January Beauty Weekend 25th & 26th with the Q launch of Taya and others.


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Jun 24, 2008
What could be better than another beauty day? A beauty weekend ofcourse!

As I mentioned on the Decleor TSV thread (I think it was) - be still my beating heart!

As well as the usual suspects I've just noticed that the Taya Haircare range is moving over from Ideal World to fill that Central/South American niche slot vacated by Ojon. I've tried a couple of items from the brand and the Copaiba resin which is a gunly volumising product I've had for years and made no impression on the pot because I only need about a grain of rice sized amount for my whole head otherwise it's too stick to blow dry. I seem to remember the reviews on Ideal World were mixed to poor because it's so very gunky. Mind you from an economic point of view it's good value I suppose; I won't need to repurchase in my lifetime! More info here and reviews on HSN:



Anyone else tried the range? The white clay range?

I'm happy to stick with Wen to "wash" my hair but always looking for the holy grail of styling products!

There are other brands launching including the Sunday TSV from Tria-See, and debut hours from Tromborg skincare and full hours of Josie Maran so I hope they have more items than just the argan oil with blusher stick from the range.

I'll be on beauty-overload by the end of Sunday and after the Beauty Bash earlier the same week!
I'd love to read about recommendations on this range. I use Philip Kingsley for washing and conditioning, but would be very interested in the styling products, if they are as good as they sound!
I have seen a few presentations on IW over a period. To be honest they pushed the White Clay(I hate the feel of sticky gunky products in my hair), I thought I don't need that and the rest of the rest had a Ojon flanker vibe about it.
Yep the product I tried is very sticky, first use I had to re-wash my hair as I couldn't comb it through. I probably went with the standard 10p piece sized blob and used less and less until I used about the same amount as I would for an application for an eye cream!

On IW they tend to do the usual head upside down and rub the roots to get crazy volume demo: they did the same demo for Samy, Taya and every other hair brand they've ever sold so I'll be interested to see whether the demos on QVC will be any different.

Isn't the stuff in Ojon just a strain of palm oil? I'm sure there are comparable ranges out there, the only Ojon range that made significant improvement to my hair was the Tawaka range (now discontinued) and I'm down to my last few tubes which I might save to take on holiday. After that I tried Wen and never looked back.

I never say never though, and could be tempted to try the other items from the range, I'm still a sucker for a novel product and a clever sales pitch!
I may be wrong but didn't IW do the Taya thing before? or maybe it was some other shopping channel.
Yep Ideal World had the range until quite recently, I think they had a POTD in 2013.
Yep the product I tried is very sticky, first use I had to re-wash my hair as I couldn't comb it through. I probably went with the standard 10p piece sized blob and used less and less until I used about the same amount as I would for an application for an eye cream!

On IW they tend to do the usual head upside down and rub the roots to get crazy volume demo: they did the same demo for Samy, Taya and every other hair brand they've ever sold so I'll be interested to see whether the demos on QVC will be any different.

Isn't the stuff in Ojon just a strain of palm oil? I'm sure there are comparable ranges out there, the only Ojon range that made significant improvement to my hair was the Tawaka range (now discontinued) and I'm down to my last few tubes which I might save to take on holiday. After that I tried Wen and never looked back.

I never say never though, and could be tempted to try the other items from the range, I'm still a sucker for a novel product and a clever sales pitch!

Yes, it is based on Palm Oil. When Estee Lauder bought Ojon they got rid of the higher quality range(they did the same with Aveda, all the really great products Elxir etc gone. Be honest Aveda is not the brand quality it used to be), perhaps they didn't want to pay the People With Beautiful Hair the proper going rate?
I had used Aveda (Shampure) for a very long time but I agree with Donna that the quality is nowhere near what it used to be 15/20 years ago. The prices are still on the uppity side but it just isn't the same anymore. At the moment, I am using Liz Earle and actually I really do like it. I bought it in John Lewis as I was instore and saved QVC's postage, which is another pet peeve I know many of us share. My hair feels soft and light, I can't stand anything too heavy feeling on my hair and a little goes a long way, which is important for me as I have hair down to my bottom.

I tried Ojon but hated the smell of it and I put it the cupboard and forgot about it, so didn't send it back. Having said that, the return postage would have been quite steep so I may not have bothered. My 5 girls all hated the smell and didn't want to try it! I have a friend who is Mauritian, so an African hair type and I gave it to her to try. She didn't like the smell but did like the way her her felt, so I am glad it wasn't wasted.

