Magic Wand


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Bea Frugal

Registered Shopper
Feb 1, 2010
Did anyone see the demonstration of Daniel Sandler's magic wand line eraser? The model had a few lines on her brow and he set himself busily to erase them. The product sold out so was it only me who couldn't see any lessening of lines?
......nor me. I do think Daniel Sandler is a sweetie. I can't stand the bloke from Bobbi Brown, he always reminds me of a butcher or fishmonger. I used to love Timber from Smashbox and not fussed about Kevin from prescriptives. They has long gone now though.
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......nor me. I do think Daniel Sander is a sweetie though. I can't stand the bloke from Bobbi Brown, he reminds me of a butcher or fishmonger. Loved Timber from Smashbox and not fussed about Kevin from prescriptives.

:mysmilie_696:true, true, oh so true.
I suppose to his credit he did use slightly older models showing a bit of normal wear and tear so at least the viewer can make a properly informed decision on what results they see.....or don't see! All very entertaining.
The Mojave Magic (RIP) range used to have a filler stick exactly like this, I remember Michael Maron drawing in the lines on the palm of his hand. Trouble with anything like this the lines do appear to disappear, until you move your face that is! :mysmilie_81:

Jude xx
Ooh I like Paul from Bobbi Brown! Bless him!

I couldn't believe the wrinkle remover thingie sold out either!

I'm dyyyyyyying to try those new Daniel Dandler Velvet eyeliners but I managed to resist. It'll get harder if in a couple of weeks the reviews are good though. :eek:

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