Diet Chef ad banned


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I saw this + had a little smile to myself! I don't agree with any of these daft "diets" of that "juice plus " gimmick that seems to be getting rammed down my throat at the moment. Sensible, healthy eating and exercise are the only cuttings that hep you lose weight and keep it off, not silly fads like these.
If these diets worked then the NHS could save everybodies health and lives by docs giving free prescriptions ...I think personally emotional eating is very strong ..( I know I turn to choc when suddenly stressed or upset ) ...there is no quick fix sadly ....just pots of money to be made by these "diet " companies :mysmilie_51:
The people who complained dont seem to be complaining about the fact its a diet plan which most people know don't work.

They are complaining about body image depiction in the ad.

I would like many of the highly sexualised ads banned which portray women as nothing more than sex objects.

Can I be bothered to complain about it. No I can't,I switch over.
5:2 fabulous diet and it costs nothing. There is a Facebook group called "the 5:2 diet". It is a very supportive group and as it is a closed group then none of your friends see any posts. It was Michael Moseley the Tv health journalist who initially promoted it. You can watch the Horizon programme on utube
I lost 28lbs in two months.

How? I changed the way I eat to a sensible healthy diet and cut out the rubbish.

A typical day is breakfast chopped fruit and yogurt (Easiyo!). Lunch a big banana and maybe grapes or strawberries and dinner is a huge salad or a big baked potato with maybe tuna and sweetcorn or beans.

I even have the occasional chocolate bar.

It is easy, healthy, filling and way more affordable than those low calorie meals that are full of salt and artificial nasties.
I lost 28lbs in two months.

How? I changed the way I eat to a sensible healthy diet and cut out the rubbish.

A typical day is breakfast chopped fruit and yogurt (Easiyo!). Lunch a big banana and maybe grapes or strawberries and dinner is a huge salad or a big baked potato with maybe tuna and sweetcorn or beans.

I even have the occasional chocolate bar.

It is easy, healthy, filling and way more affordable than those low calorie meals that are full of salt and artificial nasties.

Well done! That is fantastic! I have gone down from a size 20 to a 14 since January. I am managing to keep it off with good homemade healthy food and plenty of walking. I have some wine on a weekend and that's it.
Well done! That is fantastic! I have gone down from a size 20 to a 14 since January. I am managing to keep it off with good homemade healthy food and plenty of walking. I have some wine on a weekend and that's it.

Well done to you Whitesnake and SusieSue. It is hard to lose weight - I am trying to at the moment. I do love chocolate and have a little now and then, otherwise I would crack and go mad and eat lots. Once you start to lose a few pounds it does get a little easier, and I agree walking if a good form of exercise - and free.
Many say a Mediterranean diet is the best, and in some respects yes it is, but I also believe a war-time ration diet is also good for keeping the weight off. Overweight and obese people were a rarity during the war years, but everyone survived well on their meagre diets.

Even during my school years of the early 60's we rarely 'snacked' and had 3 good meals a day, we played sport at school, a bottle of pop and a Wimpey was a treat (McDonalds had yet to appear). We didn't all look like Twiggy but we did look ok in mini skirts, not many thunder thighs or gigantic bums in those days like you see on young women today.
My GP is all for the slow and steady approach which is true its about knowing how to eat and not really what you eat. The oh look I lost 3 stone in a month means you just end up yo yo dieting as it just plies back on again just as quickly. Everything these days is full of sugar or salt, we don't seem to know what food really tastes like. I was told a treat is that a treat, not something you eat out of habit.

I cannot take Statins now(they wrecked my liver. Oh how disappointed the GP and nurse were to find out no it was no alcohol!:mysmilie_50:), high cholesterol runs in my family as do stokes. So I was told the facts lose weight to get my cholesterol down oh and help my thin bones. I had lost 5 stone before but over a 4 year period it had slowly slowly nearly all come back on. Of course you get the friends who tell you how haggard you look etc. But its for my health, ah but you could get hit by a bus it the usual. No sweetie me, I am more likely to have a stroke someday. I loved my Zumba but not allowed to do that now, walking only. So since May slowly it has come back down again. I have about 1 and half stone to come off now. The nurse insist weigh myself once a month only, not home scales, go to one chemist only as you are using the exact same machine each time. Oh and take it in small steps, just think I would love to lose half a stone and work on that each time. I admit I do not work well with a group never had done when losing weight. The idea of standing in a group and getting weighed every week and paying someone to do it. No thanks.

Good luck to everyone and yes you can do it.
My GP is all for the slow and steady approach which is true its about knowing how to eat and not really what you eat. The oh look I lost 3 stone in a month means you just end up yo yo dieting as it just plies back on again just as quickly. Everything these days is full of sugar or salt, we don't seem to know what food really tastes like. I was told a treat is that a treat, not something you eat out of habit.

