Friday 13th


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Jul 30, 2010
Just been watching Chloe on 7pm show.
They were talking about it being Friday 13th & didn’t know it’s origins as being unlucky so got discussing it. They came to the conclusion that it was from the film of the title!
Chloe actually asked if that was really it, she’d hoped it was something more traditional, older,like November 5th, but no she was told so then said she wasn’t as worried about it if it was just a film!
I couldn’t believe the ignorance. Not one of them even considered that it may have something to do with Good Friday & Judas’s betrayal, the 13th deciple at the Last Supper.
I didn't see it but Chloe is thick as two short planks "coming up on the way" case in point. For her not to know the origins of Friday the 13th (and no you don't need to be religious) and why it's classed as being an unlucky day, does not surprise me in the least.
I didn't see it but Chloe is thick as two short planks "coming up on the way" case in point. For her not to know the origins of Friday the 13th (and no you don't need to be religious) and why it's classed as being an unlucky day, does not surprise me in the least.

Not just on QVC you see a lack of knowledge about anything more than a few decades old...
But in pagan times 13 was considered lucky, so the Christian church wanted to get rid of that idea.

Where they still flogging stuff or just stop to have an intellectual discussion?:mysmilie_19:
I don’t believe in these old superstitions like walking 7under ladders and new shoes on the table. So at the age of 76 and quite well educated I did not know the explanations about Friday the 13th I thought it was just another ‘old wives tale’. But then I am not very religious either.
It's just a day like any other. Certain fickle people like to attach some supernatural significance to it. I booked some time to go flying yesterday. I ended up not doing it due to low cloud cover, but I couldn't give a stuff about it being Fri 13th.

Chlo's not the brightest coin in the purse.
I think there's a lot of thick people about now, it astounds me at work sometimes when the younger members of staff don't seem to know basic things, one had no idea about the Balkan war! They seem to only know what has happened in their lifetime, and they seem proud of it
Not just on QVC you see a lack of knowledge about anything more than a few decades old...

I agree, but the original quote was about QVC. I must admit though my passion is history, The Egyptians, Romans, Georgian era, Tudors, Victorians, anything to be honest, I love it all. :mysmilie_3:
My brother once had to disclose his 4 digit computer password to the office secretary as he was out of the office. He gave her the hint ‘Battle of Hastings’. Poor bloke was absolutely shocked when he realised she no idea what he was talking about.
Goodness me ... that really is ignorant ! ... she’s not getting comission from it so it doesn’t interest her lol ( Chloe I mean )

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