy and Kate reject, (you can see the stitching's substandard from the close ups) and they'll say oooh it's very Zara, very French connection, where could you buy a french connection dress for £14.99? By which time somebody who's not exactly "on the ball" has committed themselves to pay £24.51 to find out that it's not from Bid.tv!!!

I will be interested to see how they continue to try and hoodwink the viewers in the light of all the complaints they've had upheld. But hey, isn't it terrible that a company's Raison d'etre seems to be to try and come up with as many new ways in which to fool it's potential customers in to buying their products? What's wrong with striving to provide us with quality goods, for reasonable prices and good customer service?
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I'm just wondering exactly how many upheld complaints are required before they get fined or booted off?! They've had 4 upheld since I've been on this forum & that's only a couple of weeks! The ASA finish off their conclusion by saying basically that they mustn't advertise the item in question like that again. Well that'll really scare the channel owners lol!! They're crooks, they must be laughing their socks off at these toothless tellings off they've been getting thus far!
Bid TV are crooks, certainly. Unfortunately the ASA is somewhat toothless.
Oh yeh, & do you recall one of their answers to the accusation by the ASA was words to the effect that their viewers expect it, it's all part of the banter!!?! So now they're telling the ASA basically that we enjoy being ripped off, it's all part of the fun apparently! Oh & I agree, that Peter Simon is utterly dreadful! Last nite he was most unprofessional & pervy! I know I could have switched off but it was so awful I had to watch to see how shambolic their Yonanas presentation that went on for what seemed like an eternity could get!
Well they've increased the size of the P&P and phone call charge displays on-screen, are banned from saying "We've made a mistake" when dropping the price AND subsequently dropping the price AGAIN (meaning that it wasn't a mistake in the first place) as well as several other things the ASA have told them not to do again, so hopefully they will be boxed into a corner at which point they will either be forced to increase the genuine value of the products they sell or go bust.
Bid TV are crooks, certainly. Unfortunately the ASA is somewhat toothless.

You say that, but they helped close down Auction World.TV. The more people complain, the higher the chance they'll be more severely reprimanded.

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