Oh please! Jill Franks on Bodyblade!


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Feb 4, 2015
Just watching the bodyblade hour and can't believe how Jill is pretending to be coy while showing off her bum. She's so vain I can't stand it! Mind you it must work
cos I bought one ( even though I bought it during the earlier hour with Pippa who I love!)
I know! Only 20 mins in and it's already produced plenty of LOL moments, laughing at that skinny little wobble-stick - not to mention the one she was holding! Of course Jill can't LIVE without it. Not much of an endorsement in my view, since she says it about practically every product she presents.

I wouldn't mind giving the Bodyblade a try but I can't help but feeling it's another gimmicky purchase that I'll regret and it will just end up in the back of my wardrobe, never to see the light of day again. I suppose there's the 30-day MBG but I just don't know if I can be bothered with it.
Hahaha! I totally agree about Mimi ( me,me!) she soooo loves herself it hurts! I first looked at the body blade a year ago before foot surgery and wanted something to replace my beloved treadmill but didn't get round to it A year passes by an lo and behold my other foot needs surgery so I decided to take the plunge ( although the easy pays swung it!) so we'll see if it pays for itself! Lol!
Hahaha! I totally agree about Mimi ( me,me!) she soooo loves herself it hurts! I first looked at the body blade a year ago before foot surgery and wanted something to replace my beloved treadmill but didn't get round to it A year passes by an lo and behold my other foot needs surgery so I decided to take the plunge ( although the easy pays swung it!) so we'll see if it pays for itself! Lol!

Please can you let me know how you get on with it. I'd much rather hear from a "real person" rather than a television sales prima donna who seems to be pouting her posterior.
"Oh I simply could not LIVE without this..... I owe my figure and my pert posterior to an overpriced giant vibrating lollystick....nothing else!"

Yeah right!
I wonder if she Bodyblades whilst on her Pilates Machine? You know, yet another think she can't live without.
Of course I will Hun - I just need to receive it - within 3-5 working days of course! Lol!
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Of course I will Hun - just need to receive it - within 2-3 working days of course!
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Please can you let me know how you get on with it. I'd much rather hear from a "real person" rather than a television sales prima donna who seems to be pouting her posterior.

Of course I will Hun - just waiting for it to arrive- within 3-5 working days of course! Lol!
Please can you let me know how you get on with it. I'd much rather hear from a "real person" rather than a television sales prima donna who seems to be pouting her posterior.

I think that there was a thread or two a while ago on Bodyblade and some favourable feedback.
Err I have one it is 6 inches away from my right arm. Why oh why don't I use it? I only mastered a couple of exercises. Some of those I can only do with my left arm. My right arm will just not learn the exercises.
Thanks for the post, I have an opportunity to get the bingo wings toned for the summer.
Shocked!!! Where is DF? She is the BodyBlade Queen and besties with the man who comes one with it. He is always on her BTY group, photos of them blading away. I can see a fight going on between JF and DF. "Bitch! I am the Body Blade Queen!!! He's my man, get your paws off him! My BTY gang will come round and beat you to crap with their body blade!!" JF"What is BTY?"
Shocked!!! Where is DF? She is the BodyBlade Queen and besties with the man who comes one with it. He is always on her BTY group, photos of them blading away. I can see a fight going on between JF and DF. "Bitch! I am the Body Blade Queen!!! He's my man, get your paws off him! My BTY gang will come round and beat you to crap with their body blade!!" JF"What is BTY?"

It's all explained in Debbie's last blog...
Next week – Both Antthony and Bruce Bodyblade are in town on 1st, 2nd and 3rd. Do check out their timings on the TV guide. I’m launching Antthony’s new Today’s Special Value tunic and waistcoat set on Tuesday (1st) night midnight, at around £30 it’s going to fly! Join us if you can.

I’m not doing any Bodyblade shows myself due to scheduling (nearly all of us are available and as I’m a swing presenter I wasn’t needed on those days as others with fixed schedules were already pencilled in but it’ll be a nice change for you all! Lol). I hope to get some sort of new video done with Bruce either this time or next time. Join him for whole hours 5pm on 2nd and 8pm on 3rd.

And before anyone gets their hopes up, by last, I mean most recent... although earlier in the blog there is a warning :
What a busy week! Since I’m going to be reducing the length of the QVC blog each week, you’ll find more of my news over on my website
followed by a plug for said website.

Not exactly sure what a swing presenter is, but I would suggest it means a fill-in presenter.
Debbie Flint is so annoying I wish someone would just schlap her in the face with that giant lollystick! At least Jill Franks has a decent figure - which she obviously works on. Debs is just a silly wobbling Cockney blancmange of a woman! All she will be doing is jiggling her fat around! Hahahaha!
If she does much more exercise, we'll be looking for someone the size of a matchstick when she walks on, she'll be like one of The Borrowers. They'll have to issue her with a (matchstick-sized) fluorescent vest so that viewers can spot her.
I wonder if she Bodyblades whilst on her Pilates Machine? You know, yet another think she can't live without.

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