Diamonique - By Royal Appointment ?


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Jun 26, 2008
I saw on Daily Mail on-line yesterday that Zara Phillips has designed a high-end range of diamond jewellery. What are the chances of her putting her name to a similar range in Diamonique especially for QVC ? What a coup that would be especially if she turned up as the guest.

It would be pistols at dawn to decide which presenter would have the honour.

Enough of this drivel, who cares. I must let the cat in and go to bed. Got a bout of depression this week, meds not as effective as usual for some reason. I can't post pics from my phone so I can't show you the cat - Eric.
I'm surprised Fergie (of York) hasn't popped in by now with her own range of jewellery, diet foods or foot massager!

BTW - Eric is a fab name for a cat. I knew a cat called Brian once - he was a great character and had a little bit of - ahem - middle age spread. I've got Tango and Nellie at the moment who keep me slaving away.. :happy:
I believe Fergie works for one of the diet brands Slimming World or Weight Watchers. They pay her money so doubt she could do her own thing. Zara is more down to earth, she does not have a royal title of any sort(her mother didn't want it), so she is just plain Mrs. Can't see her wanting to push the,"Oh granny is the Queen you know."

Mind you doesn't Princess Margret's son design furniture? Has done for years, but only rich Americans can afford.
Which of Andrew's girls did the Fine Arts course ??? (don't they all) - whomever did could come on and discuss Thomas Kincaid !!!!
I could definitely see the Duchess of York designing a Diamonique range of replica Royal jewels, it's just the sort of thing she would do! Having said that, I always liked Sarah, at least she had a bit of life in her.
I remember when Diana and Charles got engaged and every shop, catalogue, website and newspaper supplement were flogging "Diana type" simulated stone rings. There`s been a resurrection since Kathryn and William got engaged and yet again the simulated sapphire large cluster was seen everywhere.
As for Sarah Ferguson, she`s been so bad with money and in and out of debt only narrowly missing bankruptcy more than once and being bailed out by her ex, I bet she`s sold off any high value jewellery she had and now wears paste or imitation stuff or low value stuff.

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