Opinions please!


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Jun 24, 2008
Our weekly pub quiz is resuming this week, and I'm very much looking forward to it - However, we've been sent a memo to say that the landlord is insisting upon a minimum spend of £10 per person at the bar. Yes, I understand that a pub quiz means that the pub is full up for an entire evening, so they don't want people nursing one drink for an entire evening or drinking soft drinks, or even asking for soda water with a slice of lime - especially in these times, but it really doesn't sit right with me, and I wonder if it's actually legal. I've looked on line but can't find any info, but I guess it's like anything that's on sale, it's an "invitation to buy" which you are free to take, or leave.
I'm not a big drinker, and this particular quiz is on a school night so I do tend to opt for soft drinks, but the rest of our team don't. One could also argue that pub prices are so high anyway, that it wouldn't be that difficult to part with a tenner, even so, I don't think it's right to impose a minimum spend.
Since covid, pubs are no longer the relaxing places they used to be, mask on/mask off, sanitiser, one way system, not allowed to stand up etc etc, of course all necessary, but I really don't feel this is a great way to welcome guests back.
I think the landlord should perhaps have waited a week or two, and then if the pub quiz wasn't proving viable for them, then via the quizmaster, then make an announcement to say that in order for this quiz to continue, we need to impose a minimum spend and gather feedback, and if people don't like the idea then the quiz will have to fold.
I'm sure most people, when put like that would accept it - but I think the way the landlord has gone about this is out of order!
As I don’t drink, I’d be scuppered because there’s no way I could drink £10’s worth of Coca Cola or similar. I used to be in a pub quiz team and paid to enter the quiz each week and then bought drinks if we wanted them. I know that many pub landlords are trying to keep their heads above water, after the lockdowns, but £10 minimum spend per head seems rather steep to me.
There are many places that impose a minimum spend amount when using a card but presumably that doesn't apply in this case. Unfortunately the landlord can probably do whatever he likes.
There are many places that impose a minimum spend amount when using a card but presumably that doesn't apply in this case. Unfortunately the landlord can probably do whatever he likes.
There are many small corner shops do this as they say it costs them x amount to process these transactions, so normally it's a minimum spend of £5-8 or pay a 50p surcharge, but a minimum spend cash or otherwise doesn't sit right with me. I'm sure the landlord can do what he likes, just as we have the option of sucking it up or not. I don't particularly like the pub anyway, the landlord's a miserable sod (understandable I guess), but a lot of what I don't like is the unwelcoming attitude and I do think it's a bit of a cheek. I'm going along tonight and see how it goes, but I doubt if I'll go regularly now. There are other quizzes that'll be starting up soon for sure!
I think an entry fee should cover a landlord's costs, with drinks on top of that a bonus.
Under normal circumstances, yes. We have to pay £2 to enter the quiz and the money goes back in prizes, I'm not sure whether the quizmaster is paid in cash or beer, think he's paid in beer. Pre covid, a pub quiz is viable as they're popular and bring in the punters on what would normally be a fallow night (they're normally held on Mondays, Tuesdays, or Wednesdays) but with all the restrictions, numbers are limited so they'll not get so much money. I get the reasons, but I think he's gone about it the wrong way! A very unwelcoming start!

If we do win, I'll have to put they money aside towards next week!
Most people I've spoken to about this have said that they'd probably spend in excess of a tenner behind the bar anyway, but don't agree that they should "have to" even if they'll be staying there for a long while 'cause it's quiz night. Anyway, there's a few other quizzes that will surely re-open soon and as soon as they do, they'll be getting my trade. I'm lucky in that I live quite centrally so I can get to most places on foot, so don't have to spend money on fares. I'm not tight fisted honest - I just don't like the attitude of this publican!

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