Beware - Rocks & Co. up to their dishonest tricks again!


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Registered Shopper
Feb 16, 2015
[I'm kicking myself, as I've been stupid, but wanted to warn everyone else to please beware. A couple of years ago, I vowed never to shop with Rocks & Co. after they took 2 months to refund me for a damaged item I'd returned and after I'd sent them an ultimatum letter before taking Small Claims proceedings (they sent me a £25 voucher as a gesture, but I never used it). As you might have seen Rocks has had a re-vamp over the past 6 months, and in September, an e-mail turned up from one of their senior managers, Richard Northall, telling me how wonderful they now are and with a courtesy gift of a £10 voucher, providing the code was quoted at the time of placing the order. I saw a ring on there at the weekend, quite inexpensive, and decided to go for it (thank goodness I didn't go for anything costing £100 or more). I quoted the voucher code and was assured by the callcentre operator, Raquia, that the £10 would be deducted from my order. When the order arrived today - guess what? No deduction. I was in 2 minds whether to even bother ringing up to complain - but thought: hang on, this is not on, so I will (thankfully, the ring is perfect so don't need to send that back!).

I rang, and spoke to Stacey and to Asif, and below are the excuses given (in order of their giving them to me):_

1) Stacey: there is nobody who works at the Company named Richard Northall (after pushing him, Asif finally admitted that there WAS a senior manager called Richard Northall, who had e-mailed some customers in Sept with a voucher)
2) Stacey: the instruction to deduct the £10 had not been put through by Raquia at the time the order was placed (after pushing him, Asif later admitted this was not true and there was a note on the records from Raquia to deduct £10 - which had been ignored)
3) Stacey: it's too late to do anything about it, but she'd be willing to give me a £25 credit to my account to "make up for it" (Asif later told me they couldn't do this, the maximum they could offer was £15). When I pointed out that if they couldn't manage to deduct £10 from my purchase, how the hell was I going to get them to deduct £15, and that this was obviously a 'scam', as the same thing would no doubt happen next time if I tried to claim the discount, he went quiet.
4) Stacey: we have no way we can refund amounts of money to anyone's credit card (I pointed out that this is rather strange, as every other company can!)
5) Stacey: anyway, the computer's gone down and "we're having problems with it" (she was getting desperate by now)

I have told both of them that as far as I'm concerned, their company are unscrupulous and are completely incapable of telling the truth, as one person contradicts another - as my conversation above shows. I've also confirmed it in writing to them. I've nobody to blame but me and it's only £10 which is nothing in the great scheme of things, but I HATE dishonesty - and this lot are still dishonest, even though they claim to have 'improved' their systems. Thank heavens I didn't spend much money with them, and I have to be fair and say that the item of jewellery is exactly what I ordered - but I would hate someone to get caught by them for a big amount, as it seems they are the same old scammers they were before, lie through their teeth and have no scruples at all.
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I also received an email in September from Richard Northall with a £10 voucher code, which I haven't used yet. In fact I had almost forgotten about it, but then thought I could use it during their clearance but I haven't been tempted yet. From what you have said it doesn't sound like they will honour it anyway. I wonder how many more customers received the voucher but got fobbed off when they tried to claim it.
QueenD, I really do hope you have better luck than me - that's Richard Northall you're talking about, the man who doesn't exist - then he does!! Still, it's taught me a lesson I won't forget. Good luck to you with the voucher from the Invisible (oops, no, Visible) Man... By the way, use it soon - because I think you'll find, if you read the small print, that it was only valid for 3 months from 10th September.
I also received an email in September from Richard Northall with a £10 voucher code, which I haven't used yet. In fact I had almost forgotten about it, but then thought I could use it during their clearance but I haven't been tempted yet. From what you have said it doesn't sound like they will honour it anyway. I wonder how many more customers received the voucher but got fobbed off when they tried to claim it.
It doesn't matter how much you've been ripped off for it's the fact you have. I've been ripped off before for a lot, a lot! of money by a company called Auction World shopping tv and that was in the hundreds, I look back now and could kick myself for being so gullible (it was about twelve years ago or roundabout) I'm still angry H and feel violated as I'm sure you do. These companies shouldn't be allowed to trade and as far as I'm concerned it's legal fraud because they're allowed to get away with it, it's despicable.
This company looks to be in some difficulty for a while. Many people on their own Facebook page have been complaining about similar things; difficulties in getting refunds; none supply of Creation items, waiting forever for customer services to answer the phone, the list goes on. I stopped buying over 2 years ago because of the problems you write about.

