General room 101


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Jun 24, 2008
Come on folks what's going in? I'll set the ball rolling with Facebook updates...Not all facebook updates -really don't mind people sharing their news on FB be it good or bad if they've got something to say and the messages aren't cryptic ie - attention seeking. But it's this sort of thing - A bunch of workmates have gone up to London today to see a show, and one of them has "checked in" and some restaurant or other and posted the status "waiting for dinner now" - WTF for? I'll imagine that a few pics of her spaghetti carobonara will up next. Then a little later a few selfies of them "waiting for the show to start"..who needs to know? Would make more sense to post a comment about a restaurant after they've eaten there, or a show they've seen in order to recommnend it to others, or not as the case may be! Drives me crazy, to be honest I should really consider deleting my FB account but there are people I know who post really good stuff and it's a good way to keep in touch...but this constant "updating" drives me bonkers.." I'd hate you to think this is sour grapes on my part cause I wasn't invited..I was but already had tickets to the local open air theatre to see a show with a mate this afternoon. We both thoroughly enjoyed it, took a picnic, had a glass of wine which we did not photograph and bung on social media..we spent our time chatting and watching the show. Please folks I really don't need to know! To me it comes across as bragging....Ooh aren't I having a wonderful life, eating out, seeing shows etc many "likes can I get", how many "Ooh enjoy Babe - Well Jell" responses can I get? Is it narcissistic, or people have forgotten how to have conversations any more cause they're too busy faffing around with their phones?
I worked in a school until recently & staff being on social media wasn't really approved so I'm not on anything. As you said there are some really positive aspects & I can understand that if you've been with a great group of people at university then go your separate ways it's a way to stay in touch. However, the constant 'This is my life, isn't it wonderful?' posts are just conceited & egotistical. As for the responses, read some of those sent to the Q presenters, totally saccharine:mysmilie_19:
The only posts I allow in my feed are from the craft groups I belong to and a couple f special friends. All my other FB 'friends' I 'unfollow' as I got feed up of seeing what they were up to every minute of the day. Also some of my friends friends were making such unsavoury comments on my friends pages that meant I could see them and I really didn't want to know!
I've been FB friends with someone for about 10 years and actually met him once.

He was on a 4 day long photography holiday in Portugal and died there suddenly. I don't know the details, but I guess he was only about 40-ish. I knew he had health problems, but this was a real shock.

There have been literally HUNDREDS of tributes on FB as he was widely liked as a "real gent".

In a video he posted a day after he arrived, he said he was the happiest he had ever been. At least he died doing something he loved.
That's sad Stratto..but glad you got to meet him. I certainly wouldn't put Facebook into room 101 just some of the attention seeking/narsiscistic posts some people make! Would put automated phone lines in though that's for sure!
Yes, I get bored with the look at me, my life is better than yours posts, but I belong to a group that follow a certain long running radio soap (the theme tune was the one Billy Connolly thought should be played as the alternative national anthem!!!!) one about Dyspraxia and a couple of dozen people who are real friends or who are really interesting. I don't have the time or the energy to keep posting stuff about my life's minutiae. And in the job I do, I need to be fairly private about me.
Yes, I get bored with the look at me, my life is better than yours posts, but I belong to a group that follow a certain long running radio soap (the theme tune was the one Billy Connolly thought should be played as the alternative national anthem!!!!) one about Dyspraxia and a couple of dozen people who are real friends or who are really interesting. I don't have the time or the energy to keep posting stuff about my life's minutiae. And in the job I do, I need to be fairly private about me.

Me neither- I rarely post on my own page, I do sometimes if something funny has happened and it might raise a smile, but never anything copied and pasted, no inspirational quotes, cryptic messages, woe is me, or look at me haven't I done well - If I've got any news to pass on to my friends good or bad, I'll phone them or send them a private message. In the past I've posted a couple of pics of my "baking sucesses" only because those who know me, know I can't cook for toffee, but I haven't done that for ages...My own page is pretty dormant! Some of the rubbish my friends put up there for all to see never ceases to amaze me!
Passengers in pub quizzes!!! I'm a regular quizzer with hubby and a couple of other people each has their strengths and weaknesses but together we make a pretty good team and we win something on most occasions, one of our team members who's a family friend, very rarely answers anything, but we know how much this night out means to her, she's good company always offers to buy a round however lately she keeps turning up with other friends and family in tow, one in particular obviously has no interest in doing a quiz..just wants a night out, yep they pay their entrance fee but then yak loudly ,and I mean very loudly throughout, contribute nothing in the way of answers, just makes vulgar and asinine comments about knowing nuffink, or that's one for the brainboxes, who fecking cares etc etc! But will happily accept an equal share of the winnings at the end of the night! Drives me bonkers!
A pub quiz should be a bit of fun agreed, and hubby can take things a little too seriously even for my liking, but fgs, if you're not interested in doing a pub quiz, don't go and spoil it for everybody else! Wouldn't be so bad if they didn't pay their entrance fee, but the quiz organisers insist that everybody sat around the table does which is fair enough..but had I sat there and not answered a single question, or worse still not even attempted to answer a single question there's no way I'd accept any of the prize pot! I'm hoping that our friend stops bringing this person along every week 'cause it's going to be very awkward telling her not to, specially since she's a close family member of hers!
I’m not the sentimental type and don’t have kids so maybe I’m not the sort of person they are aimed st.

The world seems to be over run with posts and stuff with “sayings” on them usually including some claptrap about angels or unicorns.

