Lola Rose TSV 10/12/15


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It's about time for a necklace. I just hope it doesn't have little silvery bead spacers in it, whatever it is.
Oh my God, remind me not to tune in on the 10th. Can't stand that snooty woman and her clacking jewellery. She will no doubt be omnipresent throughout the whole day looking like a Downton Abbey wannabe, bossing everyone around: "Can I just show this," "would you like to go in for a close-up?" "Oh I'm looking in the wrong camera," "oh I'm not going to engage with you" but rebuff you at every opportunity with some cold-shouldered brush-off whilst I pursue my own agenda whilst speaking in a very twee voice." Imagine if they put her on with Dale Franklin and he was doing his usual shtick by making statements with slightly disconcerting avuncular, sexual overtones? Ew! I think I'd puke! Or worse still, gasping Jill Franks wearing some hideous off-the-shoulder top with a million clacking necklaces and bracelets, the "number 11" furrowed lines in her forehead and her crows' feet becoming prominent as she gaspingly tells us how she simply adores this, and how her girlfriend has a tiger's eye necklace and how she simply couldn't live without hers and that someone complimented her on it the other day, yawny, yawny yawn!
Must remind self not to bother with repetitive posts going over the same old ground, yawny, yawny, yawn.
Definitely cost cutting! When was the last non-metal beaded TSV?

LR has recently lost me as a customer - I always used to like them for the fact that their pieces were simply stones with no added 'bling' - the shape, quality and grain of the stones was the main attraction.

Now the brand is using 'fillers' to bulk out the look - charging the same but cheapening the product... really, really disappointing.

BTW - this is a brand decision and nothing to do with Q - the LR website has more and more metal bits every time I look there.
Agree about the cost-cutting. Anyone who's ever made jewellery will tell you it's far easier and far quicker to thread beads together than it is to make a knot after each bead. That's why as a brand it's no longer got the appeal for me it once had, though I love my old LR pieces and wear them a lot. Metal bead spacers, gold/silver/stainless/whatever, simply cheapen the look and I don't care how many grams of gold or silver are in there. I'd much rather have just the semi-precious stones so if I don't get them on the LR sales, it's all ebay for me now.
Oh my God, remind me not to tune in on the 10th. Can't stand that snooty woman and her clacking jewellery. She will no doubt be omnipresent throughout the whole day looking like a Downton Abbey wannabe, bossing everyone around: "Can I just show this," "would you like to go in for a close-up?" "Oh I'm looking in the wrong camera," "oh I'm not going to engage with you" but rebuff you at every opportunity with some cold-shouldered brush-off whilst I pursue my own agenda whilst speaking in a very twee voice." Imagine if they put her on with Dale Franklin and he was doing his usual shtick by making statements with slightly disconcerting avuncular, sexual overtones? Ew! I think I'd puke! Or worse still, gasping Jill Franks wearing some hideous off-the-shoulder top with a million clacking necklaces and bracelets, the "number 11" furrowed lines in her forehead and her crows' feet becoming prominent as she gaspingly tells us how she simply adores this, and how her girlfriend has a tiger's eye necklace and how she simply couldn't live without hers and that someone complimented her on it the other day, yawny, yawny yawn!

Julius I like Nikki, and I like the fact that she makes sure that the customers can see her jewellery. I think sometimes she gets a bit frustrated that whomever she is on with, doesn't always go through the colours of the items properly (or in the case of Jill Franks is gushing too much), or that the camera doesn't always show the items properly either, and I for one, am glad that she does. What is so wrong with her wanting to make sure people see what they are buying?
Aren't the Lola Rose TSVs getting very samey? This is just plain boring. I won't bother treating myself to this.
I didn't know who Julius was talking about, but I think Nikki is one of the best brand ambassadors because she shows the jewellery and all the colours so you actually get a really good feel for the pieces. She's also selling aspiration which I think she's brilliant at. She's always very ladylike and professional and doesn't irritate me like some of them.
I didn't know who Julius was talking about, but I think Nikki is one of the best brand ambassadors because she shows the jewellery and all the colours so you actually get a really good feel for the pieces. She's also selling aspiration which I think she's brilliant at. She's always very ladylike and professional and doesn't irritate me like some of them.

I suppose people just perceive people and things differently. Her manner grates on me a bit. Her jewellery is not bad - the colours are nice, but her overbearing manner - :(
i dont find nikki overbearing but i find her inclusion of base metals in a luxury brand where silver was previously used underwelming
LR has recently lost me as a customer - I always used to like them for the fact that their pieces were simply stones with no added 'bling' - the shape, quality and grain of the stones was the main attraction.

Now the brand is using 'fillers' to bulk out the look - charging the same but cheapening the product... really, really disappointing.

BTW - this is a brand decision and nothing to do with Q - the LR website has more and more metal bits every time I look there.

Cost cutting dressed up as "on trend" (a loathesome expression, in my opinion) :mysmilie_51:
when the metal tarnishes it makes the piece redundant fit only for the bin. have not bought any since she started this "cheap trend" nice lady but shes lost her way imo
Too funny :clapping: can't stand Jill Franks or Julia Roberts, so up themselves! Think Lola Rose has got better though as I prefer the friendship type bracelets compared to her earlier stuff.
Oh my God, remind me not to tune in on the 10th. Can't stand that snooty woman and her clacking jewellery. She will no doubt be omnipresent throughout the whole day looking like a Downton Abbey wannabe, bossing everyone around: "Can I just show this," "would you like to go in for a close-up?" "Oh I'm looking in the wrong camera," "oh I'm not going to engage with you" but rebuff you at every opportunity with some cold-shouldered brush-off whilst I pursue my own agenda whilst speaking in a very twee voice." Imagine if they put her on with Dale Franklin and he was doing his usual shtick by making statements with slightly disconcerting avuncular, sexual overtones? Ew! I think I'd puke! Or worse still, gasping Jill Franks wearing some hideous off-the-shoulder top with a million clacking necklaces and bracelets, the "number 11" furrowed lines in her forehead and her crows' feet becoming prominent as she gaspingly tells us how she simply adores this, and how her girlfriend has a tiger's eye necklace and how she simply couldn't live without hers and that someone complimented her on it the other day, yawny, yawny yawn!
Lol about Jill Franks.
Saw this on Facebook; a photo of all colours:

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