Random musings/no argument zone


Help Support ShoppingTelly:

Andrea sounds rough today, does she have to hang about till 10 I wonder or does she go home and come back?

Dunno, I'd go home myself and not return! Yet again he reckons Bet has been wearing the thermals since December.

Are you still banned?

Yes I had a look just to see and got "The account associated with this email address is barred. Please contact customer services which are as much use as a chocolate teapot, won't understand anything your saying and may also sometimes if your lucky be rude"
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Megadrop... why are you banned ?

A long time ago when they had no restrictions on megadrops I got a lot of them as well as lots of full priced items, However now if you get more than 1 a week you get barred which to me seems unfair if both channels are doing lets say 20 a day for a week and you can only get 1....They do not make this clear on the channels and I was not aware of this restriction until it was too late, If you look in the Terms on the site it does say they can ban people who get more than 1 a week but realistically how many channel hoppers are going to go looking for that, It seems a good way for them to do megadrops and then cancel half of them and nobody else is any the wiser except the people who have it cancelled.

From past experience of their customer services I don't wish to have to call up and then not be understood by people who have no idea about the company they work for so I opened a new account under a different name in the run up to Christmas as I was trying to buy some presents, I think I bought about 5 items over 10 days all of which said on my account unprocessed, then 1 day I logged in to see they had all been cancelled for no reason (should also point out these were not megadrops but varied in price from 1p to £20) I sent an email asking why they were cancelling my items and got no response but 2 days later my account was barred so they obviously read the email and then blocked me...with time running out to get in time for Christmas I opened a further account and order 1 item as a test, the cheap toothbrush they sell which I was impressed with by the 1 I'd got a few weeks ago and wanted some spare heads for it, again this was cancelled and the account barred, By now I was fed up and went elsewhere

You would think that in their current financial health they would be happy to take any money, They could have had £100-£150 from me over the Christmas period as I also wanted that catch the light vase which regular forumers will know I went on about quite a bit on here
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I love how bid have acted like they have been taken advantage of.

Bid of all people... taken advantage of.

In another life I got a megadrop gemstone globe, On 1 of the rare times I phoned instead of using the website because it was down they called me back and because the idiot in the gallery didn't get the price down in time before it locked out following the megadrop explosion, screens saying £1 and the presenter having a stroke they wanted to charge me £359.99 I think it was, I said no it was a megadrop but they didn't get the price down in time

Oh no we wouldn't sell something for £1 sir, so would you like me to go ahead at £359.99 + the p&p? No It was £1

After a few more attempts and getting nowhere he said so you would like to cancel then? Yes

Is there anything else we can help you with today sir, No, Bye

****** useless

Another time they phoned up saying is that Mrs Xyz? No I'm Mr X, so you are Mrs Xyz oh hello, no I'm Mr X, oh you sound like a woman
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It looks like Steve has been lumbered with all the unsold Elvis stock. That should keep him busy, there was loads!

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