It is a sad reflection of the company when members of staff do not know who their boss is. Richard is the managing director of the company and has been for well over a year.
:mysmilie_504: shopperholic. My sentiments too - it's not the amount, it's the fact they try (and succeed) to scam you. Still, I should have realised that leopards don't (generally) change their spots. It's even worse IMO if they have scammed you out of a lot of money, so I'm fortunate. May their wotsits shrivel, I say!

It doesn't matter how much you've been ripped off for it's the fact you have. I've been ripped off before for a lot, a lot! of money by a company called Auction World shopping tv and that was in the hundreds, I look back now and could kick myself for being so gullible (it was about twelve years ago or roundabout) I'm still angry H and feel violated as I'm sure you do. These companies shouldn't be allowed to trade and as far as I'm concerned it's legal fraud because they're allowed to get away with it, it's despicable.
If I was Richard Northall (or anyone else there), I wouldn't get too comfortable in my seat. This company have had so many "re-vamps" over the years, but basically they come back with just the same old scams. The writing must be on the wall, because (as I said to them over the phone) if you are that desperate to scam someone out of £10, you must be on your uppers. Presenters come and go like a revolving door - surely the writing has got to be on the wall for them.

This company looks to be in some difficulty for a while. Many people on their own Facebook page have been complaining about similar things; difficulties in getting refunds; none supply of Creation items, waiting forever for customer services to answer the phone, the list goes on. I stopped buying over 2 years ago because of the problems you write about.

It is a sad reflection of the company when members of staff do not know who their boss is. Richard is the managing director of the company and has been for well over a year.
I've made exactly the same mistake as history mystery! I said I'd never shop at Rocks again but I made a purchase last week. In my defence I've been searching for a perfect gift for a friend and spotted exactly what I wanted during one of my now rare channel hops to Rocks. I remembered that I'd had an apology email in September offering a £10 credit and asked the call centre person to check my account. He couldn't have sounded more bored when taking my order but perked up a treat to tell me that Computer Says No to the credit! Given his attitude there was no point pursuing the matter and, like history mystery, I kicked myself for going back to Rocks and thinking they might have got their act together. More fool me.... Oh, and no sign of the item I've bought being delivered yet.

Still, I've saved a fortune this last year by not buying from them. And when I've checked out what's on, and I can only really bear to watch John Scott, there's been endless hours of very pricey brown diamonds (champagne, really!?) which look totally overpriced. Or odds and ends that look like rejects from the German channel, also overpriced. There doesn't seem to be enough stock to plan themed hours they way they used to, as evidenced by not keeping the EPGs up to date. The stuff in the clearance looks dearer than it used to be too, no matter that the shrieky girls are insisting that it's never sold this low before.

Also, a few months ago, I had to return a zultanite ring which I'd worn about 3 times when the stone fell out. I heard nothing back from Rocks but after a couple of months, I noticed that the cost of the ring had been refunded to my credit card. No communication to tell me that it had been done, and no apology for supplying shoddy goods in the first place. I still have round cut zultanite earrings and pendant, and I can confirm that the colour has never changed on any of them!!!

