Kim & Co TSV 2/10/15


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Shall we run a poll as to the various events this can be worn to?

I vote for Christmas drinks with the neighbours (well surely even for Q it's getting too late for the usual BBQ)

No one mention bridesmaid gifts or I will scream.

Look, most bridesmaids are stuffed into shiny brocade puff balls by malevolent bridezillas who want to look good by comparison, why would you deny them the pleasure of a 'never need to iron' stretchy Kim number?
What season is DF in? She has been wittering on to Kim on the lines of "how are you going to decorate your Christmas tree?", but her white peep toes belong to her mooching on a yacht in summer in St Tropez look.
Oh now there's a surprise, Debbie "extremely hard sell" Flint yet again states a certain item will be gone but the morning repeat, surprise surprise, the majority of the Oyster is still there (shock!) Time to turn the TV over now.
What season is DF in? She has been wittering on to Kim on the lines of "how are you going to decorate your Christmas tree?", but her white peep toes belong to her mooching on a yacht in summer in St Tropez look.

Any season that will sell the item Miss G, any season.
Yes, but for her market stall style of selling, when she is shouting about Christmas decorations, she ought to be wearing several layers of dirty sheepskin and fingerless gloves.

I think she must've left them in the lock up, along with the Garry Manilow tapes and a shed load of Gatino. :mysmilie_17:
This new style of cobbled together programme is doing my head in. I haven't attempted to watch a full programme for a couple of years now, but decided to watch the 7 to 9 Kimmy presentation as I have a huge respect for Kim as a dedicated businesswoman who is passionate about her clothes.

It started off with Kim and the fairground barker, then we had Micael, and then Charlie Foodbear running a slow sensual hand over the bosom of a dress on the hanger as if it were his favourite pie, then back to DF. I concluded from this that the midnight hour had been intercut with snippets from other programmes. At 7.57 am my head was spinning, so i gave up and switched off. Does anyone else find this chopped up into segments from other programmes confusing?
This new style of cobbled together programme is doing my head in. I haven't attempted to watch a full programme for a couple of years now, but decided to watch the 7 to 9 Kimmy presentation as I have a huge respect for Kim as a dedicated businesswoman who is passionate about her clothes.

It started off with Kim and the fairground barker, then we had Micael, and then Charlie Foodbear running a slow sensual hand over the bosom of a dress on the hanger as if it were his favourite pie, then back to DF. I concluded from this that the midnight hour had been intercut with snippets from other programmes. At 7.57 am my head was spinning, so i gave up and switched off. Does anyone else find this chopped up into segments from other programmes confusing?

To be honest I only watch a quick snippet to see what the TSV is because I don't shop with them anymore, and to be honest that's all I can stand. I prefer to watch Ideal World of a morning, that's were I do my Telly shopping, it's a lot quieter and not rushed because you get a whole hours presentation, better quality products and cheaper p&p.
I have given up trying to watch Kim, her hyper presenting style does my head in. Kim and DF is definitely a no,no.
A year or so ago I'd have been up at midnight waiting breathlessly for a Kim & Co TSV. I'd actually forgotten about it till I saw this thread bumped up to the top, that's how much interest in QVC I've lost.
Oh now there's a surprise, Debbie "extremely hard sell" Flint yet again states a certain item will be gone but the morning repeat, surprise surprise, the majority of the Oyster is still there (shock!) Time to turn the TV over now.

I used to wonder why they stopped showing TSVs in the afternoon--is it because they don't have to face their panic 'get it NOW it won't be here by the morning repeat' are WRONG, WRONG,WRONG again?Yesterdays Links TSV was going to be a sell out by the afternoon it was still available late evening, I think this is the case for the majority of TSVs.So DF ( & the rest) just take note.
Just a ? with the Kim TSV they keep going on about Sapphire & Purple which is which (not that I am buying!)
What season is DF in? She has been wittering on to Kim on the lines of "how are you going to decorate your Christmas tree?", but her white peep toes belong to her mooching on a yacht in summer in St Tropez look.

Those white peep toes are becoming museum pieces, like Julia's black toe post flip flops ! But the peep toes look (from a distance) that they should have been consigned to the dustbin months ago !!! She may have 'awkward' feet, but even the same style in a different colour would be a change. She can't be THAT hard up to have only 2 pairs of footwear - the peeps and the clunky boots !!!

Those white peep toes are becoming museum pieces, like Julia's black toe post flip flops ! But the peep toes look (from a distance) that they should have been consigned to the dustbin months ago !!! She may have 'awkward' feet, but even the same style in a different colour would be a change. She can't be THAT hard up to have only 2 pairs of footwear - the peeps and the clunky boots !!!

She may have only two pairs left. As part of the compilation programme this morning, we switched back in time from her Christmas ruminations to a clip of her saying that she would be donating most of her wardrobe to charity in a table top sale she 'will be' doing in August.
I used to wonder why they stopped showing TSVs in the afternoon--is it because they don't have to face their panic 'get it NOW it won't be here by the morning repeat' are WRONG, WRONG,WRONG again?Yesterdays Links TSV was going to be a sell out by the afternoon it was still available late evening, I think this is the case for the majority of TSVs.So DF ( & the rest) just take note.
Just a ? with the Kim TSV they keep going on about Sapphire & Purple which is which (not that I am buying!)

Keep up. Sapphire is Royal Blue, and Purple is Navy Blue. Honestly. You are probably the kind of person who thinks that Cacci (Khaki) is Green, when in fact it is Beige.
Keep up. Sapphire is Royal Blue, and Purple is Navy Blue. Honestly. You are probably the kind of person who thinks that Cacci (Khaki) is Green, when in fact it is Beige.

Miss Grumpy, you have just made me laugh out loud ... cacci is in fact beige ... so funny!!!
Unfortunately, I think I agree. The prints are becoming so loud you need to wear ear defenders!

It's very telling that these days, Kim doesn't even look good in her creations... previously she always was such a great advert for her fashions as she looked lovely in them, even if they're not to everyone's taste.

Kim looked awful in the first TSV show ..she was swamped in the whole outfit yes she was a good advert in the past but not so these days and yes she has lost her way
One of my most embarrassing moments (and there have been many) was when I was rushing out to work one dark, cold morning. I put my coat on, grabbed my long scarf which was on the bannister with some washing, shot out the door, threw the scarf around my neck and made the bus by the skin of my teeth. Only when I arrived and was taking off my scarf did I realise that it was a pair of hideous brown tights. I walked to work for the next week or so.
Keep up. Sapphire is Royal Blue, and Purple is Navy Blue. Honestly. You are probably the kind of person who thinks that Cacci (Khaki) is Green, when in fact it is Beige.

Thanks for talking sense, it is all clear to me now! I am obviously colour blind! More like K&Co had a consignment of fabric which was the wrong dye & so one was called Sapphire & the other Purple.No-one would put 2 colours so close in the same fabric & same range.

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