I’m not saying that if you are having a bad time that a few positive words might help you but most of it is just a load of airheads who think they are living in a TV show.

The very odd funny one is ok but the world is going mad on them.
A random one for me is forced audience participation at pop/rock concerts. Got nothing against the lead vocalist pointing the microphone towards the crowd and saying c'mon let's hear you that's fine. What I detest is when they treat the audience like "puppets" making them sing little bits of songs, or worse still funny little ay oh's . I've paid good money to hear you play the songs and the music I love...please don't mess them or us about. A bit of chat and friendly banter between songs...yep, I'm all for it, stretching out my favourite song with twiddly extra bits and forced audience participation..forget it!
Ok, it's been more than two years and I've got a couple more things to pop into room 101. My pet hate Facebook is the first to feature - I've really gotta stop looking at it, but I'm guessing there must still be something that's keeping me hooked. Maybe it's the community section of Q's page - who knows?!!
Pointless hashtags - agggh! A couple of people I'm friends with both ex- colleagues, nice ladies both now got a couple of kids each, which they're forever posting pics of, but ffs what's with all the pointless hash tagging underneath the comments? One of them today has posted some picture of her two small daughters doing an easter egg hunt followed by #mumofgirls#sisters#unbreakablebond - Yes dear, we know you're a mum of girls, and yes, they're sisters obvs, and as for #unbreakable bond - does this suggest that somehow those looking on wish to penetrate and break that bond?
Secondly, it's the pointless "If I won the lottery" conversations - Got sucked into a conversation of this nature yesterday at work, despite telling them that I don't do the lottery and probably never will, and it never ceases to amaze me how many people talk about what they're going to do with the money, and how they're going to distribute it . Nowt wrong with dreaming I guess...but today I'm an angry old woman! - Happy Easter folks!
Since the purpose of a hashtag is to make digital content identifiable to a specific topic what in gods name would anyone want to identify a subject “unbreakable bonds”?
Since the purpose of a hashtag is to make digital content identifiable to a specific topic what in gods name would anyone want to identify a subject “unbreakable bonds”?
I think some do not really understand the purpose of they're used almost as a reinforcement point.

Being lazy, I can't recall if I said it last time, but I'd get rid of chewing gum and bubble gum. Singapore has the right idea making it illegal, imo.
1. Object to seeing people looking like ruminants, endlessly motivating.
2. Object to seeing the insides of mouths as the more uncouth chew it with their mouths open
3. Most of all object to disposal of this substance, which has been in someone's mouth for many minutes. Why do we need to be exposed to their mouth juices when we are unfortunate enough to encounter a freshly discarded piece on a pedestrian crossing button, on the underside of a chair or table? Just disgusting.
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I love hashtags & ampersands & have # earrings & a & pendant. I don't do social media, even though I do look at posts about beautiful house & gardens, but thought that I'd look up why hashtags get used so much, here you go!

Why are hashtags important? Hashtags are essentially Instagram's sorting process. ... Essentially, hashtags are a better way to categorize your posts. They help you reach a target audience, and more importantly, they help your target audience find you.

Think of hashtags as a way to connect social media content to a specific topic, event, theme or conversation. They also make it easier to discover posts around those specific topics, because hashtags aggregate all social media content with that same hashtag.
I think some do not really understand the purpose of they're used almost as a reinforcement point.

Being lazy, I can't recall if I said it last time, but I'd get rid of chewing gum and bubble gum. Singapore has the right idea making it illegal, imo.
1. Object to seeing people looking like ruminants, endlessly motivating.
2. Object to seeing the insides of mouths as the more uncouth chew it with their mouths open
3. Most of all object to disposal of this substance, which has been in someone's mouth for many minutes. Why do we need to be exposed to their mouth juices when we are unfortunate enough to encounter a freshly discarded piece on a pedestrian crossing button, on the underside of a chair or table? Just disgusting.
I think that's it MML. I think on twitter then yes they have a purpose and that's to direct you to tweets about a subject you're interested in. Facebook has only fairly recently introduced them and when you click on them you just get that person's pictures, so in effect, like you say it's a reinforcement point to say "isn't my life wonderful" Don't get me wrong, I'm pleased that these people are doing well for themselves, they're happy, living their best lives or what have you...but post your pics if you must, but wait for the comments to come don't need to fish for compliments or just plain brag 'cause it's irritating!
Whilst I'm here I'd like to put all these staged reality shows into room 101....Only way is Essex etc...why are we celebrating thick and vacuous people?
Thought I'd revive this thread due to finding it impossible to find a singular packet of regular crisps in my local shop. All you could buy was giant family sized packs, mainly of the kettle style (that I absolutely hate) - So I'm putting kettle crisps into room 101. They're hard, sharp and greasy and the flavours are rank. Crisps are supposed to be "crisp" , and these horrible shards of gum stabbing greasiness really don't do it for me. All I wanted was a packet of regular crisps preferably chicken flavour, not chicken and thyme, or chicken and jalepeno - give me strength. Whilst I'm here, dark chocolate can jump in too, though I'd be tempted to keep it for the sake of After Eight mints! Don't know how anyone gets any pleasure from eating such un-melting bitter squares of yuckiness!
Another nomination from me:
Copy pasting claptrap on emails and online posts - to me it's the modern equivalent of chain letters. It's lazy and insulting...and usually irrelevant.
Can I please put my downstairs neighbours into room 101? When the previous people moved out we had four weeks of repairs bang bang drill drill, you've got the picture and since they've moved in it's been more of the same....

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