Random musings and general banter.


Help Support ShoppingTelly:

Seems we cannot like posts anymore? unless it's just an issue with my laptop.

Either way thank you Price Plunge and Retrovertigo. That has enlightened me on something I suspected but couldn't get my head around, nor articulate.

Same on my phone Mr Tom, I can't 'like' either. May be a temporary glitch.
So the ‘Sale’ is now on. We have 399575 Spear and Jackson 7.5 Litres of Spray and Leave at £19.99 (Save 62%).

The video on the website shows this product being sold previously for exactly the same price, what a surprise!

The crazy thing with this lot is it is a really good price anyway, why the need for the BS? I can understand it with muck like the Jalopy Watches and the Geriatric iPad’s but not this :mysmilie_59:
So tech expert is now shilling the Dormeo mattress and keeps claiming that "many of you are upsizing"

So let me understand this........people are taking the time to phone up to order and then having a chinwag with CS and explaining that they are upsizing? Really???? I mean, upsizing is a major undertaking as you need a new base for your mattress. Lots of people are doing that over the Christmas period? I'm ever so slightly sceptical :mysmilie_3:

And of course, let's not forget the now obligatory "we are extremely extremely busy" claims every five minutes.

What is amusing me the most is how in the past they have used what looked like a fifty year old "regular" mattress to demonstrate how when you sit on the edge, it squashes down to being almost paper thin.

Now, Janice isn't that big at all, but she is sat on this mattress and it has apparently no support at the edges whatsoever as it squashes down to the thickness of a stamp. It just looks like a squashy supportless mess of a mattress.
Maybe she has stopped selling technology items as they have all run out of battery and is struggling to plug the chargers in.
Unfortunately it seems that Janice has succumbed and has sold her soul to this sham of a shopping channel. In the process, she has lost any credibility she once had as a ‘tech expert.’ Her ‘expert recommendations’ carry no weight and are now worthless.
Well, she never really was an expert as such was she? She was the "talk techy about something ancient, and make it sound like the best thing ever to people new to the item and with no idea they are buying something old and non upgradeable" expert.

Her job is to hide details, confuse and just generally con people into buying stuff that in some cases (the iPad 3) is five year old tech. She should be ashamed of herself really. The fact that it took them an age to sell a couple of hundred iPads the other day gives me hope that viewers are cottoning on to what is being presented.
For the next few weeks viewers will no doubt be (literally) hearing a lot about Ideal World's newest product the Vibrapower Coach, and I saw it for the first time yesterday at 7pm with Hayley Green and Rick Hay presenting. It actually has a useful feature for those interested in such a thing; you can choose one of six different exercise routines and a pre-recorded voice prompt tells you which exercise to do on the plate next (eg. press-ups) and for how long (eg. 30 seconds). This product was commissioned by Ideal World but what's interesting is their choice of presenter to provide the voice of the voice prompt; yes they chose Shreque of all people telling you what to do as opposed to someone like Rick Hay who is usually their choice of 'keep fit guru' (maybe they wanted someone who didn't sound too intimidating?), and Rick features on their prerecorded exercise DVD so he would have otherwise been a logical choice.

Of course I have a suspicion that Rick is privately a bit miffed as not having been chosen as the "voice of Vibrapower"; he wanted to start yesterday's exercise session without the voice prompt but Hayley wanted him to put it on (after all if your product has a shiny new feature you'd want to show it off), so in the future you'll hear Shreque rabbiting on in the background of Mr Flump's exercise demonstrations :mysmilie_59:

You can hear Rick's closet disdain for the voice prompt starting from 09:00 and again at 11:30 here: https://www.idealworld.tv/gb/shows/vibrapower-coach-blockbuster-2684250?channel=IW
That's hilarious !!!!
Perhaps they could develop voice activated products like Siri and Alexa with Peter Simon as the voice getting everything wrong , or a sat nav where he takes you over a cliff.
Or even talking books -fairy tales read by Joanne or Dennice , after all that's pretty much what they're doing already.
How about hypnosis tapes by Creepy Crawley where he subliminally persuades you that a ready made polyester curtain is a luxury item ?
I would be the first to buy !
For the next few weeks viewers will no doubt be (literally) hearing a lot about Ideal World's newest product the Vibrapower Coach, and I saw it for the first time yesterday at 7pm with Hayley Green and Rick Hay presenting. It actually has a useful feature for those interested in such a thing; you can choose one of six different exercise routines and a pre-recorded voice prompt tells you which exercise to do on the plate next (eg. press-ups) and for how long (eg. 30 seconds). This product was commissioned by Ideal World but what's interesting is their choice of presenter to provide the voice of the voice prompt; yes they chose Shreque of all people telling you what to do as opposed to someone like Rick Hay who is usually their choice of 'keep fit guru' (maybe they wanted someone who didn't sound too intimidating?), and Rick features on their prerecorded exercise DVD so he would have otherwise been a logical choice.

Of course I have a suspicion that Rick is privately a bit miffed as not having been chosen as the "voice of Vibrapower"; he wanted to start yesterday's exercise session without the voice prompt but Hayley wanted him to put it on (after all if your product has a shiny new feature you'd want to show it off), so in the future you'll hear Shreque rabbiting on in the background of Mr Flump's exercise demonstrations :mysmilie_59:

You can hear Rick's closet disdain for the voice prompt starting from 09:00 and again at 11:30 here: https://www.idealworld.tv/gb/shows/vibrapower-coach-blockbuster-2684250?channel=IW

Is it fair to say they chose Paul Becque as he is probably the least controversial presenter they have, as such. That and they have more legal intellectual property using him than Rick Hay... as I assume the guests are the equivalent of independent contractors.
That's hilarious !!!!
Perhaps they could develop voice activated products like Siri and Alexa with Peter Simon as the voice getting everything wrong , or a sat nav where he takes you over a cliff.

Imagine the sheer terror of a Peter Simon sat nav: "Go left, no, right, left, left again, not only this way but, 3-5-50 yards, no don't go that way you'll get stuck...right...Our Bet lives that way..."

LITTLE GOLLUM and the ridiculous Doddy Flump Rick Hay are shilling Vibrapower Coach. GOLLUM says : -

‘So this is it guys, it’s what the world has all been waiting for’

That drivel aside, how on earth does Rick Hay get away with it? :mysmilie_59:

That's hilarious !!!!
Perhaps they could develop voice activated products like Siri and Alexa with Peter Simon as the voice getting everything wrong , or a sat nav where he takes you over a cliff.
Or even talking books -fairy tales read by Joanne or Dennice , after all that's pretty much what they're doing already.
How about hypnosis tapes by Creepy Crawley where he subliminally persuades you that a ready made polyester curtain is a luxury item ?
I would be the first to buy !

The possibilites are endless...
It never ceases to amaze me when I see Rick Hay being touted as the keep fit expert. He looks like your average middle aged bloke who does the bare minimum of exercise. For someone who keeps using that "miracle" piece of equipment, he doesn't look fit or toned at all.

Have they lost GTECH by the way? Since whatsherface defected I haven't seen them feature them at all.
A Merry Christmas and Happy New year to all our forumites, and Graham and Sazza, who have made me smile, giggle and laugh outloud this past year, and kept us all in check!. I wish you all the very best and keep up the good work. :mysmilie_17:

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