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There was an interview with a doctor who was helping out at a vaccination centre on our local radio.

He said that each day there are no-shows, people who fail to turn up for their appointment so their vaccines are unused.

He said that it is totally wrong to waste precious vaccine so when it's nearing the end of the session they start making phone calls to invite people in ( he didn't say how they choose who to call) but what interested me was that if there are still unused doses he goes out and offers it to passers by, much better that it is in a person than in a bin.
Obviously I cannot account for every vaccination centre but I do know know 100% of 3 that operate a priority list for end of day calls. I am also 100% sure that Sky news reported yesterday just after 1pm that the Epsom Centre calls people on a PrIority list from 6pm so vacclnes are not wasted.
Until everyone is vaccinated none of us are safe so every single drop has to be used no matter how allocated. It must be difficult to get people to organise coming in at the last minute with transport or a helper so it’s possibly that less vulnerable are more able to just get up and go when they get the shout.

At some stage they will have to tackle rough sleepers but how they would make sure they got the second one will be difficult due to the itinerant nature of this group and I doubt they will be keeping their little card safe.
Maybe this has already been noted, but Katy Pullinger said she tested the Blink Camera TSV at home, but returned it, "of course" and bought one. Because presenters read these threads, they are sure to stop mentioning what they get. Pullinger's 'of course I returned it' comment demonstrates this. Do the male presenters miss out on freebies of clothes or face products, or do they take them and pass them on to their friends ?
Well Cragie boy did well with the Moulton Brown Christmas TSV, remember his cringe making singing while he gleefully unpacked it?

Companies do not give things for free, they cover the cost by loading it onto the price paying customers shell out, exactly like stores charge a little extra for every item on their shelves to cover the cost of shop lifting.
A company I worked at a few years ago used to dish out wine,chocolates and other things to various managers at Christmas. Our manager used to get everyone to write their names on a poste it note and out it in a box,then he used to get someone to draw the names out.

My hubbie used to work for a big multinational computer company and they were not allowed to accept wine etc at Christmas. A lot if councils and big companies stopped this as well.
Maybe this has already been noted, but Katy Pullinger said she tested the Blink Camera TSV at home, but returned it, "of course" and bought one. Because presenters read these threads, they are sure to stop mentioning what they get. Pullinger's 'of course I returned it' comment demonstrates this. Do the male presenters miss out on freebies of clothes or face products, or do they take them and pass them on to their friends ?
Chunts also had to trial this camera and AFSIK neither of them did the launch when it is flogged to death so one might ask why them
QVC would be more credible if they sent out samples for customers to try instead and they forgot about giving freebies to the presenters. At least we wouldn‘t have to listen to presenters raving on about products that we know are naff and we’d actually get genuine reviews from customers. (I was thinking about all the LAB stuff they used to flog and the recent RIO gadget all of which got poor reviews, despite the presenters saying they couldn’t live without them.) 🙄
I think they`re playing it careful by making out they either buy or are loaned the items. Everyday you hear of kids going hungry or people using foodbanks, losing their jobs or losing their lives and I think this is Q`s way of making out they have some kind of a social conscience by not rubbing salt into the lives of the already wounded through covid and it`s fallout.
It`s about time some of the presenters showed some humility and compassion by stopping their pathetic bragging and one upmanship. Who actually cares whether they have a swimming pool or a gym or any other gizmo or gadget, I certainly don`t.
Today I read an article from my home town where I was born and was saddened to read of a middle aged man who had lost his job through covid, was living in his flat alone and was scared to use electricity he couldn`t afford to pay for, had unplugged all of his appliances, was sitting in the dark and surviving on a single £1 ready meal per day. He`d never claimed benefits in his life, was too scared or proud to ask for help and was so depressed he killed himself.
Then you see some up their own backside selly telly presenter trying to make out that some stuff in a jar or some poxy gadget is something we simply can`t live without. Get real for god`s sake !
I think they`re playing it careful by making out they either buy or are loaned the items. Everyday you hear of kids going hungry or people using foodbanks, losing their jobs or losing their lives and I think this is Q`s way of making out they have some kind of a social conscience by not rubbing salt into the lives of the already wounded through covid and it`s fallout.
It`s about time some of the presenters showed some humility and compassion by stopping their pathetic bragging and one upmanship. Who actually cares whether they have a swimming pool or a gym or any other gizmo or gadget, I certainly don`t.
Today I read an article from my home town where I was born and was saddened to read of a middle aged man who had lost his job through covid, was living in his flat alone and was scared to use electricity he couldn`t afford to pay for, had unplugged all of his appliances, was sitting in the dark and surviving on a single £1 ready meal per day. He`d never claimed benefits in his life, was too scared or proud to ask for help and was so depressed he killed himself.
Then you see some up their own backside selly telly presenter trying to make out that some stuff in a jar or some poxy gadget is something we simply can`t live without. Get real for god`s sake !
Me neither, but sadly a lot of people do, and for those who read their blogs because they're genuinely interested, will put sychophantic comments underneath, which often get a reply - and this reinforces the idea that these presenters are their friends. A lot of these people probably know more about what's going on in the lives of these glorified sales assistants than they do of the neighbours in their street or their colleagues. Q wouldn't consider this behaviour as rubbing salt into people's wounds, they no doubt think that they're brightening the gloom buy letting us watch people surrounded by goodies and living the dream!
This will carry on an on and on and so will all the freebies sadly. If we all stopped tuning in, it would hit them where it hurts - sadly it entertains me! Still it doesn't stop me wishing they'd give more savings to the customer!
Me neither, but sadly a lot of people do, and for those who read their blogs because they're genuinely interested, will put sychophantic comments underneath, which often get a reply - and this reinforces the idea that these presenters are their friends. A lot of these people probably know more about what's going on in the lives of these glorified sales assistants than they do of the neighbours in their street or their colleagues. Q wouldn't consider this behaviour as rubbing salt into people's wounds, they no doubt think that they're brightening the gloom buy letting us watch people surrounded by goodies and living the dream!
This will carry on an on and on and so will all the freebies sadly. If we all stopped tuning in, it would hit them where it hurts - sadly it entertains me! Still it doesn't stop me wishing they'd give more savings to the customer!
Well they don`t get a penny out of me and haven`t done for a long time.

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