I cannot take Statins now(they wrecked my liver. Oh how disappointed the GP and nurse were to find out no it was no alcohol!:mysmilie_50:), high cholesterol runs in my family as do stokes. So I was told the facts lose weight to get my cholesterol down oh and help my thin bones. I had lost 5 stone before but over a 4 year period it had slowly slowly nearly all come back on. Of course you get the friends who tell you how haggard you look etc. But its for my health, ah but you could get hit by a bus it the usual. No sweetie me, I am more likely to have a stroke someday. I loved my Zumba but not allowed to do that now, walking only. So since May slowly it has come back down again. I have about 1 and half stone to come off now. The nurse insist weigh myself once a month only, not home scales, go to one chemist only as you are using the exact same machine each time. Oh and take it in small steps, just think I would love to lose half a stone and work on that each time. I admit I do not work well with a group never had done when losing weight. The idea of standing in a group and getting weighed every week and paying someone to do it. No thanks.

Good luck to everyone and yes you can do it.

your story has inspired me donna to tell a tale re statins. i was told by a dr that is no my dr that my cholestrol was high and i must take statins so i did some research and found that statins are "the silent killer" i.e they kill all the cholestrol that we all need to function. some 25% or more of our brain is made up of cholestrol and when we take statins it can lead to problems with brain function. we have had more deaths due to statins as they depleate our bodies of a vital cholestrol that we need to sustain our bodies in a healthy state. statins work by stopping the liver from producing cholestrol and sadly thats why your liver packed up. i would be cautious about taking statins at all as its now being said that statins are more dangerous than the healthy cholestrol we need to keep us healthy..sorry my post is so long x
hi donna sorry that i wrote that post i dont think its my place to say what i did. it was in good faith though sorry again x
No Boffy do not worry. I cannot take Statins and managed to get my cholesterol down myself from 7.8 to when last checked it was 6.1(a friend said that was still high! Hey, my GP is very pleased so there!), there is good cholesterol we all need it in our bodies. A friend who is 5ft and very thin had very high cholesterol, yet her husband who is 6ft and over 14st has really low! Go figurer. I think the GPs are too quick to just hand out pills etc these days.
Whatever eating plan you follow to loose weight it has to be a lifestyle change so it can be sustained.Diet Chef & the like are useful if someone is busy & needs the convenience of going to a cupboard and picking a meal off the shelf.That to me is a quick fix unless you have a lot of money & like to eat packet food all the time.
My medication affects my weight and weight gain is there on the list of most common side effects listed on the slip inside the box. Consequently I have gained half a stone since taking the tablets and I`m working hard towards losing it again. I cut out snacks, sweet stuff and cut back on bread and other carbs and hopefully when I stop taking the medication my weight will return to normal again.
My husband`s daughter is a typical yo yo dieter, she loses it and then she gains it and not just a few pounds but several stones. She follows a fad diet and lives off powdered diet meal replacement drinks, loses lots of weight very quickly and then when she begins eating normally she piles it back on. She hates cooking and buys takeaways several nights a week so the 3 stones she loses on the liquid diet soon reappears again. I`m sure the constant yo yo loss then gain cannot be good for her. She`s 43, not old but there again not exactly a teenager and sending out the wrong signals to her own teenage daughters, one of whom is badly overweight.
My husband worries about her because heart problems run in their family and at just over 5ft tall when she regains all her excess weight and 3 stone on a very short person means a lot of extra inches, he worries about the strain it puts on her body.
I have been reading lots about wheat addiction and how it affects our appetite for other foods too ....fascinating ...Dr William Davies .. Wheat Belly ....I can only say for. Y own experience it's been amazing to see how. Y appetite has calmed ..."a good deal of the time " .... lots on google and I have bought the second hand version of Wheat Belly makes so much sense ...the fella is a cardiologist has helped my weight loss and I feel like I have so much more energy at the age if 53 ! .. my body isn't aching as much either ....I know this fella is making money like the others but it really is so interesting what he has discovered..don't worry I don't like books that are too in depth ...just know that ...wheat has opoids in it ( a processed ingredient put in the wheat these days ) ...that make our brains crave more ..white bread spikes the blood more than and sweet choc bar he explains ..people can have bad withdrawal symptoms from all things wheat but once you get passed that ...well I can honestly say I wouldn't have believed it unless I tried for my self ...two weeks into it I felt a lot better and now wheat I know is not great's habit ...he also says don't go for the free from items ..try to eat as natural as possible ...well I do have the odd item ..I still eat choc but my appetite is definalty calmed down's worth a try for 2 to four weeks ....really really worth it .....I am open minded all the time but I would say to anybody wheat is trouble in my humble opinion ...but of course each to his own ...I always look into baskets of people who may be carrying a bit of weight ....the common denominator ? ... bread ...cakes ......they always are looking in the bread section ...I wish I could explain that if they stopped for about a month they might find a big shift in how they feel mentally and physically ...I feel so strongly about it ...sorry to go on ....I do have choc I do have a bit of Icecream but I keep away from too much indulgence and "wheat Belly " is a book with great reviews ....
I'm on the seafood diet.

I see food and then eat it. :mysmilie_50: