Is Ojon In Trouble???


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Jun 24, 2008
The Lauder group released its yearly figures this week. They of course sprouted the party line of all is well. When asked questions this was revealed.

Ojon haircare, didn't perform well and negatively impacted earnings. There was one, short sentence in regard to this, and then it's back to the same old pontificating verbiage over and over.

So they bought the company and changed the formulas to make more money but the buying people are not impressed. Now since Ojon sale on QVC US and UK and have TSVs, you would think things would be healthy?????
This comes as a huge surprise; I absolutely adore Ojon as, I'm sure, do a lot of other ST addicts. I can be nothing but positive about the results I have experienced personally and feel that, imo, it is well worth the premium price tag placed on it. I don't think it is ever a good thing when a large international corporation takes over a smaller business as said business loses it's individuality and ability to pursue it's own business ethics. One would assume that, economically, Lauder buying out Ojon would be a positive move which, for Denis, I'm sure it was. Sidetracking a little, does Denis have a deal with Lauder to continue to promote Ojon and is, consequently, an employee of their's?
I'm not in the least bit surprised :hi: Been an Ojon user for years now and I was very annoyed when they repackaged and renamed everything - I am sure it has alienated a lot of customers. When I've finished my current shampoo and conditioner I shall try a different brand, although I shall carry on using some of the styling products and the restorative treatment for the time being.
I stock-piled Ojon Tawaka products when they announced it was discontinued, but since then I've been using Wen and doubt I'll go back to Ojon having read the disappointing reviews of the new version ojon range,

EL often keep a figure-head on so I'm not surprised Dennis still fronts ojon; Bobbi Brown does the same. Dennis might be briefly sorry if the ojon brand dwindles and dies, but its sale to EL will have made him a wealthy man and that may salve his sorrow. Not sure whether it'd be enough to salve his conscience if EL pull out their investment in the Central American villages and the jobs ojon created evaporate. I hope their contracts with EL allow them to sell their raw materials to other manufacturers if EL pull out.

Jude xx
Another thing is Lauder are pretty quick at dropping brands it the fail to meet what is expected of them. Stila was bought by Lauder the quality went down big time, they ran them into the ground and then sold the brand on. In fact Stila was sold again after that, and the quality is nothing near the old days of when it was independent.
Not surprised at all - haven't purchased anything myself since the reformulation and subsequent poor reviews. I used to stockpile on occasional trips to the USA, it was much cheaper there.
I loved the revitalising mist and then they changed that and it didn't work or smell as good, then they 'found' a load of the old ones in big sizes, by then it was going for silly money on Ebay, I bought 8 - I suppose I've fallen for their ploy but I do believe that they will change the forumla back and at least I've got a load for a few years as they are the big ones!
Hi guys I use and adore Ojon for the results it gives me!
Haven't had to buy any for a year because I've had enough to last so when I saw this thread I was concerned.
When did the formular change?

I'm just wondering as I'm not sure if I've been using the new formula or if when I buy it next I'll be using the new formula?
I love, love, love their Swa mascara. I hope this dosen't disappear. :thinking:
I just tried the new version of the restorative treatment and don't like using it nearly as much as the original. It doesn't really smell of anything much and while I know not everyone felt this way I LOVED the way the original smelled. It is also softer so I ended up using more as it melted much quicker. Might have to check ebay to see whether there are some older versions still around.
Don't you just hate it when products one has come to trust, get changed or worse still, seem to just vanish into oblivion. Have been out of the loop a while but it has become almost impossible to get Philosophy Shear Splendour shampoo and conditioner which I always alternated with Ojon. Managed to order large size of both from QVC USA but as unavailable from Philosophy itself, I imagine that was last of stock. Don't even get me started on Tova Cactine - really didn't matter if it wasn't everything it was cracked up to be, it was the one product that left me with soft and healthy skin in the morning.:devil:

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