I have been tempted by the Percy & Reed demo's but it is very expensive for what I suppose is just a soap. Does anyone here use that brand and what do you think of it? I love to read the opinions on here, I was considering that beauty TSV today, the laser hair removal machine but after reading your comments I have decided not to bother with it, so thanks to all :)

Inge x
Hi All,

I've tried Ojon and Taya (and Liz Earle, Wen, Hair One and The No Shampoo method) because I'm always looking out for low chemical hair products.

Ojon has a very distinctive smell, but I grew to love it. The thing that put me off the range was the huge and endlessly growing range of products. Since everything had Ojon oil in it, I couldn't see the point of 20 different bottles. I just used cheaper shampoos and conditioned with the oijon restorative treatment. Still got a tub, 3 years later, and I put a pea sized amount on my long hair as a leave-in. It'll last forever.

Taya IS definitely sticky, but the white clay cream stuff and the mudd in the tub with the green label both volumise amazingly. I only use it for special occasions because I do like to be able to comb it through the rest of the time!
Percy and Reed gets very mixed reviews. I got 50ml sizes in a goodie bag from SpaceNK of the dry spray shampoo and conditioner. Felt it did nothing and gave away very quickly. I really like the Ojon dry Rub Out stuff though. The smell of Ojon didn't bother me much, it was like dry roast coffee, so did think old fag ends. When EL bought Ojon they changed the smell of everything to a light citrus even the deep stuff had a light version with very different smell.
I tried Percy and Reed on 2 occassions when it was given as a freebie with a magazine and was underwhelmed. My hair is straight fine but I have lots of it and this made my hair flat and limp so I'd never be tempted to buy even with a 30day MBG. Sorry I can't remember which products I tried.
Thanks Donna & Jude.

It is all to easy to get suckered in by the hype on QVC and I value your opinions very highly. The Liz Earle is very nice, not spectacular but I like the smell and the lack of tackiness and weight. The Percy & Reed is, I feel, way too expensive but if it had rave reviews I would give it a go. However, I will give it a miss, thanks again,

Inge xx
This beauty weekend is showcasing all the new stuff. Nothing I want to try I am set in my ways with the stuff I use!

Wondering with all this "in with the new" if there will also be some "out with the old"?
I have very fine frizzy hair. I blow dry and straighten. Got the chance to try Liz Earle shampoo and conditioner when I tested for the beauty bible. I have to say its lovely. Doesn't weigh your hair down and it gives a lovely shine. Highly recommended.
This beauty weekend is showcasing all the new stuff. Nothing I want to try I am set in my ways with the stuff I use!

Wondering with all this "in with the new" if there will also be some "out with the old"?

I agree, I understand they had this weekend straight after the Beauty Bash because all the brands' reps are in town but if I'd had a few weeks to road test my samples then I'd be more inclined to buy. As it is I'll wait til I've waded through all these samples before I consider adding to my routine. And for those without samples to try all the new anti-aging brands is claiming to be "the one" so what do you have to go on?

Then 3 months or 3 years down the line will QVC still stock that brand or will it be a case of paying full price on their own website once QVC has served its purpose in raising the brand's profile? It's frustrating (particularly with US brands) when QVC dumps them and they're not available elsewhere in the UK, Nick Chavez haircare was mine but I'm over it now! almost!
Donna is right about Estee Lauder owned companies, they buy them, they change them, they ruin them.
Estee Lauder itself is not even the company it used to be many years ago. Apparently Estee herself was a perfectionist, she even used to visit her counters and serve customers herself, imagine that. The family sees only $ signs these days.
on the QVC FB page all you read is, 'I want Molton Brown, Aveda back. Where has Ojon gone?'

IF, Molton Brown and Aveda ever did return(I doubt it), the wonderful deals they keep mentioning will not be there. Aveda is EL and like Bobbi Brown the prices will be the same as you pay on counter, even more if you add QVC's P&P on. EL pulled Ojon like they did with Aveda as they did not want to sell the brand there anyone. They wanted the brand in stores or own online sites and that is where they are. People keep repeating on the FB page that the Ojon website has good deals on, but still its but I want to buy it from QVC as if somehow makes it more magical.

As for Molton Brown, the prices if they even got a TSV would be around the £50+ p&p of L'Occitane.

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