Julian's Guest


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Oh darn i missed him. Had the tele on with the sound of music on. Darn nation. I really loved watching Anthony, and

he's got a bit hunkier looking, darn darn darn. Thanks for the pictures BurlyB :)
Missed him! He was my favourite male presenter (which isn't saying a great deal when you consider the competition). Saw him out shopping once - stunning eyes. Doesn't he work as a gigolo on some cruise ship now? :talking:
he's looking better than ever - must be absence making the heart grow fonder ! Looking back to Ant's days I feel there was a completely different (i.e. nicer) "vibe" about QVC.

Linda xx
It was lovely to see Anthony again, just lovely. He was always my favourite presenter back in the day. A smashing chap and very easy on the eye. I really like the fact he pops back every so often and comes on air - not many presenters (as I can remember at least) have done that. I reckon he must have been really well liked. It was a shame he left but he's obviously loving his new life and good on him. Super chap. :heart:
Anthony was my favourite presenter, always had a smile and was never stroppy with the guests, he never used to think he was 'better or bigger' than them either and sometimes I used to chuckle away after he had been on. Shame he left as the other presenters do not match up to him.

Happy New Year everyone
WOW Cruise Director WOW The boy's done good. I'm so glad and happy for him. Brill :)
Both of his personal website links are blank (the sites come up but there is nothing on them).

PS this is showing up as underlined on my PC, don't know why, I didn't do it, honest.
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Both of his personal website links are blank (the sites come up but there is nothing on them).

PS this is showing up as underlined on my PC, don't know why, I didn't do it, honest.

If you don't mind my saying so Strato, for someone who is as demanding as you about computer hardware and software, you do seem to have a lot of weird things happen.