I have learned my lesson. No more Rocks and Co for me!!
gem crazy, sorry to hear of your experience - we can both kick ourselves together!! Your post just confirms it for me - they are scammers. John Scott does himself no favours working for this outfit, IMO - I thought he had credibility in the past, but now I don't even flick over. And your experience with them refusing to honour the £10 is further confirmation that the staff write the rules to suit themselves. What with the screeching blondes (including the worst screecher of all - Vicky) I think we've both learnt our lesson!!
I've made exactly the same mistake as history mystery! I said I'd never shop at Rocks again but I made a purchase last week. In my defence I've been searching for a perfect gift for a friend and spotted exactly what I wanted during one of my now rare channel hops to Rocks. I remembered that I'd had an apology email in September offering a £10 credit and asked the call centre persveon to check my account. He couldn't have sounded more bored when taking my order but perked up a treat to tell me that Computer Says No to the credit! Given his attitude there was no point pursuing the matter and, like history mystery, I kicked myself for going back to Rocks and thinking they might have got their act together. More fool me.... Oh, and no sign of the item I've bought being delivered yet.

Still, I've saved a fortune this last year by not buying from them. And when I've checked out what's on, and I can only really bear to watch John Scott, there's been endless hours of very pricey brown diamonds (champagne, really!?) which look totally overpriced. Or odds and ends that look like rejects from the German channel, also overpriced. There doesn't seem to be enough stock to plan themed hours they way they used to, as evidenced by not keeping the EPGs up to date. The stuff in the clearance looks dearer than it used to be too, no matter that the shrieky girls are insisting that it's never sold this low before.

Also, a few months ago, I had to return a zultanite ring which I'd worn about 3 times when the stone fell out. I heard nothing back from Rocks but after a couple of months, I noticed that the cost of the ring had been refunded to my credit card. No communication to tell me that it had been done, and no apology for supplying shoddy goods in the first place. I still have round cut zultanite earrings and pendant, and I can confirm that the colour has never changed on any of them!!!

I have learned my lesson. No more Rocks and Co for me!!
I've only bought a couple of items from this lot and I was totally dissatisfied with my purchases. The last one was some kind of blue sapphire and when it arrived it was colourless. Honestly, there wasn't a hint of blue in it. I emailed and asked about their procedure to return the ring and didn't hear anything, so I phoned. I was told that they were inundated with emails so I asked if these were all complaints and the girl on the phone replied, "Yes, mostly!" I said I wanted to return the ring but that my debit card had been updated and I wasn't sure if the amount would be accepted. She said she would try it (it would take 14 days) and if it was rejected, they would send me a cheque. I couldn't believe it. What an unprofessional bunch. They've got the ghastly Cherry-pie (don't get me going on that) who looks bad-tempered and miserable. The shouty, awful Vicky Gordon, who just makes me turn off instantly and John Scott who seems to realise that this lot are cowboys and he's only there for a laugh - and good for him. I wouldn't recommend that anyone buys from this mob.
Cowboy outfit? Yes, you can practically see the tumbleweed rolling across screen. I've got nobody to blame that I ordered from them and tried to use a money-off voucher which they didn't honour - I should have known - but at least the item I ordered was as described and not damaged or scratched. They've had change after change at Rocks, but they still come back the same old scammers as before, so why they bother, I don't know. The Diniz brothers (the gem-hunters) no longer have anything to do with the channel, I wonder why? Debbie Cavill is still in place and her miserable and abrupt daughter. As you say, Vicky is dreadful, she wouldn't last 5 minutes on any other channel, even IW, her voice could break glass and she SHOUTS ALL THE TIME! John Scott has been there too long - he should go. I don't even think he's funny any more, just comes over as looking for the exit.

I've only bought a couple of items from this lot and I was totally dissatisfied with my purchases. The last one was some kind of blue sapphire and when it arrived it was colourless. Honestly, there wasn't a hint of blue in it. I emailed and asked about their procedure to return the ring and didn't hear anything, so I phoned. I was told that they were inundated with emails so I asked if these were all complaints and the girl on the phone replied, "Yes, mostly!" I said I wanted to return the ring but that my debit card had been updated and I wasn't sure if the amount would be accepted. She said she would try it (it would take 14 days) and if it was rejected, they would send me a cheque. I couldn't believe it. What an unprofessional bunch. They've got the ghastly Cherry-pie (don't get me going on that) who looks bad-tempered and miserable. The shouty, awful Vicky Gordon, who just makes me turn off instantly and John Scott who seems to realise that this lot are cowboys and he's only there for a laugh - and good for him. I wouldn't recommend that anyone buys from this mob.

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